Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

279: Are You Kidding Me? Will The Sugar Water Be Bitter?

When Qi Lin heard this, he began to rack his brains. At that time, he was half asleep and half awake, half of his soul was immersed in the dream, so when he really woke up, he automatically forgot this scene.

After thinking about what happened this morning, Qi Lin recalled Zhao Min's attitude this afternoon, and then he could not help but ask Zhao Min: "So the reason why you are unhappy today is because I was angry this morning?"

Zhao Min nodded lightly. She felt that she did something wrong in this matter. In fact, their schedule was out of date, and she should not let her ideas be forcibly instilled on Qi Lin.

Qi Lin didn't take this matter to heart at all. He is a very angry person when he wakes up. During the time when he wakes up, he will think that the whole world is his enemy.

But it's fine when he gets up and goes there, he doesn't get angry like "527", as long as that period of time passes, everything will be fine with him.

Zhao Min didn't know what Qi Lin was thinking, she glanced at Qi Lin cautiously, and then asked Qi Lin.

"Then can you forgive me now?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled and waved his hands: "There's no excuse for this, I didn't take this matter to heart at all, if you didn't bring it up, I would have forgotten that this matter happened this morning.

"I'm a very angry person when I get up. From now on, just try not to disturb me in the morning."

When Zhao Min heard this, she breathed a sigh of relief, and then he nodded vigorously to Qi Lin and replied.

"Okay, I'll remember that!"

After the two of them chatted, the boss just served two desserts.

The dessert Qi Lin ordered was a serving of sugar water. He specially told the boss not to add too much sugar, so after the boss served the dessert, he couldn't wait to drink the soup with the soup.

After taking a sip, he felt that the tip of his tongue was getting sweet. Although he had told the boss not to add too much sugar, the sugar content in the dessert was still very high.

He frowned and said nothing.

At this time, Zhao Min also picked up the spoon and began to eat desserts. She was different from Qi Lin, the sealed desserts were marked with too little sugar.

Because of what happened in the morning, she was in a bad mood, so when Qi Lin asked the boss to put less sugar, she didn't also ask the boss to put less sugar.

This led to his tongue being tortured.

After taking a sip of the sugar water, he felt that the entire area from the root of his tongue to the tip of his tongue was bitter, not because the sugar water was bitter, but because the sugar water was too sweet.

Zhao Min even suspected that the boss had a catty of artificial sweetener at home. She took a deep breath and put the spoon back into the sugar water.

"Boss! Your dessert is too sweet, I can't drink it at all."

When the boss heard what they said, he ran out of the back kitchen in a hurry, and then he replied to Zhao Min: "So you want to change to sugar water, don't you?"

Zhao Min nodded to the boss, she did not forget to ask the boss to put less sugar this time, it is best to put only a little bit.

She made a gesture as she spoke.

After the boss saw this gesture, he immediately nodded to show that he understood, and soon the dessert was brought up again. After the sugar water was delivered, Zhao Min stirred it twice with a spoon, and then tasted it as if he was dead.

This time, the sugar water was finally not as sweet and bitter as before.

But even if the sweetness is not as high as before, Zhao Min can still feel his tongue is getting sweet.

The sugar content of the sugar water is too high, she put down the spoon directly after taking a few sips, and Qi Lin only took two sips, and stopped drinking. Many things here are not very appetizing to him

Both of them don't like sugar water very much, so they left the sugar water shop after sitting for a while.

After drinking the sugar water, the two of them went to eat in another restaurant.

Because they are going to climb the mountain next, in order to ensure sufficient physical strength, they must eat a meal before climbing the mountain.

After eating, the two of them finally went to the bottom of the mountain.

There are as many people at the bottom of the mountain as they imagined. There are a sea of ​​people, basically all of them are heads. Now is the tourist season, so many people come here to travel.

Seeing so many people, Zhao Min felt a little nervous.

She frowned and took a look, then Qi Lin said.

"Can we really squeeze in like this..."

Hearing their questions, Qi Lin thought for a while, and then said to Zhao Min: "If you want, I can take over the entire mountain and then only the two of us will climb it."

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's words, he began to draw the picture of what Qi Lin said in his mind, and then she smiled at Qi Ling with some embarrassment: "Don't be so exaggerated, other people are also here to travel, as long as they don't hinder our affairs."

"It's okay to let them climb the mountain with us."

Qi Lin has always been indifferent, whether it is just a few of them or going up the mountain with passengers, his ultimate goal is to enjoy the scenery.

After the decision was made, the two of them began to climb the mountain.

Mountain climbing is not an easy activity.

They have to walk slowly while maintaining their strength. This mountain is very high, so many people come here to climb the mountain.

It is said that as long as they can climb to the top of the mountain, no matter how they wish, they can get it.

Qi Lin was quite interested in this legend, he decided that he must go to the top of the mountain, and then make a wish to see if the top of the mountain will fulfill his wish.

Thinking of this, he and Zhao Min slowly climbed up the mountain.

There are many people climbing the mountain and taking the cable car. They queue up to climb the mountain while looking at the nearby scenery.

Because there were too many people, when these people were talking and walking, their arms would swing involuntarily, and the people around them were accidentally hit by him several times.

The two of them were wrapped in the flow of people, and after climbing up for more than ten minutes, they 1.0 decided to rest first.

In fact, the two of them haven't even begun to sweat yet. The main reason is that everyone's speed is too slow. In order to wait for everyone to catch up, he can only walk for a while and stop for a while.

This time he rested for two minutes, then continued to climb up, because other people had already caught up, he walked in the front, followed by passengers of all sizes, Zhao Min followed closely behind him.

Because she worked all year round when she was at home, she was able to catch up with Qi Lin quickly. The two of them led the way, and they listened to the chatter of the people behind as they walked.

There are too many people, and the mountain road is relatively curved, so they can only go around and around.

Zhao Min was able to keep up at the beginning, but it became more and more difficult for her later on, and she often stopped to rest for more than ten minutes after walking for more than ten minutes. .

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