Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

280: Boss Comes With Two Bowls Of Sugar Water

Two hours passed in a blink of an eye, and it was already four o'clock in the afternoon, and other tourists had slowly surpassed them.

Qi Lin glanced at Zhao Min who was squatting on the ground next to him.

"Are you okay? If not, we can rest here for a while."

Zhao Min did not expect to be so tired, the road up the mountain is too steep, and there are stairs everywhere, even if she exercises all the year round, this project is still very big for her.

"This is really too tiring..."

Zhao Min said dumbfounded.

She really didn't want to appear so exhausted.

But she really didn't have any energy. Seeing that there was only a little sweat on Qi Lin's face, she asked curiously.

"Is your physical strength so good?!"

"Why didn't I see you panting?"

Qi Lin heard Zhao Min's question, and he replied to Zhao Min.

"It may be because of my year-round exercise. If you are too tired, we will rest here for half a 21 hours."

"It just so happens that there is a pavilion where you can rest, let's go over there."

Zhao Min has no objection.

She really needs to rest for a while now.

You have to rest for at least half an hour until your body fully recovers before you can continue to climb.

Fortunately, there is no time limit here.

They can go up at any time, and the two walked side by side to the pavilion, and then they sat in the pavilion.

Besides the two of them, there are many people sitting here, they are all resting here, and their physical strength is worse than that of Zhao Min.

His face was already flushed red, and his body was covered with sweat.

In addition to the people resting here, there are also many people who sell sugar water. They make money by providing iced sugar water for everyone.

Many people were already exhausted at this moment, and when they saw the sugar water, they immediately gathered around to buy it.

Zhao Min also took a look. After Qi Lin noticed Zhao Min's gaze, he went directly to ask the boss.

"Hi, how much is a bowl?"

The boss replied while filling the sugar water.

"20 yuan for a bowl."

When Zhao Min heard the price, her eyes widened. Such a small bowl of sugar water is only five yuan in other places.

Here it turned four times.

She directly pulled Qi Lin away.

"Let's go, let's not buy twenty yuan here, they are stealing money!"

After Qi Lin was taken away, he smiled and said to Zhao Min: "His sugar water is iced, you should need it very much now.

Zhao Min shook his head resolutely and replied: "I don't need it anymore! It's too expensive. Instead of buying it here, I might as well buy it elsewhere after going down the mountain."

"The sugar water in such a small bowl costs 20 yuan, so you can really grab money!"

"Should I still have to thank him for giving me a glass of sugar water while stealing my twenty dollars?"

Zhao Min's mouth was like an assault gun, spitting out words incessantly, and Qi Lin smiled and listened to her. This is the advantage of having a partner during the journey, you can communicate with your companions, and you can also listen to your companions' complaints.

The two of them found a corner to rest, leaning against the wall and resting with their eyes closed, Qi Lin glanced at Zhao Min, and then he walked towards Tangshuitan.

The sun is very strong now, Zhao Min is sweating all over her body, and her face is also very red, as if two roses were hung.

Qi Lin felt that she needed a glass of sugar water at this time.

So he bought two bowls of sugar water directly from the boss.

When he went back, Zhao Min was not resting with his eyes closed.

Qi Lin touched Zhao Min's face with the sugar water on his hand, and he felt that something icy touched his face, and he would leave immediately.

She opened her eyes and looked like Qi Lin, and then found that Qi Lin was holding two cups of sugar water in his hand.

He covered his mouth in surprise, and then asked.

"Where did you buy it? Could it be that you bought it at the Tangshui Beach just now?"

Hearing their questions, Qi Lin smiled and sat on the chair, and then he replied to Zhao Min: "That's where I bought it."

Zhao Min looked at Qi Lin with hatred for iron and steel: "Didn't I already say it? We can buy such a bowl of sugar water at the foot of the mountain, and it only costs five yuan at most.

Qi Lin handed the sugar water in his hand to Zhao Min, and then he smiled and replied to Zhao Min: "But I have money."

Zhao Min didn't expect to get this answer. When she heard this answer, she was stunned for several seconds, and then she took the sugar water.

Qi Lin is so down-to-earth that he remembers that he is the richest man in the world.

It is normal for the richest man in the world to look down on mere 20 yuan.

After Zhao Min drank the sugar water, she felt much refreshed all over her body.

After Qi Lin took a sip, he asked Zhao Min.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

Zhao Min nodded with glowing eyes. Although the owner of this small stall sells sugar water at a very high price, the taste of the sugar water is indeed quite good.

Especially when the sugar water is iced, drinking iced sugar water in such a sultry weather is a very pleasant feeling.

Seeing them so happy, Qi Lin also became happy.

Because he doesn't like drinking sweet things very much, he didn't touch the sugar water in his hand much.

Zhao Min glanced at Qi Lin, and then he asked Qi Lin.

"Don't you like sugar water?"

When Qi Lin heard their question, he paused, and then he shook his head.

"I don't really like drinking."

When Zhao Min heard this, she 080 frowned and asked.

"Then why are you buying sugar water?"

Qi Lin didn't answer. After Zhao Min asked this sentence, he suddenly realized that he had asked a stupid question. Qi Lin didn't like to drink sugar water, but he went to buy sugar water, which meant that the sugar water was specially bought for her.

Zhao Min thought of this, her face became redder, she quickly changed the topic, she glanced at the sun above her head, and then she said to Qi Lin.

"Let's go after a five-minute break."

Qi Lin looked at Zhao Min worriedly: "Are you sure you've had enough rest? We're not in a hurry. If you still don't feel well, we can take another ten or so rest."

Zhao Min shook his head and replied, "I've really had enough rest. In fact, this amount of exercise is not a problem for me. It's just that I haven't climbed such a high staircase for a long time."

"The legs are too sore, so I need to rest often."

When Qi Lin heard this, he nodded, and when he was about to throw away the sugar water, Zhao Min stopped him.

"If you don't drink it, just give me the sugar water."

Qi Lin was a little hesitant because he had just taken a sip of sugar water.

"I've had it just now, have you?"

Zhao Min shook his head quickly.

"I don't mind, this bowl of sugar water costs twenty yuan."

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