Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

281: Although You Have Money, Don’T Waste It

"Although you are rich, I think it's better not to waste it.

Zhao Min didn't mind anymore, Qi Lin naturally wouldn't say anything, he handed Zhao Min the sugar water in his hand, and after Zhao Min finished drinking, he and Zhao Min continued to climb up together.

The two continued to walk up. This time they walked for twenty minutes before stopping to rest. Zhao Min couldn't help but put his hands on the nearby branches.

Qi Lin took a look around, because they stopped halfway, there were no stools near here, and they had to climb up for a while to find stools.

He asked Zhao Min.

"Why don't you just sit on the ground?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she shook her head.

"I'll just stand there for a while."

The two were resting on the side of the road, and Lighting's legs were too sore, so she could only put her hands on the branches and shift the weight of her body to her hands to relieve the burden on her legs.

When the two of them were standing on the side of the road to rest, Zhao Min suddenly screamed, Qi Lin was startled, and he turned to Zhao Min and asked.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Zhao Min covered his hand and replied to Qi Lin: "My hand seems to have been bitten by a bug."

You must know that the bugs in the grove are very poisonous. Qi Lin didn't hesitate when he heard what they said, and grabbed Zhao Min's hand. He checked carefully and found a small red mark on Zhao Min's tiger's mouth.

After discovering the wound, he took out a disinfectant and wound medicine that could be used from his bag.

Zhao Min did not expect Qi Lin to be so considerate, she watched Qi Lin carefully apply the medicine for him, she was a little surprised and Qi Lin asked: "Do you still bring these things with you when you go out?"

Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min: "Because I am away all the year round, I often keep some commonly used medicines on me."

"You should have been bitten by a poisonous bug. After I've disinfected it for you, try not to touch it with your other hand, and don't put your hands on trees or stone benches."

After listening to Qi Lin's instructions, Zhao Min nodded, and they continued to climb after resting for a while.

This time Zhao Min persisted for an extra long time, and they could feel that they were about to reach the top of the mountain, just when there was still a small distance to go.

Suddenly a child rushed down from above.

Because they were climbing the stairs now, the child didn't pay attention to the strength when going down the stairs, he directly knocked Zhao Min to the side.

Zhao Min let out a low cry, and was knocked down to the ground.

Seeing this, Qi Lin grabbed the child directly, and then he knelt down and asked Zhao Min.

"Are you OK?"

Zhao Min frowned and pressed her ankle, she replied Qi Lin.

"Looks like I sprained my ankle."

Just as Qi Lin was about to say something, he heard someone calling him.

"Hey, why are you dragging my child?!"

The speaker is a man.

Qi Lin turned his head and took a look. The man was very strong, tall and strong, and his weight should be nearly 200 catties.

Because of the fleshy face, the other party looked very difficult to mess with.

Qi Lin was not afraid of the other party, and when he heard the other party's words, he replied to the other party.

"Is this your child?"

When the other party heard Qi Lin's question, he nodded his chin, and then Qi Lin replied.

"This is my son, why are you grabbing my son's hand?! You are not a human trafficker, are you?"

Chapter 355

Qi Lin ignored the other party's words, and he replied directly to the other party.

"Your kid hit my friend, he has to apologize to my friend."

The child was struggling desperately in Qi Lin's hands. He really wanted to run back behind his father, but Qi Lin's strength was too great.

He felt as if his hand was clamped by an iron tongs, and he couldn't move at all. He was scared and cried.


When the child's father heard his son's cry, he hurriedly said to his son.

"Dad is here, don't cry!"

After finishing speaking, he gave Qi Lin a fierce look, and then said to Qi Lin.

"Let go of my child!"

"This road is so narrow, it's normal to bump into it, and it must be because you didn't look at the road, that's why you were hit by my son."

"If you had seen the way, this kind of thing would definitely not have happened, and you can only blame yourself if you want to blame it."

Zhao Min sat on the ground, she opened her mouth with a shocked expression, it was the first time she heard such an excuse, these few sentences had too many flaws, she was a little bit at a loss for a while.

The child was still crying, Qi Lin said to the child expressionlessly: "Apologize, if you don't apologize, I will push you down from here."

The child's father stared wide-eyed, and he shouted at Qi Lin: "How dare you?! If you dare to do this, I will...!"

The other party talked for a long time and still didn't say why, and he didn't know how to teach the man in front of him.

Qi Lin still stared blankly at the child in front of him. He couldn't do anything to a child, so he could only ask the child to apologize to Zhao Min.

He didn't expect that the child wouldn't even apologize, and just kept crying beside him.

When the child's father saw his son crying so much, he was very anxious. He walked up to Qi Lin and wanted to pull Qi Lin's hand away.

Then he discovered something that shocked him very much.

He couldn't pull Qi Lin's hand away.

His hand was still motionless under the forceful sawing.

"...I'll say it again, apologize quickly, if you don't apologize, I will push in."

How could the child's father let Qi Lin do this? He stood behind his child, and Qi Lin replied.

"If you dare to do this, I will call the police! (Zhao Zhao)"

"My child didn't do it on purpose. Didn't I already tell you? It's because you didn't watch the way that you were knocked down by my child."

Qi Lin was too lazy to talk to the child's father. The child was obviously spoiled by his father. He didn't like this kind of brat at all. For this kind of brat, the only way he could deal with it was to fight it with an eye.

Seeing that the child still had no intention of apologizing, Qi Lin was relentless, and he pushed the child down the stairs directly.

The location of this section of stairs is not narrow, so even if it is pushed down, it will at most suffer some skin trauma.

Qi Lin controlled his strength and pushed the child down.

The child's father didn't expect Qi Lin to really dare to do this. He was so shocked that even the child didn't react. When he reacted, he began to cry.

When he fell, his palms and knees were bruised, and the wounds are now bleeding. .

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