Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

282: The Sprained Ankle Is Still Broken

The child's father saw his child sitting on the ground pitifully, so he hurried over to comfort his child.

"Don't cry! Dad is here, Dad will take you to the hospital later!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled sarcastically, and then he said to the child's father: "Then I'm afraid you have to send him to the hospital as soon as possible. If you don't hurry up, the wound will heal soon."

The child's father was so angry that he gritted his teeth. He yelled at Qi Lin: "Are you a psychopath?! If you attack a child, are you still a fucking person?!"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders, and replied to the child's father: "I'm called repaying someone in the same way."

"According to your reason, he was pushed down by me because he was a child."

"If he wasn't a kid, he wouldn't have been pushed off by me."

These few words sounded as unreasonable as what the child's father said just now.

Because there are a lot of tourists at this time, some tourists go up and some come down.

Many tourists noticed the dispute on their side, and they all ran over to watch the excitement.

"What's the matter? What happened? What are you doing here at 183?"

The child's father heard the passenger's question, and he replied to the passenger.

"Please help us to report to the police, we want to accuse someone of intentionally hurting a child."

Hearing this, all the passengers cast curious eyes on Qi Lin. Qi Lin looked gentle and handsome, and he didn't look like someone who would bully children at all.

Qi Lin was not in a hurry to explain, he knelt down and asked Zhao Min gently: "Can you go now?"

Zhao Min tried to stand up, and just as she was about to take two steps forward, she found a sharp pain in her ankle.

" still hurts a little..."

When Qi Lin heard this, he replied to Zhao Min without hesitation: "Then let's go to the hospital now."

The child's father did not expect that the two of them would ignore him so completely, he was stunned for a moment [Qi Lin and Zhao Min shouted: "What about my child? You must give my child an explanation!"

The child was still crying on the ground.

The scene was a little chaotic for a while.

Passengers didn't know what was going on, so they could only watch from the sidelines and ask a few words occasionally.

Qi Lin had no intention of wasting time here, he supported Zhao Min and said to Zhao Min.

"Let's go, I'll take you down the mountain to find a hospital."

Zhao Min was not reconciled, she had already climbed for so long, and only the last little bit was left to reach the top of the mountain.

She didn't want to just give up.

"No, there is only a little way left, let's go up.

Qi Lin didn't follow Zhao Min's words. He looked at Zhao Min's ankle. Now Zhao Min's ankle was completely swollen. He didn't know if Zhao Min's foot was broken.

If it is a fracture, it must be dealt with as quickly as possible.

In order not to let Zhao Min's foot suffer from sequelae, he forcefully took Zhao Min down the mountain, Zhao Min said to Qi Lin while struggling.

"Actually, I'm really fine, aren't we just going to take a look?"

"I really want to take a look at the mountain scenery."

When Qi Lin heard this, he sighed and replied to Zhao Min: "No, what if your ankle is broken?"

Mei Guo cut her head and replied: "Don't worry, I know it well, my foot is definitely not broken.

She is not a professional doctor, so Qi Lin does not believe her words.

She was forcefully taken down the mountain by Qi Lin. The journey down the mountain was smoother than the journey up the mountain. After they went down the mountain, they arrived at the hospital without stopping.

Whether going down the mountain or going to the hospital, Qi Lin always carried Zhao Min on his back.

At the beginning, Zhao Min felt very embarrassed, she struggled hard on Qi Lin's back, but later on she didn't have this trouble.

After she got used to this posture, she felt that this posture was quite comfortable (cdch).

After the two of them went to the hospital, they went to register.

The account he registered was an expert account.

Although the cost of the expert number is expensive.

But there are very few people in line.

They will be available soon.

The two of them waited for about half an hour.

The hospital's radio finally taught them their numbers.

Zhao Min didn't feel it at the beginning.

After a few hours, she began to feel a sharp pain in her ankle, and she grinned the corner of her mouth in unbearable pain.

Seeing how uncomfortable Zhao Min was, Lin squatted and said to Zhao Min, "I'll carry you on my back."

Zhao Min rejected Qi Lin's kindness, she felt that with such a small distance, she could jump over even with one foot.

So in the end the two of them went into the infirmary together.

The doctor sitting in the infirmary heard the voice from the door, he didn't even lift his head, he asked Qi Lin and Zhao Min while looking at the computer.

"What's wrong?"

Zhao Min heard the doctor's question, she replied to the doctor.

"I fell down, but I don't know whether it's a sprained foot or a broken bone. Please help me to have a look."

When she said this, she handed over the medical records in her hand to the doctor. The doctor looked at them briefly, and then he put the medical records aside and said to Zhao Min.

"Since this is the case, you guys should go and take a film first. After the film is finished, I will show you whether it is a fractured bone or a sprained ankle."

Zhao Min had no opinion.

Soon the two of them finished filming and came back.

After the expert watched the film, he said to Zhao Min and Qi Lin: "Don't worry, there is nothing wrong with the ankle, it's just a sprained ankle.

Hearing this reply, both Zhao Min and Qi Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

After knowing that my foot was not broken.

Zhao Min swaggered out of the hospital.

He certainly didn't get out of bed and walk out of the hospital.

He was pushed away by Qi Lin in a wheelchair.

"I still think it's a pity, we should go up and take a look at the scenery above.

When Qi Lin heard this, he glanced at Zhao Min, and then he put the plaster on Zhao Min's ankle.

"Don't be sorry."

Zhao Min still doesn't quite understand the weight of this sentence.

Just when the two of them were about to walk out of the hospital.

Here they meet people they are unlikely to meet.

These two people are fat and small children.

In the car just now, he was in a hurry to send Zhang Min to the hospital, so he didn't communicate with these two people.

"Why are you here too?"

Hearing the question, the fat man and the child looked at each other, and then skillfully made up a lie.

The two of them replied to Qi Lin: "We also came to the hospital to check our bodies. Is there any problem?"

Qi Lin shook his head and replied.

"Of course there is no problem."

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