Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

283: The Director Has Something To Do With Me?

"But since you are here, let's settle the things we didn't finish just now."

Originally, Qi Lin wanted to find these two people after showing Zhao Min's feet, but he didn't expect these two people to come to him by himself.

"Your kid hasn't apologized to her yet.

When the child's father heard this, he was very angry.

"Why do you want my child to apologize to you, you just pushed my child down the stairs, causing his hands and feet to be all injured."

"I haven't pursued this matter with you yet. You still want my child to apologize to you. Let me tell you, go ahead and dream!"

Speaking of this, he remembered something, and suddenly he smiled.

"I have already called the police! Just wait, the police will find you soon."

When Qi Lin heard this, he didn't take it seriously at all, he said to the child and his father.

"So you're still not going to apologize, are you?"

The child's father didn't expect Qi Lin to be so reticent. He said they had already called the police, but Qi Lin still didn't take it seriously.

"We just don't apologize, if we want to apologize, it should be you who apologize!"

After he finished speaking, a few policemen came in outside, his eyes lit up immediately when he saw those policemen, and then he ran over and said to those policemen.

"Here, here, we called the police!"

Hearing what he said, the police walked up to them and spoke to them.

"We received a report that someone intentionally hurt someone here, is it Hui?"

When the child's father heard the question, he immediately raised his hand and answered.

"I called the police. They deliberately pushed my child down the stairs. Many people saw it!"

"Please take them into the police station and let them have a good meal!"

When the policeman heard this, he glanced at the child. The eye sockets of the child were still red. They were swollen from crying too much just now.

They frowned and Qi Lin asked, "Is it true?"

Qi Lin didn't intend to deny it. He nodded to the police and replied, "I pushed it right, but it's also because this kid attacked my friend first, so I repay him in the same way."

The police heard him admit that they said nothing to Qi Lin and Zhao Min directly.

"Then please come with us."

Zhao Min grabbed Qi Lin's hand worriedly, Qi Lin shook his head at her, and then said to the police.

"Okay, can I make a phone call first?"

The police did not refuse Qi Lin's request. Qi Lin walked to the side, took out his mobile phone and called the assistant.

When the assistant saw the call from Qi Lin, he knew that he had something to do again, so he answered the phone without hesitation.

"President Qi."

Qi Lin said directly to the assistant: "You should know where I am now. There are several policemen who want to take me back now. Please help me arrange it."

The assistant is used to dealing with this kind of thing, so after hearing Qi Lin's words, he didn't hesitate, and Qi Lin replied directly: "Okay [I'll call now to ask about the situation."

After hanging up the phone.

Qi Lin walked back to the police and said to the police.

Let's go. "

Of course Zhao Min would not let Qi Lin go to the police station alone. She was in a wheelchair and was invited to the police station together by the police.

Chapter 359 Do not accept the settlement

In addition to the two of them, the child and the child's father were also together.

As the informants, the two of them must go to the police station to record their statements.

The child's father didn't know why Qi Lin was so calm. He tried to see a little panic on Qi Lin's face, but he didn't see anything.

When they arrived at the police station, they were invited in to drink tea together, and their statements were recorded. Generally, in such cases, they end up hearing the Fa privately.

In the case of private affairs, it is usually compensation. The father of the child directly proposed that if he wanted to privately, he would have to pay tens of thousands of dollars in medical expenses.

Qi Lin also rejected this request very decisively. The police did not expect Qi Lin to be so stubborn.

After all, if there is no reconciliation, Ou Lin will be imprisoned here for several nights.

"Are you sure you really don't want to reconcile?"

Qi Lin heard the police question, he glanced at the policeman, and then he replied to the policeman.

"of course not."

"His kids haven't apologized to my friends yet, why should I settle with them?"

The policeman was suddenly speechless. The current situation is that Qi Lin needs to apologize, not the child. He feels that Qi Lin doesn't seem to understand the situation.

...asking for flowers...0

"Did you misunderstand something?"

"The child accidentally bumped into your friend, but you deliberately pushed the child down the stairs. The two situations are not of the same nature. You need to apologize to the victim."

"If you don't accept the settlement, I'm afraid you will be imprisoned here."

"You probably don't want to leave a record for this kind of thing, I don't think you are dressed like a person without money.'

Just when the policeman was nagging and trying to adjust the relationship between the two of them, the colleague of the other party came over and called him.

"your phone!"

When the policeman heard what his colleague said, he paused, and then he said to Qi Lin.


"Think about it for yourself first, and when I come back, I hope you can think it over clearly before answering me.

When Qi Lin heard the other party's words, he smiled and said nothing.

The policeman saw his reckless appearance, and he frowned tightly and walked away.

He walked into the office and picked up the phone. Normally, only the leader would make this call.

Originally, he thought it was his superior leader, but he didn't expect that it was the bureau chief who called him directly.

"Director? What do you want from me?"

When the director heard his question, he asked the other party: "Did you bring a man called?"

Hearing the director's question, he was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes, I'm in the bureau now, what's the problem?"

The director took a deep breath, and then he replied to the policeman: "The problem is serious, let him go quickly! No matter what he asks, he will be satisfied!"

The policeman didn't expect the chief to say that, he raised his eyebrows in surprise, and then he asked the chief: "What?!"

The chief sighed deeply, and he replied to the police: "What else could it be?! His identity is not someone you and I can provoke!"

The policeman did not miss this opportunity, and he asked the chief: "Who is he?"

The director hesitated a few times, and finally told Luo Qi Lin's identity.

At this moment, Qi Lin was still waiting outside. While he was waiting, the child's father was looking at him provocatively. .

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