"You'd better beg me for mercy and compensate me now, if you don't, then don't blame me for being merciless.

When Qi Lin heard what the child's father said, he also smiled: "Do you think I will be afraid?"

The child's father curled his lips. He looked Qi Lin up and down, and then he said to Qi Lin, "The man in the clothes looks human, but I didn't expect him to be a little bastard!"

"It's a big deal that we won't reconcile. I'll give you a seven-day package! After staying here for seven days, you will add a record to your resume!"

"This is the price for offending us!"

The other party talked a lot about Qi Lin, Qi Lin's left ear went in and his right ear came out, he looked at the other party like a clown, the other party said a lot, and said that his mouth was thirsty, Qi Lin still didn't respond.

The child's father always felt that "six five seven" was a bit strange, because Qi Lin's reaction was really not like a person who was about to enter the police station's big package.

Just when he was in doubt, the policeman came out. As soon as the policeman came out, he immediately put the doubts in his heart behind him.

"I've decided, I don't want to reconcile, please arrest him now!"

Hearing what the child's father said, the policeman cleared his throat, and then he replied to the child's father: "I just thought about this matter carefully, but in the final analysis, this matter is still your child's fault."

When the child's father heard this sentence, he opened his mouth wide, and his mouth opened into a big circle.

"Are you kidding us?"

The policeman replied very seriously to the child's father: "Do you think I am joking?!"

"I just asked my colleagues and they said the stairs are so wide, why would your little one bump into someone's friend?"

"Isn't it because he was playing around on the stairs?"

"As a parent, you didn't teach this child well, and you should apologize to them."

The child's father couldn't bear it anymore. He stood up and said to the policeman, "Are you sick?! So what if the child is playing on the stairs?!"

"They shouldn't have pushed my kid down the stairs, what if they did?"

The policeman acted as if he hadn't heard this sentence, and he continued to say to the child's father: "If you don't apologize, then we can only consider locking you up first."

The child's father took a breath, he didn't expect the people here to be so unreasonable.

"I think you are crazy! The person who called the police is obviously me, you should arrest him, why did you arrest me?!"

Qi Lin looked at the child's father as if watching a joke. The more the child's father thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. From the beginning, Qi Lin's attitude was surprisingly calm.

Thinking about it now, this is simply because he knew that he would not be caught, so he was so calm.

"I see, you are in the same group, right?!"

"Call me your chief, I want to sue you!"

After the child's father finished speaking, he started to make a fuss in the police station. He refused to apologize, and kept making troubles. The police frowned sadly.

He felt that he himself should not have called the police today. He never thought that he would receive such a hot potato today.

The police definitely can't ask Qi Lin to apologize to the child's father now.

But the child's father was unwilling to apologize to Qi Lin, and the matter was completely deadlocked.

The child's father was still making trouble in the police station, Zhao Min tugged at Qi Lin's arm, and asked in Qi Lin's ear, "How did you do it?

Obviously, the police asked them to apologize just now, but now after answering a phone call, they asked the child's father to apologize to them.

She is not stupid, she can guess the effect of that call.

She just didn't know how Qi Lin did it.

When Qi Lin heard Zhao Min's question, he made a car-sound, and then he replied to Zhao Min: "Have you forgotten who I am?"

Of course Zhao Min knew who Qi Lin was, but she just didn't expect that the richest man in the world could do so many things.

The child's father was still making trouble in the police station, and everyone was disturbed by the noise. You must know that other colleagues also have things to do.

Now because the children's fathers have been making troubles all the time, they can't do their own things with peace of mind.

"Call me your bureau chief or director. If you don't call out, then I'll keep making trouble here, holding a banner at your door every day!"

The child's father made a lot of trouble. Just when they were thinking about whether to invite the director out, the director rushed to the police station...

"Are you looking for me?!"

When the child's father heard the question, he glanced at the chief suspiciously, and then he asked the chief.

"Who are you?"

When the director heard the question, he formally introduced himself to the child's father.

"I am the person you are looking for, the director of the headquarters.

Hearing the director's words, the child's father stood up from the ground without saying a word, and then he explained the situation to the director, and pointed out that the police and Qi Lin were in the same group.

The policeman silently rolled his eyes at the side. It was the chief who asked him to change his rhetoric just now. It is useless to tell the chief now.

Just as he thought, after the director finished listening, he decisively said to the child's father: "Isn't this your child's problem? Since it is your child's problem, let your child apologize to this gentleman's friend first."

The child's father never thought that they would speak in unison, and he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

Now he finally realized one thing.

That is, if he does not apologize, he is likely to get a seven-day police station package.

Everyone in the police station was staring at 5.2's father. His face turned blue and red. After a while, he took a deep breath and said.

"That is to say, if I don't apologize, this matter will be difficult, right?"

Although the child's father didn't know why the people at the police station were so obsessed with Qi Lin's side, he guessed that Qi Lin's status might be much higher than he imagined.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the people at the police station to stand so firmly on Qi Lin's side.

After realizing this, he hesitated for a while, and finally apologized to Qi Lin.

When Qi Lin heard the other party's apology, he shrugged his shoulders and asked the other party: "Why are you apologizing to me?"

"It's not me that your child pushed."

When the child's father heard this, he silently clenched his fist.

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