After a while, the child's father took a deep breath and apologized to Zhao Min.

"I'm sorry, I didn't teach my own child well. I shouldn't let him play on the stairs and let him bump into you."

When Zhao Min heard this, she glanced at Qi Lin, and without saying a word, Qi Lin raised the corner of his mouth and said to the child's father: "It's not you who hit my friend, but your child. Your child should apologize to my friend, right?"

The child's father hears this. He almost couldn't resist swinging his fist. Qi Lin deliberately didn't make it clear to embarrass him. He wanted to directly attack Qi Lin, but he was afraid that he would really be locked up here.

His job is fairly decent, and if he leaves a criminal record, he will lose his job.

The child was already frightened and crying by the side, but this time he learned his lesson and stopped crying, just shedding tears silently.

When the child's father saw his son crying silently, his heart was almost broken. He gritted his teeth and said to his child.

23 "Hurry up and apologize to that sister."

The child didn't expect that his father would really make him apologize. His father has always spoiled him very much, and no matter what wrong things he did, he would always help him out.

This was the first time his father's car rolled over, and he felt very panicked. He couldn't say a word in fear, and only knew to cry silently.

The child's father was a little anxious. If he continued to stay here, he might really be locked up in the police station, and then a small matter would become a big one.

"Quickly apologize to this sister."

The child's tears fell more and more fiercely. He didn't like the feeling of everyone looking at him. He hid behind his father in fear, and then whispered to Zhao Min.

"I'm sorry sister, I shouldn't have knocked you down."

After all, the other party was just a child, and when Zhao Min heard that the child really apologized to her, she felt relieved.

"Well, I accept your apology."

When the child's father heard this sentence, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief. He felt that Zhao Min's words meant that the two of them would not be held accountable.

Just when he was about to leave quickly, Qi Lin stopped the two of them.

"Where are you planning to go?"

The child's father was holding his child, and when he heard the question, he turned to look at Qi Lin and said, "Didn't we apologize already?"

Hearing what the other party said, Qi Lin curled his lips and replied, "When did I say that as long as you apologize, we will forgive you?"

"We just accepted your apology. As for reconciliation, we will not accept it. 7"

"So I'd better trouble you to stay here for a few days."

"Of course, we will not force the children to live here."

When the child's father heard this sentence, he almost lost his breath. He didn't expect Qi Lin to be such a rascal, they had already apologized, and they still didn't let the two of them go.

When the chief heard Qi Lin's words, he called the police without saying a word, and arrested the child's father.

As for the child, they contacted the child's other relatives and asked them to come pick up the child.

After dealing with this matter, the director asked Qi Lin with a flattering smile on his face.

"Is there anything else we can help with?"

Hearing the other party's question, Qi Lin shook his head and replied: "No, thank you for your help.

The director quickly waved his hand and replied, "Wherever, that's what we should do. If you have any local places you want to go or food you want to eat, you can tell me at any time."

Zhao Min stood by and looked at the director's enthusiastic attitude, she was a little flattered, they didn't stay in the police station for long before leaving.

Although the people in the police station were very enthusiastic about them, this was a more serious occasion after all, and they didn't want to stay there for too long.

Qi Lin pushed Zhao Min's wheelchair, and he asked Zhao Min: "Are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Zhao Min shook her head, and she replied in a somewhat dejected manner, "I don't have much appetite... Sigh, I would have been more careful if I knew it earlier... I really want to go up and have a look."

When Qi Lin heard this sentence, he didn't say anything, but just pushed Zhao Min forward. Zhao Min hesitated for a while, and finally asked his doubts.

"Why did you treat that kid so..."

When Zhao Min said this, she didn't know what words to use to describe Qi Lin's attitude. Qi Lin knew what Zhao Min wanted to ask, so he answered Zhao Min directly.

"Because I hate bear children very much, these children are spoiled too much, since their family members don't plan to teach them, then I will teach them.

After Zhao Min finished listening, she burst out laughing suddenly.

Qi Lin didn't expect Zhao Min to laugh. Seeing Zhao Min's happy smile, he couldn't help asking curiously, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhao Min replied to Qi Lin: "I just didn't expect you to be so strict with children. Didn't you say you already have children?"

"Are you so strict with your own children?"

When Qi Lin heard their questions, he thought of his little princesses, and then he said to Zhao Min with a happy face.

"Of course not, those are my little princesses, and they are also very obedient and sensible."

Zhao Min nodded teasingly: "So that's the case... I think there is one word that can describe your attitude..." 500

Qi Lin looked at Zhao Min with a strong thirst for knowledge in his eyes, Zhao Min laughed and said.

"Your attitude should be called a double standard!"

After speaking, both of them laughed.

Qi Lin was in a wheelchair and it was inconvenient to take a car, so Qi Lin pushed the wheelchair and walked. They walked together, and Zhao Min discovered that this road was not the way back to the hotel.

"Aren't we going back to the hotel?"

Qi Lin shook his head and replied, "Take you somewhere."

Zhao Min didn't know where Qi Lin was taking her, but she wasn't worried.

After getting along these days, she has realized that Qi Lin is a very reliable person.

As she walked, she found that they had returned to the mountain they went to this afternoon.

"How did you bring me back?"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and replied to her: "Aren't you regretting not being able to go to the top of the mountain to see the scenery?"

"In that case, let's take a look.

Zhao Min glanced at her feet, her current condition was obviously not suitable for climbing up again.

"But my feet..."

Qi Lin said directly to Zhao Min: "It's okay, we can just take the cable car."

After finishing speaking, he took Zhao Min directly to the place where he took the cable car.

When he arrived at the place, Zhao Min found that there was no tourist here except the two of them and the staff. .

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