Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

290: Thank You For Taking Me To The Comic Exhibition

Except for the two of them, the people here are all dressed in costumes.

It was just the two of them in casual clothes, looking a little out of place.

Zhao Min pulled her clothes a little embarrassedly, and she asked Qi Lin, "Why don't we leave here, I don't think we can fit in here without wearing professional clothes."

Hearing this, Ou Lin was a little dumbfounded.

"What's the matter, there is no clear rule here that if you don't wear professional clothes, you can't enter this place.

After Qi Lin finished speaking, he looked at Zhao Min, and then he found that Zhao Min still had some embarrassing and embarrassing applications on his face.

After seeing the expression on Zhao Min's face, he thought for a while, and finally said to Zhao Min.

"Otherwise, let's go to the neighborhood to buy two sets of clothes first." "070" Zhao Min thought this suggestion was good, she nodded.

Qi Lin took the photos to a clothing store, and the two of them briefly looked at them, because they never looked at two-dimensional things, so it was a bit troublesome to choose.

The two of them looked left and right, and finally they asked the boss who sold the clothes to make a recommendation.

The boss saw two handsome men and beautiful women coming to choose clothes, his eyes were straightened, and when Qi Lin asked him to help recommend assistants, he immediately nodded and said with a smile.

"Oh, you are right to ask this question, don't worry, I have been selling clothes for so many years, and I have a very accurate eye for people, you two are such good-looking people, if you want to wear clothes that look good, that's very good Simple things."

When the boss said this, he took out at least ten sets of clothes. He put all ten sets of clothes on the shelf in front of him, and then let Qi Lin and Zhao Min choose freely.

Qi Lin and Zhao Min took a closer look, and then they picked out a few sets of clothes that looked relatively simple.

Most outfits required at least two or three layers of clothing, which the two of them didn't want to mess with.

After the two of them simply danced two sets, they went directly into the clothing room to change.

Qi Lin chose the simplest outerwear. He got dressed in a few minutes and went out to wait for someone.

As soon as he walked out, he found that many people in the store were looking at him. He smiled politely at everyone, and then sat by the side and waited for Zhao Minya's clothes to come out.

After waiting for about ten minutes, Zhao Min's head emerged from the clothing room, and then she called out to the proprietress.

"Excuse me, can you come in and help me, I really don't know how to wear this thing."

After the proprietress heard the call, she hurried into the clothing room, and then she said to Zhao Min.

"It's like this for the first time. Come on, girl, I'll help you wear it."

After the proprietress finished speaking, she quickly helped Zhao Min get dressed.

Qi Lin waited outside for about ten minutes, and then he saw the proprietress and Zhao Min walking out together.

Although Zhao Min's skin is dark, her facial features are very bright, and she looks strangely beautiful.

When Zhao Min came out, she was a little embarrassed. It was the first time she wore this type of clothing, and it always felt a bit awkward to wear.

Seeing Qi Lin staring at her all the time, she asked Qi Lin a little embarrassed.

"Is it weird? If it's weird, I'll change my clothes."

Chapter 373 Warm Friend

Hearing this, Qi Lin immediately shook his head in denial and said, "Don't worry, it's really not surprising at all.

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin say this, she hesitated for a moment, and then she asked Qi Lin again.

"Then...does that look good?"

Hearing the question, Qi Lin smiled, and then he smiled and replied to Zhao Min: "Of course it looks good."

When Zhao Min heard this, she also laughed, since the clothes had already been bought, there was no need for them to stay in the store any longer.

Qi Lin checked out directly, and then the two of them walked out wearing this dress.

This time, they are no longer part of the crowd, they are very harmonious with the people around them. This comic show has a lot of fun and novel things.

The two of them went shopping for a long time, because they didn't understand this aspect of culture, so they didn't know many things clearly when the two of them were shopping

They felt that they had been patted on the back, and when they looked back, they found that it was some young girls.

Those little girls asked the two of them shyly.

"Is this the first time for the two of you to come to Comic Con? Why haven't we seen you before?"

Hearing the questions from these little girls, Qi Lin and Zhao Min looked at each other, and then they replied to these little girls...

"We are indeed here for the first time."

When the little girls heard this, they were very excited, and then they said to Zhao Min and Qi Lin.

"Since this is your first time here, let's take you shopping!"

After the few girls finished talking, they took the two of them around very enthusiastically.

These two little girls are obviously very familiar with the things in the comic exhibition. They took the two of them around and explained them to the two of them at the same time.

Originally, the two of them knew only a little about everything in the comic exhibition, but after the explanations from these little girls, they learned a lot.

After shopping for about an hour, they finally finished shopping all the places in the exhibition.

They were just a bit new to this place, but not much, so after seeing all the places, the two of them decided to go out and find a place to eat.

When they were looking for a place nearby, they found that the nearby restaurants were basically full of people, so they asked these little girls.

"Do you know of a good restaurant that doesn't have to wait in line?"

When the little girls heard the question, they looked at each other 0.7 times, and then they replied to Zhao Min.

"How is it possible? Generally, there are many people queuing up for delicious restaurants, but we can get a seat first!"

After fiddling with these girls, they finally got the number plate ahead of time, and it would take about half an hour before their turn.

After these girls knew that the two of them were leaving, they all asked them shyly.

"Well, can we take a few photos with you? You look so good-looking, and you look even better in these clothes.

When Qi Lin heard what these girls said, he smiled and replied to the girls.

"Of course, thank you for showing us around the show.

After seeing the photos, these girls continued to go shopping in other places. The two of them were so hungry that they planned to eat early.

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