Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

291: Don’T Ask Me The Specific Reason

When it's their turn, they can enter the restaurant for the first time.

When the two of them walked out of the comic exhibition, they found that those girls had also arrived outside the comic exhibition. Qi Lin hesitated for a moment, and then asked Zhao Min.

"Why don't we ask them if they would like to go to dinner with us?"

Zhao Min also thought this proposal was good, she nodded to Qi Lin, and then Qi Lin ran to those girls and asked them.

"The two of us plan to go to the restaurant now. Are you hungry? Do you want to eat with us? It's also a thank you for taking us to the comic exhibition."

The girls were a little embarrassed, and they didn't feel that they had helped much.

If people invite them to dinner because of such a small matter, they don't feel very good.

"It's better for you to eat by yourself, let's go shopping, and then just eat something casually."

Qi Lin knew that these little girls were embarrassed, so he said directly to these little girls.

"Let's go, you're welcome, it doesn't matter if it's just the two of us to eat, let's go."

These little girls couldn't resist Qi Lin and Zhao Min's enthusiasm. In the end, they went with Qi Lin and Zhao Min.

When they went to the restaurant, it happened to be their turn, and several of them entered the restaurant together to order food.

Zhao Min and Qi Lin saw that these little girls were a bit reserved, so they directly gave the menu to these little girls, and then said to these little girls,

"Don't be polite to us, just order what you want to eat."

That is to say, but those little girls still ordered very few things.

It was an hour and a half after we finished eating, and everyone was very satisfied. The dishes in this restaurant are really delicious.

Several little goddesses were very interested in the two of them, and they kept asking about the two of them when they were at the dinner table.

"That...we want to ask you one thing, I hope you will not be angry."

Hearing the questioning of these little girls, he said to the little girls.

"Just ask."

These little girls cleared their throats, and then asked the two of them with star eyes.

"Are you two a couple?"

When Qi Lin heard the question, he was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled and replied to a few little girls.

"Do you think the two of us look like a couple?"

These little girls nodded shyly, they really thought so.

There is no way, Qi Lin and Zhao Min stand together, it is too eye-catching, they look very talented.

Seeing them nodding, Qi Lin replied with a smile.

"Then you may be disappointed, this sister and I are not in a relationship, we are just friends traveling together.

They didn't think that Qi Lin and Zhao Min were just friends, because the two were quite close in some actions.

They always thought the two were a couple.

Zhao Min was listening all the time, and didn't interrupt the discussion. When she heard these female doctors ask if they were a couple, her heart beat faster secretly.

God knows how much she wants to hear the words of confession from Qi Lin, but she also knows that this is just her own fantasy.

Therefore, she has been sitting by the side and listening quietly, and has no intention of joining the discussion.

Qi Lin has not chatted with such young girls for a long time. Seeing that these little girls know so much about the comic exhibition culture, he couldn't help asking these little girls.

"Can I ask when you guys attended Comic Con? I think you're pretty familiar with Comic Con."

The little girls replied with some embarrassment: "We started to participate in this kind of activity five years ago."

"Because we especially like watching anime and manga, we have participated in activities since a long time ago, and fortunately our family members are also very supportive of us.

Chatting and chatting, another half hour passed?

It was very late now, Zhao Min and Qi Lin worried that these little girls would be in danger when they went back, so they asked them to go back quickly.

After the girls returned, they turned to Zhao Min and asked, "What's wrong?"

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's question, she asked with some doubts: "I have nothing to do..."

Qi Lin stared at Zhao Min's eyes, almost embarrassed by staring at Zhao Min, so he said to Zhao Min.

"But why do I feel that you are a little unhappy?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she was stunned. She wasn't unhappy, but she just didn't have any interest. The questions from the girls just now directly touched her heart.

She even started to wonder if she should go back.

She accidentally fell in love with Qi Lin, but Qi Lin obviously didn't mean anything to her in this regard. She felt that if this continued, she would definitely fall deeper and deeper.

But she was reluctant to leave Qi Lin just like that, and her entangled heart made her thoughts even more chaotic.

Seeing Zhao Min lost in thought alone again, Qi Lin felt even more strange.

He already felt that Zhao Min was a little absent-minded recently, and what happened today made him feel that he had to have a good talk with Zhao Min.

Back at the hotel, Zhao Min returned to the room absent-mindedly. Just as she wanted to go directly to the small room in the suite, 640 was stopped by Qi Lin.

"You wait first."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhao Min looked up at Qi Lin with some doubts, and then she asked Qi Lin.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min.

"I think the two of us may need to have a good talk. If you continue like this, how can the two of us be companions on the next journey?"

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhao Min's heart skipped a beat for a moment, and what she thought at that moment was that Qi Lin knew what she wanted.

"So are you willing to tell me what happened? Is there something wrong with me that makes you uncomfortable?"

When Zhao Min heard this sentence, she couldn't tell whether she was relieved or sighed.

It seems that Qi Lin still doesn't know what she wants.

Thinking of this, Zhao Min walked up to Qi Lin and sat down in silence, then she hesitated for a while and said to Qi Lin.

"I may not be able to continue traveling with you."

When Qi Lin heard this, he opened his eyes wide in surprise and looked at Zhao Min.

"So what happened?"

Zhao Min took a deep breath, and then Qi Lin replied.

"Don't ask me the specific reason, and I'm very sorry, but I really can't travel with you."

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