Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

293: At This Time, Who Else Sells Fishing Rods?

The cold behind the two of them was unbearable, so they had to open the suitcase on the spot and put the quilt in the suitcase on their bodies.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks like two fat men standing on the side of the road.

They waited for about half an hour before they finally got an empty taxi.

The location of the hotel is quite far from the airport, because they are more demanding on the quality of the hotel rooms, so they chose a hotel with very good quality and decoration.

It was already four o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived at the hotel. As soon as the two of them arrived in the hotel room, they threw all their luggage aside regardless, and then slept on the bed.

It has to be said that whenever the weather is cold, people's drowsiness is easy to appear.

The two of them slept from the afternoon until 12:30 in the morning. After Qi Lin woke up, he groped on the bedside table, then checked the time on his phone.

Knowing that it was already half past twelve in the evening, he pushed Zhao Min who was lying next to him.

Zhao Min snorted, frowned and opened her eyes. Seeing Qi Lin looking at his phone, she asked Qi Lin.

"What time is it?"

Qi Lin heard their question, he 173 replied to Zhao Min.

"It's already 12:30 in the morning, go and wash up quickly, and we'll go out for dinner later."

Hearing this, Zhao Min nodded, but refused to move out of the bed.

Seeing that Zhao Min didn't want to get up, Qi Lin pinched Zhao Min's nose and said to Zhao Min.

"Little slob, get up quickly, aren't you hungry at all?"

Zhao Min pouted and replied.

"But it's really comfortable to lie under the quilt, let alone you beside me."

When Qi Lin heard this, he couldn't help laughing a few times in a low voice.

"The same goes for lying down after dinner, I don't want to starve to death in a hotel room.

"The world's richest man starved to death in a hotel room. This kind of thing is really shameful. I don't want to choose this way of death."

Zhao Min burst out laughing straight away, sometimes Qi Lin is really outstanding, and life will never be boring with him.

After the two of them fought and fought in bed for a while, they got up to wash up and were ready to go out for dinner.

The local food here is more famous (cieh) beef and mutton. They will use some uncommon cooking methods, such as roast lamb or beef, and then add a lot of seasonings that they have never eaten.

The two of them went out for a stroll, and found that many people were selling roast lamb.

It happened that the two of them were really hungry, so they just sat down at a roadside stall and ate.

After ordering a lamb, they sat on chairs and waited.

After waiting for about ten minutes, the boss brought up the cut mutton.

Seeing the delicious mutton, their bellies rang at the same time.

The mutton in front of them was delicious and looked good, so they couldn't help their appetites. They tentatively bit down a piece of mutton on the dinner plate in front of them.

Immediately afterwards, they felt their taste buds exploded, because the mutton in their mouths was so delicious.

In fact, they didn't have much expectation for the mutton in front of them.

After all, this is a roadside stall, and they don't think the mutton at the roadside stall will be so delicious.

As a result, they did not expect that everything was beyond their expectations.

The two of them were already hungry, so with the efforts of the two of them, they ate half a sheep's meat.

It has been more than half an hour since the two of them ate and drank enough.

Seeing how the two of them enjoyed eating so much, the owner of the roadside stall spoke in a non-standard international language.

"Thank you for liking my roast lamb."

Hearing what the boss said, Qi Lin replied with a smile to the boss.

"The roast lamb you made is really delicious."

The two people chatted, and they chatted about the places that can be used to play nearby.

The boss is a local here, and he is quite familiar with the places that can be played nearby.

According to the boss, there are many places where you can enjoy the scenery. If you want to play, you can go to the nearby glacier.

Generally, people who go to the glacier are either skating or fishing.

With the advice of the boss, the next goal of the two of them became much clearer. They decided to go skating and fishing near the glacier.

"Do you know where I can buy skates or a fishing rod?"

The owner is a very enthusiastic person.

Hearing that the two of them were really going to go fishing, he immediately said to the two of them.

"It just so happens that there are no guests at the moment. If you really want to go, I'll take you there."

Qi Lin and Zhao Min didn't expect this person to be so enthusiastic. They looked at each other and said to the boss.

"Isn't that good?"

The boss replied to the two of them with a smile.

"Why is this bad?!"

"Damn! Anyway, I'm bored here now, and as you can see, I only have you two guests. If you really need help, I'll just take you there.

When Zhaoming and Qilin heard this, they glanced around, and it was indeed midnight, there were not many people coming out, and there were not many people who would eat at roadside stalls.

Since the boss was so enthusiastic, of course the two of them would not refuse. With their sincere thanks, the boss took them to buy fishing rods.

It is already past twelve o'clock in the morning, and under normal circumstances, the shops selling fishing rods are already closed.

The boss took them to his own shop.

They didn't know it at first, but after the boss finished opening the shop, they discovered that it was the boss's own shop.

Qi Lin said to the boss dumbfounded.

"So you wanted to bring us here to buy fishing rods.

The boss replied while laughing.

"That's right, otherwise who would sell fishing rods at this time?"

Zhao Min asked the boss curiously: "Aren't you selling roast lamb?"

The boss nodded and replied, "It's true that I sell roast mutton, but who said that a seller of roast mutton can't sell fishing rods?"

"Come, come, these are all fishing rods in my shop, take a good look, tell me which one you like, and I can give you a discount.

Zhao Min and Qi Lin looked at the dazzling fishing rods in front of them, and they picked two at random.

The boss looked at the fishing rods in their hands with disgust.

"How do you choose this one? Forget it, let me help you choose!"

The boss felt that the vision of the two of them was really bad, and the fishing rod they chose was particularly easy to break. .

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