Under the sincere recommendation of the boss, the two of them finally paid off and obeyed the rules, and chose two fishing rods that were particularly difficult to part with and left.

Originally, the boss wanted to take them there to go fishing together, but because the two of them insisted that they could go by themselves, so the boss didn't continue to send them.

After leaving the boss's shop, Zhao Min couldn't help but Qi Lin said: "This boss is really too enthusiastic, I can't stand the enthusiasm."

Qi Lin laughed when he heard this, and then he replied to Zhao Min.

"Actually, I think you also competed with him when you opened the shop. You were not so warm to entertain me back then?"

When Zhao Min heard this, her face flushed with embarrassment, and then she curled her lips and replied.

"The reason why I was so warm to you at that time was purely because you were much more handsome than other guests, so I was so warm to you. If it was someone else, I wouldn't be so big Enthusiasm."

When Qi Lin heard this, he immediately asked Zhao Min with a surprised expression.

"So you've actually been thinking about me for a long time, haven't you?!~"

Zhao Min cleared her throat, and she squinted her eyes and replied: "Don't think too much, the reason why I noticed your appearance at that time was because your appearance had a very good impact on my eyes.

"In your words, it's very seductive, so I will pay attention to you and give you more enthusiasm. At that time, I absolutely didn't have any unreasonable thoughts about you."

"If I had had unreasonable thoughts about you at that time, I wouldn't have traveled with you."

Hearing this, Ou Lin tapped Zhao Min's forehead with his fingertips.

"What do you mean by this sentence? Could it be that if you were interested in me at that time, you really didn't want to go with me?"

When Zhao Min heard the question, she nodded to Qi Lin very seriously.

"Yes, if I was really interested in you at that time, I would definitely not be willing to go with you, because I think it's very bad.

Qi Lin couldn't understand Zhao Min's brain circuit.

In his mind, he felt that since he liked him, he must be together. He didn't understand why Zhao Min couldn't travel with him because he liked him.

If he were Zhao Min, the moment he realized that he fell in love with his partner, he would immediately launch an offensive to pursue him, so he wouldn't have so much time to hesitate.

But obviously, the brain circuits of the two of them are not on the same line.

Zhao Min saw Qi Lin's thoughtful expression, she pinched Qi Lin's cheek, and Qi Lin replied.

"Oh, anyway, I'm already with you now, so it's useless to say so much.

The more Qi Lin heard it, the more he felt something was wrong.

"What do you mean? If you are not with me now, do you want to regret it? You don't want to be with me anymore?"


Zhao Min looked into Qi Lin's eyes seriously, she looked into Qi Lin's eyes and Qi Lin asked: "Do you really want to know the reason?"

Seeing Zhao Min's serious look, Qi Lin raised his eyebrows, and then replied to Zhao Min, "Would you like to tell me?"

Zhao Min took a deep breath, and then she let out all the breath in her heart.

"The reason why I don't want to face my own thoughts, and always choose to be entangled and embarrassed, is because you don't belong to me alone."

"From a very long time ago, I have already decided on my future mate selection. The person I choose does not need to be too handsome or rich, but he must belong to me completely. Human."

When Zhao Min said this, she looked directly at Qi Lin: "Do you think you are such a person?"

After Qi Lin listened, he didn't speak. In fact, not only is he not such a person, but he is far from this kind of person. He is a born playboy.

His feelings for everyone are the same, he just wants to give every woman who likes him a love.

He himself knew that he was a scumbag, but so what? He was a scumbag clearly, and the scumbag put all his circumstances on the bright side.

He never hides his situation from anyone.

If you want to, then be with him, if you don't want to, he will not choose to force.

This kind of thing is a play of your love and my wish.


Zhao Min's entanglement is nothing more than falling in love with him, but she can't accept that he is not hers alone.

Regarding this entanglement and embarrassment, Lin couldn't do it for her.

Both of them were silent, and the mood of both of them was affected, so the entertainment of going fishing was terminated.

Both of them returned to the hotel room a little dejected.

When returning to the front desk of the hotel room, Zhao Min suddenly said to the person at the front desk.

"Please open another room for me, thank you."

Hearing what they said, Qi Lin paused for a moment, and he turned to look at Zhao Min, but Zhao Min didn't look at him.

Qi Lin didn't stop Zhao Min's actions. In fact, he himself was a little angry. He thought that since it was a good trip, why would he bring up some unhappy things?

Even if he has a wife and children, and now his wife and children are not around, why must he care about these things?

He didn't understand at all, so he chose to face it with silence.

The two of them fell into a cold war inexplicably. Originally, they decided to have a big meal the next day. Because of the cold war, the two of them slept until the afternoon and didn't get up.

Zhao Min suffered from insomnia last night.

In fact, she also knew that most of it was because she was looking for trouble. She already knew Qi Lin's situation, but she still agreed to be with him.

Now that you have agreed, you shouldn't casually bring up such things.

But she couldn't help it.

Zhao Min suffered from insomnia last night until early in the morning, and only fell asleep in a daze in the morning. When she woke up, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

When she woke up, she touched the side reflexively with her hand, and found that the place next to her was empty, and she woke up suddenly.

After fully waking up, she remembered what happened last night.

She remembered that she and Qi Lin had quarreled.

Zhao Min suddenly felt that she was particularly wronged, and her nose started to sore when she was wronged.

Qi Lin in the other room didn't feel anything. He wasn't the type with thick brains, but he didn't think there was anything to cry about. .

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