Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

296: Who Says You Can’T Fish At Night

Zhao Min began to complain that although she hadn't seen any movies, it didn't mean she didn't have the ability to appreciate good movies.

Seeing that the sky has darkened now, Zhao Min couldn't help but feel a little sad when she thought about wasting time again on some meaningless things.

She sighed deeply.

Seeing her sigh, Qi Lin pointed to her brow and said, "Don't sigh and frown every day. If you continue to do this, your brow should have lines.

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's words, she replied to Qi Lin.

"Then what can I do? When I think about wasting more than half an hour just now, watching a bad movie."

"I can't feel better."

Hearing Zhao Min's words, Qi Lin looked at Zhao Min seriously, and then said to Zhao Min.

"Has your mentality changed now? You were not like this before. You told me that travel is to enjoy the scenery of the journey."

After Zhao Min listened to it, she didn't think there was anything wrong with the sentence 29.

"Yes, isn't it like this? The reason I still think so is that I should appreciate the scenery of the journey."

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled.

"Yeah, so what are you doing now?"

"Whether it's the sights we see or the movies we see, it's something we enjoy during our journey, whether it's good or bad, it's what we experience

"Why must our eyes only see good things and not bad things?"

Zhao Min was a little stunned, she didn't expect Qi Lin to say that, she thought Qi Lin would be more impatient than herself.

Qi Lin saw Zhao Min in a daze, so he continued to smile and replied to Zhao Min.

"I know what you mean. You just think that we don't have much time to stay here, and you don't want to spend some irrelevant time on some meaningless things."

"But if strictly speaking, is our tourism meaningful? In fact, it is not entirely true.

"The reason why we want to travel is nothing more than to experience some people and things that others have not experienced, or to see some people and things that others have experienced."

When Zhao Min heard this, she covered her ears, and then said to Qi Lin.

"Okay, okay, I see, can you stop talking, every time you come to this time, you are like a talking old woman!"

Qi Lin couldn't help laughing, the two looked at each other, and then laughed even louder.

After laughing, Zhao Min asked Qi Lin.

"So, where should we go now? Is it really just a stroll around?"

Hearing Zhao Min's words, Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and replied to Zhao Min.

"How could I just take you around for a while, let's go, I have already arranged the following activities."

Zhao Min looked at Qi Lin curiously, Qi Lin was always able to give her some small surprises when she was unexpected.

Qi Lin directly took Zhao Min to the beach.

"We're going up now."

Zhao Min's eyes widened in surprise, she didn't expect Qi Lin to bring him directly to the side of the boat.

"You don't mean to take me on board, do you?"

Qi Lin nodded: "Didn't we already buy the fishing rod?"

"Since we have bought it, of course we have to put it to good use."

"Let's go."

After Zhao Min finished listening, she followed Qilin onto the boat with a blank face.

Originally, she thought that the scene would be the two of them sitting by the lake fishing together, but unexpectedly Qi Lin chartered a boat directly.

This is completely different from what she imagined.

At the same time, it also made her aware of the ideological gap between herself and Qi Lin.

Qi Lin is really too rich, so no matter what he does, he will go to war, but he has to admit that Zhao Min really likes the surprise of being alone.

After arriving on the boat, the two of them began to appreciate the night view. Now it was getting dark, the sun had long since disappeared, and the moon was about to come out. The two of them enjoyed the view.

After enjoying for half an hour, it was completely dark.

Zhao Min asked Qi Lin with some doubts.

"Didn't we come here to fish? How are we going to fish when we are so black?"

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and replied to Zhao Min.

"Who said we can't fish when the darkness is black, I think fishing at night is also a good activity.

"Come on, let's try."

Zhao Min saw Qi Lin's look of swearing that he could catch fish here, so she immediately took out the fishing rod from the big backpack she brought.

"Come here, whoever is afraid of whom!"

After the two of them took out the fishing rod and the bait, they immediately started fishing.

Fishing itself is an activity that tempers the mind.

When she just started fishing, it proved that she was a little stunned looking at the distant scenery.

The scenery on the sea is really good, and the sea breeze makes her feel very comfortable. She is surrounded by people she likes, doing the things she likes, and she can enjoy such a good night view.

Zhao Min felt an unprecedented sense of happiness.

Her whole body seemed to be soaked in happiness.

Qi Lin was fishing when he suddenly heard laughter from the side. He turned his head and saw Zhao Min showing a happy smile. 093

He tilted his head in some doubts and asked Zhao Min.

"What's wrong?"

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's question, she shook her head silently, and then replied.

"Nothing, just keep fishing."

Hearing this, Qi Lin continued to fish with his head.

After about half an hour, there was still no movement from Zhao Min's side, and Qi Lin had already dropped two fish and came up.

Zhao Min thought it was incredible, she didn't know how Qi Lin did it, how could he catch two fish in such a dark night within half an hour?!

Seeing that Qi Lin successfully dropped another fish, Zhao Min finally couldn't help asking Qi Lin.

"How on earth did you do that?!"

When Qi Lin heard their question, he turned around and asked Zhao Min in doubt.

"How did you do that?"

Zhao Min vigorously pointed at the fish barrel?

"Of course it's fishing. How on earth did you manage to catch so many fish in such a fast time?"

"How can you catch so many in such a dark place?"

Hearing Zhao Min's question, Qi Lin couldn't help smiling and replied.

"Of course it depends on my own strength. Do you want me to help you? If you want me to help you, you can just say so.

Zhao Min raised his head proudly and replied. .

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