"Of course I don't need it anymore, just wait, I will surpass you soon!"

After another hour or so, Zhao Min still had nothing to gain, but Qi Lin's side was full of gains.

When Zhao Min saw that Qi Lin's fish bucket was almost full, she felt even more incredible.

"I see, it must be because your bait is different from mine, no, we have to change each other!"

After Qi Lin heard it, he couldn't laugh or cry, he reasoned with Zhao Min calmly.

"Both of us took bait from the same bucket."

"How could there be a difference?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she started to lose her temper.

"I don't care! It must be that your bait is better than mine, so you can catch so many fish, you have to change it with me.

This kind of thing is harmless, Qi Lin did not refuse, he and Zhao Min changed the bait.

When he was about to change the bait, he realized that Zhao Min's bait had already been taken away by the fish.

"Didn't you... check your bait? Your bait has already been taken away."

Hearing this, Zhao Min realized that her fish had already been bitten by the fish, and she was very angry.

"Damn! I just said why there has been no movement!"

Seeing how angry they were, Qi Lin thought for a while, and then he pushed the fish bucket beside him over.

"for you."

Zhao Min saw Qi Lin's actions, she shook her head and Qi Lin replied.

"No, I have to catch it myself. If I don't catch it myself, I will not be convinced, I will not be reconciled!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he didn't say anything more. After he helped Zhao Min hang the bait, he fished with her.

After about half an hour, this time Zhao Min checked his bait from time to time, but still no fish took the bait.

Qi Lin on the other side has already caught two more fish.

Qi Lin felt that he had almost lost it, and if he continued fishing, they would not be able to finish it in two or three days.

When he was about to close the pole, he saw Zhao Min's stubborn expression, he thought for a while, and then sat beside Zhao Min.

When Zhao Min saw Qi Lin's actions, she asked Qi Lin.

"What do you want?".!"

Qi Lin replied to Zhao Min: "No, let's see how you fish?"

Zhao Min snorted and said in a petty temper.

"Don't you just want to see my jokes, and feel ashamed that I haven't caught any of them.

When Qi Lin heard this, he quickly raised his three fingers.

"I don't think so, and I swear to God, I'm absolutely not ashamed of you.

After Zhao Min finished listening, she snorted again, and then stopped talking.

Originally, fishing is an activity that requires calmness. It is best not to have too much movement on the sea, otherwise the fish will be scared away.

It's not that Zhao Min has never fished before, you know she is a seaside vocalist, and she is still in the seafood business.

However, most of the methods he used before were fishing with fishing nets, and he rarely used fishing rods.

After all, the fishing rod can only catch one fish at a time, and can only catch two at most when encountering stupid fish. In this case, the income and efficiency of the fishing net are much better than that of the fishing rod.

So she usually uses fishing nets, which makes it impossible for her to catch any of them.

Chapter 387 Surrounding Teaching

"You don't fish this way."

Hearing Qi Lin's words, Zhao Min asked suspiciously.

"Then what method should I use to fish? Don't we all just sit here and wait until something happens?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he sighed, then shook his head, and put the fishing rod away again.

He changed the bait on the fishing rod, and then he said to Zhao Min.

"You can observe how I fish."

Now the two of them are very intimate, Zhao Min is sitting in Qi Lin's arms, enjoying the night view and fishing at the same time, she can't help but get distracted.

When she was in a daze, the fishing rod in her hand finally moved. When she realized that she was going to lift the fishing rod subconsciously, she felt that her hand was being held down.

Qi Lin's big hand tightly wrapped Zhao Min's hand. Although Zhao Min has been running around with Qi Lin these days, she is still a lot whiter than when she was in her hometown.

Now the skin color of the two people has gradually widened the difference, the visual impact of the big hand wrapping the small hand is very big, Zhao Min was stunned again.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to mention it?"

Hearing Zhao Min's question, this said to Zhao Min.

"Fishing pays attention to methods and methods. You can't bring it up immediately for a movement like the one just now, because it will scare the fish away."

"Generally, just as soon as fishing makes this kind of movement, it means that the fish has not yet taken the bait."

""||They haven't completely bit the hook yet, so there will be tremors. Generally speaking, if they really bite the hook, it should be...

When Qi Lin said this, the pole in his hand moved again, he grabbed Zhao Min's hand and lifted it up quickly, and then Zhao Min saw a fish hanging on the fishing pole.

Zhao Min opened his mouth wide in surprise: "My God, how did you do it?!"

When Qi Lin heard the question, he smiled and replied to Zhao Min.

"Actually, if you fish a lot, you will naturally understand that this kind of thing is based on intuition and experience."

"I guess you used to fish with nets all the time?"

Zhao Min nodded. She told her very honestly about her previous fishing experience with a fishing net.

After Qi Lin finished listening, he nodded and replied.

"It is indeed some good experience, but it is not very useful for us now."

"How about this, you continue to fish here, and I will accompany you until you catch the main rod.

(Good king, good) Zhao Min asked with some doubts.

"Why did you catch three fish?"

Qi Lin and Zhao Min explained that he and Zhao Min caught the fish just now, so next time Zhao Min needs to act by himself.

When she can catch two fish by herself, it means that she has fully learned the skills Qi Lin taught her.

After Zhao Min knew about it, she concentrated on fishing, but unfortunately, her way of grasping strength was not quite right, and she would often pull up the fishing rod suddenly before the fish took the bait

After about half an hour, the two of them were growling with hunger, and Zhao Min still didn't catch a fish by himself.

Seeing Zhao Min's dejected look, Qi Lin smiled and patted her head and said.

"Okay, it's a big deal, let's continue to work hard after dinner, there is no need to be downcast because of this little thing.

"Come on, let's go in and eat."

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