Qi Lin hired a lot of staff in the boat. When they were fishing, the staff had already prepared meals.

Once they're in, there's just enough time to eat.

The staff stood beside them and waited, and Zhao Min and Qi Lin took their seats together.

After the two of them sat down, Zhao Min suddenly said to Qi Lin: "I've only seen this kind of scene in TV dramas before, but I didn't expect this to happen to me now.

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled and said to Zhao Min.

"Then let me interview you, how does it feel to be a heroine?"

Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's question, she cleared her throat, and then replied to Zhao Min.

"Cough cough cough... My feeling is really... so cool!"

When Qi Lin heard this, he laughed out loud, and the two of them laughed together for a while. They started to eat, and it was more than half an hour after they finished eating.

After all, they are at sea now, and of course they want to eat seafood, but neither of them like seafood very much.

The reason why Zhao Min doesn't like seafood very much is because the place where he was born has a lot of seafood, and he has been tired of eating it since he was a snack.

The reason Qi Lin doesn't like seafood very much is because some seafood is fishy and doesn't suit his taste very much.

520 So the two didn't eat much, and they stopped their chopsticks "just when they wanted to go out and go fishing later.

Suddenly a staff member ran out from the cabin.

"It's not good, we may need to go back now."

Hearing what the staff said, Nalin asked the staff suspiciously.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the staff explained the reason in detail. It turned out that the weather had changed, and there might be thunderstorms later.

For the sake of safety, they must return immediately from now on.

After Qi Lin knew the reason, he immediately asked the staff to ask the captain to go back first.

If you want to go fishing, you can do it at any time. Life is the most important thing. After all, there is only one life.

After Zhao Min heard that the weather had changed, she was very scared.

It was only after she came out that she realized that there were so many dangers outside, and it was very likely that she would lose her life if she was not careful.

Qi Lin deliberately checked the weather forecast before sailing. At that time, the weather forecast did not show that it would rain, nor did it show that there would be thunder.

This weather can be said to have caught him off guard.

Seeing that Zhao Min looked a little frightened, he took Zhao Min to the room first, let her have a good rest, and then went to the captain's cab by himself.

After arriving at the captain's bridge, he asked the captain.

"How about it?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the captain told the current situation.

In fact, the current situation is not bad. Since they discovered the change in the weather in time, they are now speeding up to go back.

There were also people sent out to support them at the rudder, so the situation was actually not bad for them.

After hearing the captain's report, Qi Lin nodded to the captain, and then he asked the captain.

"Then how long will it be before we can go back?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the captain frowned, and after a while, he replied to Qi Lin.

"According to our current speed, it will take about half an hour."

"Otherwise, why don't you go back and rest first?"

"After you rest, we will almost go back."

Qi Lin didn't say anything, knowing that it would take about half an hour to go back, he immediately went back to the room on the boat to accompany Zhao Min.

Because Zhao Min was scared, she hid in the room and did not fall asleep.

Seeing Qi Lin finally came back, she went up and hugged Qi Qilin and asked.

"Where did you go just now? You really scared me to death..."

"There was a thunder just now, did you hear that?"

Hearing Zhao Min's question, Qi (cjaf) Lin nodded and replied to Zhao Min.

"I heard it, it's all right, the captain has already told me that we can go back in half an hour at most, and I will definitely make up for you when I go back.

"Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side."

Zhao Min nodded cautiously in Qi Lin's arms, and then the two of them stayed in the room for about half an hour.

After half an hour, they finally went back safely.

I don't know if it was bad luck or what.

Not long after they went back, the change in the weather stopped.

But at that time, they had already returned to the room. As soon as they returned to the room, they found that the thunder and rain had disappeared.

Seeing the weather where the thunderstorm disappeared, Zhao Min curled her lips and said.

"Isn't this too much?"

"Why did the thunderstorm weather disappear as soon as we got back?"

"Could it be that we are not allowed to go out on a cruise on purpose?"

When Qi Lin heard what they said, he burst out laughing, then he touched Zhao Min's hair gently, and replied to Zhao Min.

"It's okay, if you still want to go fishing, I can continue to take you fishing next time."

She was already thinking about it, but she was really taken aback when she was on the bed just now.

When she was on the plane before, she was also scared, and it may be that a shadow has been left in her heart since then, "I always feel that I will lose my life anytime and anywhere because of the weather.

It is precisely because of this that she no longer has any thoughts about fishing.

Afterwards, the two of them only went to scenic spots, and neither of them went to other dangerous places.

Zhao Min didn't want to go, and Qi Lin didn't think it was interesting because he had already been there, so the two of them never went.

On the third day after this incident, just as they were about to leave, a piece of news was suddenly broadcast on TV.

This time the news said that a ship had an accident outside. When Qi Lin was watching the news, he suddenly felt that the ship looked familiar, so he squinted his eyes and took a look.

Then he turned on his mobile phone to check the number of the ship where the accident occurred, and he found that the serial number of these ten ships was exactly the same as the one they boarded a few days ago.

After discovering this, he told Zhao Min about it.

Zhao Min also thought it was a very coincidence, the two of them thought about it, and then went to the shipping company over there before leaving.

Later they learned one thing, that is, the ship was in disrepair. .

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