Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

299: The Next Road Needs Me To Walk Alone

Originally, they planned to check at that time.

However, due to various reasons, the ship was not able to be repaired in time, so it finally capsized.

After knowing the reason for the capsized ship, Zhao Min couldn't help but be thankful, after all, according to what the company said.

If they hadn't come back in time, they might have really died on this boat.

After Zhao Min and Qi Lin left, Zhao Min couldn't help but said to Qi Lin: "Do you think someone is protecting us?"

Hearing their questions, Qi Lin asked Zhao Min dumbfounded.

"Why do you say that?"

Zhao Min and Qi Lin replied: "Isn't it like this? I think someone must be protecting us. Otherwise, we had hoped that there would be no thunderstorms. Why did it rain and thunder all of a sudden?"

Qi Lin shook his head, saying that he didn't know the answer, and there were many things in life that he didn't know the answer to.

This incident did not cause any splashes in their lives, and they traveled to another country the next day.

In this country, birds are singing and flowers are fragrant, and it is spring all year round. The only disadvantage is that the place is too small.

This place is so small that it only takes one day to visit all the attractions here.

Although there are many tourists here, most of them only stay for a day or two before leaving.

Originally, the two of them planned to do the same, but Zhao Min fell ill.

Zhao Min fell ill like a mountain. Originally, her body was very healthy, but when she fell ill, she collapsed on the bed and couldn't get up.

"I'm sorry, if it wasn't for me, we would have left long ago."

Zhao Min lay on the bed, breathing very weakly and apologized to Qi Lin.

Hearing Zhao Min's apology, Qi Lin sighed and said to Zhao Min.

"There's nothing to apologize for. It's hard to be sick, and you didn't want to be sick. I didn't take good care of you. I should be the one to apologize.

Zhao Min shook her head, her lips were very pale, she had lost at least eight catties recently, and she looked much less energetic than before.

Qi Lin didn't expect that Zhao Min just had a cold and a fever, and he would actually make his body look like this.

He has already called many doctors to come over for help. Those doctors said that Zhao Min may not be suitable for the climate of other countries.

After traveling to several countries in a row, Zhao Min's body couldn't take it anymore, so he fell ill directly.

Now all the doctors are helping Zhao Min to see a doctor.

Qi Lin was helping Zhao Min wipe his face when there were a few knocks on the door, he ran out to open the door for the doctor, and then said to the doctor.

"Please help me to check again and see when she will be fully recovered?"

This doctor is the best doctor in the local area. The doctor is not in the local area all the year round, and often goes to other countries. He asked his assistant to make various appointments and pay money to invite this doctor.

When the doctor heard Qi Lin's words, he nodded towards Qi Lin, and then went to help with the examination.

Zhao Min obediently asked the doctor to examine him, and the doctor asked Zhao Min after half a day's examination.

"Have you already had symptoms of discomfort in your body?"

When Zhao Min heard this, she nodded and shook her head.

"Actually, it's not uncomfortable. At first, I just felt dizzy or stuffy nose occasionally."

"I don't think it's uncomfortable, so I didn't go to the doctor..."

Hearing this, the doctor sighed and shook his head and replied.

"You should be people who often run around. This lady's physique is not suitable for running around for such a long time. My suggestion is to stop quickly and find a suitable place to rest."

When Zhao Min heard this, she quickly got up and said.

"How can I do that, I haven't traveled enough yet!"

The doctor replied directly.

"If you don't want to continue to live, then you can continue to travel. As I said earlier, if you continue to run like this, your body will definitely collapse within a year."

"At that time, you won't be able to raise it if you want to. I still hope you can think twice."

"I'll prescribe a few medicines later, most of them are for boosting your spirits. I hope you can return to your hometown as soon as possible to recuperate your health."

After the doctor finished speaking, he left some medicines and left.

When only Zhao Min and Qi Lin were left in the room, neither of them spoke.

0. Asking for flowers......

The two of them didn't know what to say. It was originally agreed that the two of them would travel around the world together, but now Zhao Min fell ill directly because his physique could not accept such a tiring trip.


Zhao Min apologized.

She felt extremely guilty.

It was not easy to come here with Qi Lin, but now she had to go back early because of her health.

Zhao Min is not someone who is confused. Traveling the world is her dream, but for her, dreams are precious and life is more expensive.

Only when she is still alive can she feel more things.

Qi Lin knew why Zhao Min apologized, he shook his head and replied to Zhao Min.

"It's okay, I'm fine, I'm just afraid that you think too much, as long as you don't think too much, then I'm fine.

"After two days, I'll take you back after I've dealt with the matter here.

When Zhao Min heard this, she resolutely rejected Qi Lin's offer, and he replied, "No, I don't need it!"

Qi Lin was stunned, he didn't expect Zhao Min to say that, he asked Zhao Min in a daze: "May I ask, what does this mean?"

Zhao Min took a deep breath, and then Qi Lin replied: "I can go back by myself, I have already delayed your time too much, I don't want you to go back with me again

"And since it's me going back, it's my journey alone. I've always been with you, and now I need to adapt to being alone."

She spoke incoherently.

But Qi Lin probably understood what she meant.

The relationship between the two of them was no longer that simple partnership as it was before departure. To her, parting not only meant that she couldn't fulfill her dream, but also meant breaking up.

Although the two of them didn't say a word about breaking up, they both knew it well.

Once they can no longer travel, the connection between them will be broken, after all, the life circles of the two of them have never overlapped.

Seeing Qi Lin's silence, Zhao Min took a deep breath, then she smiled and said to Qi Lin, "Okay, I'm really fine, I'm still a little sick."

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