Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

300: It's Too Late To Get On The Plane

"I'm a little sleepy, I'm going to bed first.

After she finished speaking, she buried herself directly in the quilt.

Qi Lin wanted to say something else at first, but when she saw that Zhao Min had already buried herself in his arms, as if he didn't want to listen to him, he thought for a while, and finally left.

After about five minutes, Zhao Min cautiously poked her head out from under the quilt. She looked at the room where Qi Lin was no longer there, and the eye oil fell out all at once.

Why doesn't she want to continue traveling with Qi Lin.

But she is not physically suitable for traveling. In fact, he has been able to vaguely feel uncomfortable during this journey, but she has been deliberately ignoring it.

Because she was very scared, she would find out what disease she had when she checked, and she couldn't travel with Qi Lin.

Things really developed as she imagined. She knew that "187" said that Qi Lin liked to travel very much, and she didn't want to delay Qi Lin, so when Qi Lin hadn't brought it up,

She chose to offer it herself.

Be decent without hurting yourself.

Zhao Min originally thought this way, but she found that it was not the case. Even if she only brought it up by herself, she was also very sad.

She was crying alone in the empty room.

In fact, Qi Lin didn't go far, he heard Zhao Min crying heartily in the room outside the room door, he sighed silently.

He knew that Zhao Min's desire to travel was no weaker than his. It was a very difficult and sad thing for her to give up traveling and break up with him.

He originally wanted to comfort Zhao Min, but no matter how he thought about it, he couldn't think of how to comfort Zhao Min.

Thinking in another way, if he had encountered such a thing, he would not want to be comforted by anyone.

So he came out of the room, and now hearing Zhao Min's wailing, he felt very uncomfortable.

When Zhao Min's movements gradually subsided, it was already more than an hour later.

Qi Lin was about to go into the room to have a good talk with Zhao Min when he heard his mobile phone ringing.

He turned on his cell phone and found that it was a call from the doctor. After answering the call, the doctor asked him to pass the call to Zhao Min.

Without hesitation, Qi Lin pushed open the door and walked in, then gave Zhao Min the phone.

Zhao Min's eyes were swollen from crying, and when she saw Qi Lin handing her a mobile phone, she didn't say anything, just took it.

"What's matter??"

The doctor heard what Zhao Min said, and he replied to Zhao Min.

"Hello, I'm your attending doctor. Your condition is not very good now, so I want to discuss with you. If the situation permits, can you go through the formalities of returning to the city in these two days?"

Hearing the doctor's words, Zhao Min was silent for a moment, and after a while, she replied to the doctor.

"I understand, I will complete the formalities in these two days."

After saying this, she handed the phone directly to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin didn't continue to talk on the phone, he hung up the phone directly, and then sat by the bed and looked at Zhao Min.

The two of them didn't speak for a long time, and they didn't know what to say. Qi Lin didn't know how to comfort Zhao Min, and Zhao Min didn't know how to talk to Qi Lin.

After the two of them stayed in the room for a while, Qi Lin asked them.

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat together?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Zhao Min nodded slightly, and then the two of them went out to eat together.

After going out, the two of them chatted more and more. They didn't talk about going back, but just chatted about many things.

The matter was a foregone conclusion, and both of them felt that it was useless to talk any more, so they didn't talk about anything on this topic.

They have been chatting non-stop tonight, whether they are eating or walking, their topics seem to never end.

Zhao Min bought a ticket back to the city for herself, and the ticket was in the afternoon of the next day.

Qi Lin didn't expect that he had already bought the return ticket so soon. Originally, he planned to discuss it with Zhao Min.

"Actually, you can go back the day after tomorrow. I'll take you around tomorrow."

When Zhao Min heard Qi Lin's words, he shook his head slightly, and then she replied to Qi Lin.

"The truth is that I've already troubled you enough, I don't want you to provide me with the air ticket back to the city, besides, I've actually earned a lot of time.

"I have been to so many countries during this period of time, and I am very happy. Although I have not been able to travel around the world, I still have fulfilled my dream.

When Zhao Min said this sentence, she smiled very happily, with no regrets on her face.

Seeing Zhao Min like this, Qi Lin didn't say anything more.

The next day, they woke up at noon, went to have a meal together, packed their luggage in a hurry and rushed to the airport.

When she was about to send Zhao Min to check-in, Zhao Min suddenly let go of the hand holding the suitcase, and then she hugged Qi Lin tightly.

Qi Lin hugged Zhao Min back, and after a moment of tenderness between the two of them, Zhao Min said to Qi Lin in a crying voice.

"You must not forget me, you must remember me!"

"You must remember that you once met a girl named Zhao Min."

Qi Lin replied with a gentle smile, "Don't worry, my sister will definitely remember."

After he finished speaking, he gently wiped off the tears on Zhao Min's face with his fingertips, then patted Zhao Min's hand and said to Zhao Min.

"Okay, hurry up and get on the plane, or it will be too late if you don't get on the plane."

Zhao Min nodded, then pulled the suitcase and went in step by step.

It has been more than three hours since I took the plane back to the local area.

After Zhao Min went back, she found out that Qi Lin 1.3 had helped her with everything that followed. There was a very large amount of money added to her account, and then all the stalls near the store were sold. She is the only shop.

After discovering what Qi Lin had done for him, Zhao Min couldn't help crying again.

She was moved to tears.

Qi Lin didn't know about Zhao Min's reaction. After sending Zhao Min away, he returned to the hotel alone. Affected by Zhao Min's departure, his mood was not very friendly.

In fact, because of Zhao Min's illness in the past two days, he was not able to take a good look around the surrounding scenery, so he decided to take a look around from the beginning of his career.

He waited until the next morning when he was woken up by the alarm clock, and then he went out for a run after packing up.

He likes to run with headphones on when he runs. .

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