While Qi Lin was running while listening to the dynamic music in the earphones, he felt a force coming from beside him.

He turned his head and saw a man rushing past him.

Before he had time to call out to the other party, the other party directly snatched the bag from a girl in front of him.

The girl was wearing a mask and was hurrying forward. She didn't expect that there would be people robbing in broad daylight.

She was stunned for a moment, and then she immediately ran over to grab her bag back.

It's a pity that her physical strength is not good, Qi Lin originally wanted to sit idly by.

Seeing that girl fell to the ground in order to chase the robber, he frowned and thought for a while, and finally chased after her.

He quickly caught up with the robber. The robber had a knife in his hand. When he found that he was catching up, he immediately found a small knife from his body and pointed it at Qi Lin.

Qi Lin wasn't afraid of this kind of pediatric thing at all. When he saw the robber's movements, he didn't hesitate for a moment, and directly used an over-the-shoulder throw to subdue the 01 robber on the ground.

There were quite a lot of passers-by around, and when they saw Qi Lin's actions, they immediately called the police.

The procedure after that was relatively simple. He and the victim went to the police station to record a statement. The police appreciated his behavior of drawing swords to help him when he encountered injustice, and clamored to send him a pennant.

After Qi Lin felt the enthusiasm of the police, he immediately rejected the police. He didn't want to really get a pennant for being helpful.

Walking out of the police station, he planned to take a closer look at the nearby shops, but the clothes in his hand were blocked before he even took two steps.

He glanced back, and found that it was the girl who was wearing very tight clothes, she bowed her head and said to Qi Lin.

"That... thank you, the police told me, if it weren't for you, he would have run away, he is a repeat offender, no one has caught him before.

When Qi Lin heard this, he waved his hand casually and replied to the girl.

"It doesn't matter."

After he finished speaking, he thought of himself, seeing the girl lying on the ground, he thought for a while, and then asked the girl.

"Do you want to go to the hospital?"

When the girl heard the question, she tilted her head in doubt and asked Qi Lin.

"What's wrong?"

When Qi Lin heard this, he smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that you fell to the ground? I think you fell very badly. Would you like to go and see?"

When he said this, he also took a look at the girl, because the clothes on the girl's body were wrapped too tightly, he couldn't tell whether the girl was injured at all.

When the girl heard Qi Lin's words, she scratched her head, and then Qi Lin replied.

"Thank you, but I don't have to...

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and asked the girl: "Are you sure you really don't need it? I think it's better for you to take a look..."

Seeing the girl's tangled look, Qi Lin directly made a decision for the girl. Anyway, she has nothing to do now, so it is understandable to take the girl to check.

The girl looked very small, about eighteen or nineteen years old. Qi Lin thought she should be in school, so he chatted with her on the way to the hospital.

"I didn't go to school"

Hearing the girl's words, Qi Lin was a little surprised, and then he asked the girl.

Chapter 395 Are you a couple?

"Then are you at work now?"

The girl was silent for a while, then she still shook her head.

Seeing that the girl looked worried, Qi Lin stopped asking questions, and the two of them arrived at a nearby hospital soon.

After entering the hospital, he took the girl to the emergency room.

"Are you sure you don't have any wounds on your body?"

When the girl heard her words, she looked at herself with some hesitation, and then she replied to Qi Lin.

"I'll find out when I check."

When Qi Lin heard this sentence, he felt a little strange. Generally speaking, he knew whether he was injured or not, and he could feel it from the pain.

But the girl said that she needed to check it by herself. He didn't think too much about it. The little girl came out of the bathroom not long after entering the bathroom.

"My hands are bleeding and I might have to deal with that."

When Qi Lin heard this, he took the girl into the emergency room without thinking too much.

It wasn't until the girl took off the sleeve that he realized that the girl's injury was really serious.

Because she threw herself on the street at that time, and was accidentally dragged twice, so a piece of skin on her arm was worn away, and it was all covered with blood.

Seeing how seriously the girl's hand was injured, Qi Lin frowned and asked the girl.

"With such a serious wound, why didn't you come to the hospital earlier? If I didn't drag you to the hospital, wouldn't you even plan to come to the hospital?"

When the girl heard this, she didn't speak, but kept silent. The doctor was helping to treat the wound, and he said something to the girl while treating the wound.

"I'm in a little pain, bear with it first."

The girl nodded slightly, and the doctor began to deal with it.

Qi Lin was waiting by the side, and then he discovered a rather strange thing, the girl didn't have any painful expression on her body, it was as if she didn't feel any pain

The treatment process ended within a few minutes. Although the doctor had finished bandaging the girl, the doctor's eyes did not move away from the girl.

He hesitated, and finally said to the girl.

"You go out first, I have something to talk to this gentleman alone."

When the girl heard this, she nodded to the doctor and walked out of the emergency room.

The doctor saw that the girl had left the emergency room, he said in unison.

"Are you her boyfriend?"

Hearing the doctor's question, Qi Lin shook his head and replied to the doctor.

"We're not in that relationship."

The doctor waved his hand and Qi Lin replied, "No matter what the relationship between the two of you is, since you can bring her to the hospital, it means that the two of you must be familiar with each other.

"When I was helping her with her wounds just now, I saw that she had many wounds on her hands. These wounds should have been made by herself. I think she may have suicidal or self-abuse tendencies."

"As her friend, I think you should help pay attention, or see if you can contact her parents."

After Qi Lin finished listening, he raised his eyebrows and did not speak. He and this girl met by chance. Today is the first time they met. After leaving the hospital, the two of them will definitely become strangers again.

He couldn't agree to the doctor's request.

"I don't know her well. Otherwise, you can ask her to register her parents' contact information later?"

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