When the hospital doctor heard this, he felt that this method was more reliable, so he nodded and answered Qi Lin.

"Okay, then let him register his parents' contact information later, so that we can also contact his parents."

Qi Lin opened his eyes wide, and he pointed at himself with his finger.

"Shall I tell you?"

The doctor in the hospital tilted his head in doubt, and Qi Lin replied.

"Of course you did."

The girl waited at the door of the office for more than ten minutes, and then saw Qi Lin coming out of the office.

Qi Lin saw the girl waiting for him at the door, he paused, and then said to the girl.

"Come on, let's pay the bill."

When the girl heard this, she nodded, and then the two walked side by side.

There were quite a lot of people in the hospital, especially the payment office. As soon as the two of them arrived, they saw a long queue.

The two of them went to the end of the line together and started queuing up. During this process, the two of them didn't say a word.

The main reason is that they don't know how to communicate with each other. The two of them are not familiar with each other.

Seeing that the team would soon be their turn, Qi Lin turned his head and said to the girl.

"By the way, what about your family?"

"Everyone who comes here for examination has to register the identity and contact information of the patient's family members. I will register with the staff at the payment office later.

When the girl heard this, she shook her head silently.

"No need, I can do it myself."

When Qi Lin heard this, he raised his eyebrows, and then he turned his head and said to the girl: "Okay, then I will speak directly if I have something to say, the doctor in the hospital just asked me to ask for your family's contact number."

"Do you have some privacy that you can't tell, so you don't want to keep it?"

The girl shook her head and replied: "No, I think these wounds are minor wounds, so I don't want to bother my family to come over||."

With the girl's insistence, he failed in the end and asked the girl to leave the contact information of her family.

The girl's injuries were all external injuries, and only needed to be bandaged, so after the two of them paid the fee at the payment office and took some medicine, they went outside the hospital together.

When they walked to the hospital gate, the two of them looked at each other, the girl scratched her head, and said to Qi Lin in a helpless way.

"Thank you for taking me to the hospital."

Qi Lin shook his head and replied: "It's just a matter of convenience, I have nothing else to do anyway."

After saying these words, the two of them fell into silence again. After a while, the girl Qi Lin continued.

"If you don't mind, let me invite you to have a meal together, as my thanks to you."

Qi Lin glanced at the time, it was already almost afternoon, and it was indeed time for lunch.

He glanced around, then casually pointed to a restaurant and said to the girl.

"Okay, then let's just talk about it and eat it."

The girl nodded, and then walked into the restaurant with Qi Lin.

There are quite a lot of seats in the restaurant, the two of them chose a seat by the window to sit down, and after sitting down, they started ordering.

The child was a little cautious. After the waiter handed her the menu, she should have simply glanced at it, and then directly gave the menu to Qi Lin.

"That...you order."

When Qi Lin heard this, he raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and then took the menu. This restaurant is a high-end restaurant, and the dishes in it are very expensive.

Even the set menu is much more expensive than ordinary restaurants.

The girl felt that since she was going to invite Qi Lin, she definitely couldn't order the set meal, so she kept asking Qi Lin to order it by herself.

Qi Lin was not polite to her either. He ordered steak and soup, and two desserts. The girl swallowed silently when she saw Qi Lin ordering so many things.

Seeing the girl seemed a little nervous.

Qi Lin asked the girl: "You haven't ordered the staple food yet, what do you want to eat?"

When the girl heard this, she quickly waved her hand and replied to Qi Lin.

"It's enough for me to skip the staple food, because I'm losing weight recently."

Qi Lin didn't expect the girl to say that. He opened the door in surprise, and then closed the menu. While they were waiting, Qi Lin asked the girl.

"May I ask what your name is?"

Until now, he still doesn't know the other party's name.

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the girl formally introduced herself.

"My name is Jiang Ying. You can just call me Xiao Jiang. This time is really thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would be able to realize that I have suffered so many traumas so quickly.

Qi Lin always felt that what the girl said was a little strange.

`.How come, you have so many wounds on your body, don't you feel pain?"

When the girl heard this, she just bent the corner of her mouth and said nothing. Qi Lin saw that he didn't want to say more, so he didn't ask any more.

The steak came out soon, and Qi Lin ordered two identical steaks, one for each of them, the girl looked at the steak in front of her, and was slandering in her heart.

This is the first time for her to eat steak in such a high-end restaurant, such an expensive steak, she originally thought that the portion would be a little more.

It turns out that the steak in this restaurant is even less than the steak in ordinary restaurants.

Seeing that the girl didn't move her chopsticks for a long time, she asked the girl suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

The girl smiled slightly, and then she replied to Qi Lin: "No, nothing, I'm just looking at this steak."

"It looks quite ordinary, why is the price so expensive."

Hearing the girl's words, Qi Lin burst out laughing, and then he said to the girl Xiang Deqian: "The price of the steak here is like this."

The girl nodded and picked up the knife and fork at hand. Although she was not very skilled in using it, she still quickly cut the steak into pieces.

I have to say that the steak taste of this restaurant is really good, the texture of the steak is very tender and the taste is also very good.

The girl settled the plate of steak in front of her in two or three strokes, and she began to focus on other meals. Qi Lin not only ordered a steak, but also ordered a boil and several desserts.

The girl didn't touch the bowl of soup, she stretched out her hand and hesitated, then Qi Lin asked.

"Which dessert would you like?"

Qi Lin replied to the girl, "You can take whatever you want, and I can eat anything.

When the girl heard this, she nodded, and after a few seconds of hesitation, she reached out and took out one of the strawberry desserts. .

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