When they were almost finished eating, it was already more than half an hour later. The girl's belly was round after eating, and she gently wiped the corner of her mouth with a paper towel.

Qi Lin saw that the girl had almost eaten, so he took a sip of red wine, and then said to the girl.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

The girl nodded, she waited on the chair for a while, and then said to the waiter.

"Hello, I want to pay the bill first."

When the waiter heard the girl's words, he first looked at their table numbers, and then replied to them,

"No, you have already paid for this table."

When the girl heard this, her eyes widened in surprise, and then she said to the waiter: "We have already paid the bill this week, did you make a mistake? I didn't pay the bill?

When the waiter heard what the girl said, he immediately turned around and confirmed with the person at the front desk. After some confirmation, he went back to the girl and said.

"Ma'am, I have confirmed with my colleagues that you have indeed paid for this table, and the one who pays is a man.

The girl was stunned. It was agreed that she would invite this meal, but she did not expect that Qi Lin would take the initiative to pay for it.

Qi Lin went back after going to the bathroom. After he returned to the chair and sat down, he heard the girl ask him.

"How did you pay? Didn't you agree to let me treat you?"

160 When Qi Lin heard what the girl said, he smiled and replied.

"Just listen to this kind of words, how can I really let girls come to treat me to dinner?"

The girl opened her mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Then how should I thank you?"

When Qi Lin heard the girl say this, he thought about it seriously, and then he asked the girl.

"If you put it that way, I really have a lot of questions I want to ask you."

The girl looked at Qi Lin seriously to see what questions he wanted to ask.

Seeing the girl's serious expression, Qi Lin asked the girl.

"The next question I ask may offend you a little bit, and you can refuse to answer it if you don't feel comfortable.

The girl nodded, Qi Lin said to the girl after preparing her words.

"It's like this. When I was in the hospital, the doctor told me that you have a lot of marks on your hands..."

Qi Lin tried his best to use some euphemistic words. He believed that the girl should be able to understand what he said. When the girl heard Qi Lin say this, she subconsciously glanced at her arm.

(abfd) "Ahem...so..."

Qi Lin didn't know how to continue asking.

Seeing Qi Lin's hesitation, Xiao Jiang smiled and replied, "Don't worry, it's not what you think."

"I don't have any suicidal tendencies. The reason why I have so many marks on my hands is because I am a painless patient."

Hearing this, Qi Lin asked a little confused.

"Painless patients, what does that mean?"

The girl gently pinched her arm, and she replied to Qi Lin.

"Everyone can feel pain when they are injured or fall down, but I don't have pain nerves, or my pain nerves don't respond.

"Whenever I get hurt or fall down, I don't know if I'm hurt or not. I have to use my naked eyes to see if I'm hurt."

"Because I can't feel any pain."

Qi Lin felt as if he understood. No wonder he always felt that something was wrong. Xiao Jiang always said thank you Qi Lin, otherwise she would not be able to find the wound on her body.

He was still wondering at the time that normal people don't need to be reminded when they are injured, and they can understand that they have been injured just by feeling.

In the absence of reminders from the pain-sensing nerves, Xiaojiang would have easily overlooked these wounds if he hadn't noticed them without being reminded by others.

"It turned out to be like this...Then what is the mark on your hand?"

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she sighed deeply, and then she replied to Qi Lin.

"In fact, this is almost a common problem of all our painless patients, because we don't have any pain sensation, so we will inevitably be curious about some things.

"The pain that others are afraid of is very ignorant to us. We start to seek physical stimulation when we can't perceive heat and cold."

"One of the stimuli was called slitting the wrists, and of course we didn't really mean to commit suicide."17

"It's just that we want to experience what it's like to bleed."

When the girl said this, she said with some embarrassment: "I know what I said is strange, and I didn't really want to tell you these things."

"But I didn't expect that you wouldn't even let me treat you for dinner. I have no choice but to tell you the truth.

This is the first time for Qi Lin to meet such a special person. It's not that he has never heard of this disease before, but he has never had such a person around him, so he doesn't know much about it.

"What about your family?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, the girl answered directly.

"I grew up in an orphanage, and now I just came out to work, and I have no family.

After Qi Lin finished listening, his brows frowned instantly, he was a little worried about the girl.

"Okay, then I'll take you to work after eating, or take you home."

The girl quickly waved her hand and replied: "That's really embarrassing, you should also have other things to be busy, you can just go and do your own things."

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and replied to the girl: "I really don't have anything else to do. I'm mainly here for sightseeing. I can also enjoy the scenery on the way when I send you back."

Under Qi Lin's insistence, the two of them finally walked back together.

The girl had asked for leave from the company because of her injury today, so Qi Lin sent the girl home directly.

When he arrived at the door of the house downstairs, his eyes kept looking in the direction of the girl's house.

"Is your home here?"

When the girl heard Qi Lin's question, she nodded shyly.

"I live in the basement here, and the single room in the basement here is very cheap. I don't have high requirements for the living environment, so I just..."

Qi Lin never let go of his brows. He didn't expect the girl's living conditions to be so poor. This place is remote and far away. The key is that she lives in the basement.

In this case, sooner or later, girls will encounter tailgating or other dangers.

"Otherwise, you'd better find a house and move out as soon as possible, it's too unsafe here.

"There are a mix of mermaids and dragons living near here. You get off work so late every day. What if something happens to you next time?"

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