Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

004: Director's Private Phone Number

Xiao Jiang didn't believe that he would be so unlucky.

And her current economic situation does not allow her to rent a good house.

"No, actually, I think the environment of this house is not bad, and I usually don't get too late when I come back from get off work."

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned all of a sudden, and he replied to Xiao Jiang.

"I didn't mean to curse you for something to happen. It's really not safe for you to live here as a girl."

"Or else, I'll help you rent a house."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she immediately looked at Qi Lin in shock. Qi Lin saw Xiao Jiang's shocked appearance, so he quickly picked up the phone and said to Xiao Jiang.

"Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else to you. I just think it's too unsafe for you to live here alone as a girl. I just happen to be rich, so I want to help you."

Xiao Jiang burst out laughing, Qi Lin saw Xiao Jiang smiling so happily, he asked curiously and doubtfully.

"What's the matter, do you think what I said is funny, or do you think I'm joking with you?"

Xiao Jiang shook his head and replied: "I don't mean that, but I have never met such a person, and I feel a little strange..."

After finishing speaking, she put away her smile solemnly, and said to Qi Lin.

"I don't need your help. In fact, my situation will not be reduced to needing the help of a stranger."

When Xiao Jiang said this, she felt that what she said might offend Qi Lin, she scratched her head hesitantly, and after a while, she said to Qi Lin

"Of course, I don't mean that you are a stranger. It's just that we haven't known each other for a long time. I don't think this is very good."

Xiaojiang tried his best to explain clearly, which made Qi Lin feel very cute. He nodded to Xiaojiang, and then replied.

"I understand what you mean. Since you don't need it, I won't say anything more, but you must pay more attention."

After all, the two of them met by chance. After Xiao Jiang and Qi Lin chatted for a while, they parted.

Xiaojiang still had the same attitude before, she felt that she should not be too unlucky, so she didn't take what Qi Lin said to heart.

After Qi Lin left, he just found a scenic spot to visit. Apart from taking pictures and enjoying the scenery, he doesn't know what he should do now.

Before long, he was ready to go back to the hotel.

He didn't know if it was a fate or a coincidence, but he saw Xiao Jiang again on the way back, but this time Xiao Jiang looked very sad.

Seeing the other party's sad appearance, Qi Lin ran up to the other party and asked.

"What's the matter? Did something happen?"

Hearing Qi Lin's question, Xiao Jiang looked up, and then she threw herself into Qi Lin's arms, Qi Lin said.

"I should have listened to you..."

Hearing what Xiao Jiang said, Qi Lin quickly comforted Xiao Jiang.

"What's the matter? What happened, tell me."

While crying, Xiao Jiang answered Qi Lin with sobs: "Not long after I went back, someone knocked on the door because I was drunk."

"I didn't open the door and they broke down the door of my house.

"Then they broke into my house and took away all the valuables in my house.

"You know my situation, I'm more afraid of getting hurt, so I didn't go up and do it."

"Now everything in my house has been robbed, even my money has been robbed..."

I don't know what to do, I went to the police to report the case, they just told me to go back and wait, I don't know if I can wait for the result.

After Xiao Jiang finished speaking, she cried even louder with a wow, and she asked Qi Lin.

"Why do you think I am so unlucky? Why am I so unlucky?!"

Hearing Xiaojiang broke down and crying, Qi Lin didn't know how to comfort her. In fact, she felt that Xiaojiang was lucky that this kind of thing happened now.

That place was remote and far away, and it was also very small. Generally, it was normal for this kind of place to encounter robberies, so he didn't think it was a surprise for Xiaojiang to encounter such a thing.

Seeing Xiao Jiang crying so sadly, he couldn't bear to say too much, so he could only pat Xiao Jiang on the back again and again.

0 for flowers O...

"It's okay, everything will be fine, maybe the police will call you to pick up your things before long.

While crying, Xiao Jiang replied, "You don't need to comfort me. When I went to report the crime just now, I could already see their attitude. They said that besides me, many other people also encountered this kind of thing."

"Generally, the people who have troubles are poor people like me. This kind of thing is often nothing to do with my son. After all, they can't send too much police force for us."

At the end of Xiaojiang's talk, she cried even more sadly.

The whole person was crying and even started to twitch.

Seeing Xiaojiang's sad appearance, Qi Lin thought for a while, and then called his assistant. He didn't want the assistant to arrange this matter, but just asked the assistant for a person's phone number.

This person is the chief of the local police station. Since Xiao Jiang just wants to get back his own things, he will take it as a favor and urge the chief to find the murderer of this case as soon as possible.

"Hey, who are you?"

The chief quickly answered the phone.

Because it was a strange call, his attitude was not very friendly.

Hearing the director's question, Qi Lin first introduced himself. The director only felt that Qi Lin's name was familiar, and he didn't know anything else.

Qi Lin was puzzled and asked, "What do you want from me?"

Hearing the director's question, Qi Lin replied: "It's nothing serious, it's just a matter about the case. I don't know when you will be free. We can talk about it in detail."

When the director heard this, he glanced at the time first, and then said perfunctorily.

"Oh, I don't have time these days. Since it's about the case, you can talk about it when I have time to contact you."

After the director finished speaking, he originally planned to hang up directly, but now after hearing Qi Lin's next sentence, he stopped hanging up the phone again.

"I suggest you search my name online now."

When the director heard this sentence, his brows immediately frowned. He felt that Qi Lin's words were a bit inexplicable, but since Qi Lin had already said that, it meant that he might have other identities. .

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