Thinking of this, the director turned on the computer and searched for Qi Lin's name.

After knowing that Qi Lin was the richest man in the world, he covered his mouth in surprise, and then his attitude turned into flattery and attack.

"Oh, you didn't tell me your identity earlier, you can rest assured that I am available anytime, as long as you are free, just contact me."

When Qi Lin heard the director's words, he nodded in satisfaction, then glanced at the time and replied to the director.

"It's better to hit the sun than choose the day, let's do it now."

Of course the director had no objection. Although Qi Lin couldn't see the expression on his face at this moment, he still couldn't help showing a flattering smile.

"Okay, okay! Then I'll wait for you inside the bureau?"

Qi Lin agreed.

After hanging up the phone, he saw Xiaojiang's inquiring eyes, and he said "627" to Xiaojiang.

"I contacted the chief of the local police station, you can come with me later."

Xiao Jiang didn't care about this question, she asked Qi Lin.

"What is your identity? Why can the director treat you so special?"

Hearing Xiaojiang's question, Nalin answered Xiaojiang dumbfounded.

"No matter who I am, shouldn't your main concern now be when will you be able to get back your money and valuables?"

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she asked Qi Lin who was still relentless: "Then you have to tell me, what is your identity?"

Along the way, Xiao Jiang kept pestering Qi Lin, wanting to know Qi Lin's identity, but Qi Lin just didn't say anything, and the two of them fought and fought on the road for a while, and Xiao Jiang didn't continue to cry.

The two of them returned to the gate of the police station, and Xiao Jiang became quiet all of a sudden.

The two of them originally planned to walk directly into the police station, but unexpectedly there was a big fat man standing at the door.

The fat man first looked Qi Lin up and down, and then put on a fawning and flattering smile on his face.

"You are Mr. Qi, right?"

Seeing the other party's question, Qi Lin nodded, and he asked the other party.

"Who are you?"

The other party, Qi Lin, stretched out his hand and replied.

"I'm the chief of the local police station, and I'm the one who just contacted you."

Hearing this, Qi Lin nodded, but he didn't intend to shake hands with the other party. He simply observed the other party's figure and appearance.

It may be because this is a foreign country. The skin elasticity of foreign people is relatively good, and their fat is usually subcutaneous fat, so they can reach the point of being extremely fat.

The fat man in front of them is very fat, and Qi Lin roughly estimated that the other party should weigh at least two hundred and fifty catties.

Because the other party is not short, the other party is about 1.8 meters tall, and the whole person looks fat. Qi Lin even suspected that he would be out of breath after walking two steps.

He hesitated for a moment, then asked the other party.

"Are you really the director?"

Qi Lin, the chief of the bureau, replied with a smile: "Of course I am, here is my certificate, and my practice certificate.

After he finished speaking, he took out two pieces of paper and a certificate from his pocket.

After reading the documents, Qi Lin made sure that the other party was the person he was looking for, and he walked directly into the police station.

Xiao Jiang followed Qi Lin silently, and the two of them went directly to the director's office.

When the two of them entered the chief's office, the chief still had a fawning smile on his face.

"Oh, you are here, why didn't you say it earlier? If you said it earlier, I would definitely welcome you warmly.

Qi Lin was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, so he pulled Xiao Jiang, and then said to Xiao Jiang.

"Tell the director about the specific situation at that time."

Xiao Jiang nodded, and then she repeated to the director that what happened to her tonight, the director's attitude was completely different from the attitude she received in the bureau today.

From the very beginning, the expression on the director's face would always change because of his description, suddenly becoming angry, and suddenly becoming distressed.

If he didn't know that the other party's serious occupation is a policeman, Xiao Jiang would probably think that the other party's occupation is a professional actor.

"What I want to ask is when will there be a result?"

When the director heard Xiao Jiang's question, he replied to Xiao Jiang.

"Don't worry, I will call them back to deal with this matter now, this kind of thing happens quite often.

"But since you are Mr. Qi's friend, I will definitely let them deal with your affairs first..."

Xiao Jiang opened her mouth in disbelief. She originally thought that it would be a very incredible thing to meet the director and tell the truth about it.

It turned out that there was something even more incredible.

The director actually wants to help her deal with her affairs first.

"Isn't that good?"

Hearing Xiao Jiang's question, the director's expression suddenly became very dissatisfied, and he replied to Xiao Jiang.

"What do you mean by that? I treat you as one of my own, that's why I cut the line for you."

"I believe you also regard me as one of your own, right?"

In order to deal with the chief, Xiao Jiang said a lot of good things in a daze. When the two of them finally walked out of the police station, Xiao Jiang couldn't wait to take out his mobile phone.

Just as she was about to search for Qi Lin's name, her mobile phone was snatched away.

Xiao Jiang was shocked at first, and then he asked Qi Lin.

"What are you doing?"

When Qi Lin heard Xiao Jiang's question, he shrugged his shoulders and replied to Xiao Jiang.

"Are you trying to search my name?"

She didn't panic when Xiao Jiang's intention was exposed.

"I just want to know what your identity is, so that the director can handle the case for me in advance for your sake. Your identity is definitely not simple."

"You can't be some big owl or something?"

Hearing that 3.8 Xiaojiang has started to speculate aimlessly, Qi Lin smiled and reminded Xiaojiang: "You can think in the direction of getting richer. If you think about it this way, you will definitely be able to think of it soon."

Xiao Jiang's whole face wrinkled in doubt, he didn't understand what Qi Lin meant, he kept guessing Qi Lin's occupation, but no matter which Qi Lin he guessed, he didn't nod.

She guessed more than a dozen occupations in a row, and finally she couldn't guess anymore.

"No, no, no, I really can't figure it out anymore, so just tell me what your identity is."

Qi Lin saw that Xiaojiang Lei's brain cells were almost wiped out, he couldn't help laughing a few more times, and then he answered Xiaojiang honestly.

"Actually, I am the richest man in the world."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she was dumbfounded and kept looking at Qi Lin in a daze. .

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