Seeing Qi Lin smiling very happily, Xiao Jiang felt puzzled. She asked Qi Lin, "What are you laughing at? What's so funny?!"

Qi Lin shrugged his shoulders and replied to Xiao Jiang: "I'm laughing at you for taking my joke seriously."

Xiao Jiang was a little annoyed: "Who said I took your words seriously, I just wanted to cooperate with you."

Qi Lin nodded and said perfunctorily: "Yes, you are just trying to cooperate with me, okay?"

Xiao Jiang pursed his lips in displeasure, and finally turned his head to look out the window, and stopped talking to Qi Lin.

Qi Lin glanced at Xiaojiang while driving, and saw that Xiaojiang was really unhappy, so he stopped talking at 700, and after a while, they finally arrived at their destination successfully.

After arriving at the place, Xiao Jiang got off the car immediately, and then she found that the place was very dark.

She just wanted to take out her mobile phone to turn on the flashlight, but then found that her mobile phone was out of battery.

She exclaimed, and then Qi Lin said.

"Do you have a flashlight, my phone is dead

Before Xiao Jiang finished speaking, he saw Qi Lin as if by magic, took out a power bank from his pocket and gave it to her.

"I guessed that your mobile phone (aieh) would run out of battery, so I put a few charging treasures in the car in advance."

When Xiaojiang heard Qi Lin's words, she was stunned for a moment, and then she took the power bank in Qi Lin's hand with some embarrassment.

"thank you.…"

Qi Lin shook his head with a smile, then he turned on the flashlight and began to walk forward slowly. Xiao Jiang walked behind Qi Lin with some fear.

"Where do you want to take me? Otherwise, let's go back, I think it's too unsafe to stay here in the middle of the night..."

Except for the light of their flashlights, there is only the moonlight cast by the moon hanging in the sky.

Xiao Jiang walked slowly with some fear, and when she saw Qi Lin still walking forward regardless, she was even more frightened in her heart.

"I-I-I...I really don't want to go...Let's go back..."

Qi Lin suddenly turned his head at this time, and then put the light of his flashlight under his chin, and he made a ghost of Xiao Jiang.


Xiao Jiang was so frightened that he threw his mobile phone and charging treasure on the ground. Seeing her timid appearance, Qi Lin laughed for a while, and then she asked Xiao Jiang.

"Are you OK?"

Xiao Jiang said to Qi Lin with a crying voice: "Are you okay?! Why are you scaring me!"

Qi Lin was really frightened when he saw Xiaojiang. He hurried to Xiaojiang's side, and then replied to Xiaojiang.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. I didn't know you were so timid. You wanted to play a prank..."

Xiao Jiang really cried out. She stayed in such a dark place in the middle of the night, and she was already very scared in her heart, but now she was scared by Qi Lin, she really couldn't bear it.

Qi Lin saw Xiao Jiang crying very badly, he thought for a while, then patted Xiao Jiang on the shoulder and said.

"Actually, I want to bring you over to see something."

Tears were all over Xiao Jiang's face. Hearing Qi Lin's words, she raised her head and asked.

"What are you going to show me? No matter what it is, isn't it good for us to come and watch it? Why do we have to watch it in the middle of the night?".

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