Before Qi Lin could answer, a sound came from not far away.

"Whoa! Bang!"

Hearing the sound, Xiao Jiang's attention was immediately attracted, and then she saw all kinds of gorgeous fireworks.


Her mouth unconsciously opened into an O shape.

The fireworks kept blooming, and she recorded them with her own eyes.

The fireworks show lasted for a full half an hour. During this half an hour, Xiao Jiang did not change, nor did he speak a word.

Except for blinking from time to time, she squatted there like a statue.

After the fireworks were completely over and the light in their eyes dimmed, Xiao Jiang said to Qi Lin.

"What you're bringing me over to see is - this thing?"

Hearing Xiao Jiang's question, Qi Lin nodded to Xiao Jiang, and then he replied to Xiao Jiang.

"I'm here to show you this."

"And I have something else to show you, do you want to come over?"

Xiao Jiang was really embarrassed. In fact, she complained about Qi Lin half an hour ago, and she didn't even want to be Qi Lin's guide anymore.

When she found out that the other party had gone all out to bring her to watch the fireworks, she suddenly felt that she was very sorry for Qi Lin.

When Qi Lin saw Xiao Jiang's expression, he immediately guessed what the other party was thinking, and he said to Xiao Jiang with a smile.

"You don't have to think so much, the fireworks are not set off for you alone, they are also set off for me, let's go, I will take you to another place."

With a romantic surprise, no matter what happened next, Xiao Jiang could accept it. She nodded to Qi Lin, and then followed Qi Lin to walk forward non-stop.

After a short time, they finally arrived at the place. In fact, there was nothing special about this place. It was surrounded by mud pits and sand kings.

The only thing that caught their attention was a wooden sign.

Because the lights here are too dim, they can't see what is written on the wooden sign.

Xiao Jiang squinted her eyes desperately, and then she asked Qi Lin.

"What's written on it?"

When Qi Lin heard Xiao Jiang's question, he hugged Xiao Jiang directly. Xiao Jiang didn't expect Qi Lin to do this, so he was scared and hugged Qi Lin's shoulder tightly.

0......seeking flowers......

"What are you doing? Put me down!"

Qi Lin heard Xiao Jiang's words, and he replied to Xiao Jiang in a low voice: "You don't move, I will hold you on the rock."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she stopped her struggle, and she obediently asked Qi Lin to carry her to the rock.

After reaching the stone, she could finally see clearly what was written on the wood. She clearly saw her name written on the wooden sign.


She turned her head to look at Qi Lin in astonishment and asked.

"Have you been here before you brought me here?!"

When Qi Lin heard Xiao Jiang's question, he shook his head, and then replied to Xiao Jiang.

"Didn't you say it before? The way for me to prove that I'm the richest man in the world is to buy a mountain."

When Xiao Jiang heard this, she thought of something, and then she covered her mouth and asked with an incredulous expression: "Could it be that you bought the mountain I pointed to?"

Qi Lin nodded with a smile. He had already said that this matter was nothing to him at all.

Since he has promised that the other party will prove that he is the richest man in the world, then he will definitely not be unemployed. .

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