Now the assistant is on his way to board the plane, and he is going to live in the largest five-star hotel in the city center.

As soon as he arrived at the hotel, he saw the receptionist standing at the door. When he saw the receptionist standing at the door, he nodded at the other party, and then said to the other party.

"I'm here to check the room."

Hearing what he said, the front desk immediately replied with a smile.

"Hello, may I ask that you are Mr. Qi?"

Qi Lin nodded, and the front desk saw him nodding, and immediately said to him.

"Okay, we have opened a presidential room specially for you, you can rest assured to go up there now.

Qi Lin raised his eyebrows and asked the front desk: "I remember that I didn't make an appointment in advance for 257."

Qi Lin at the front desk smiled and replied, "It's true that you didn't make an appointment in advance, but the owner of our hotel has already prepared the presidential suite for you."

"He said that since the richest man in the world came to rest in our hotel, of course we have to show the greatest sincerity, so he opened the room for you in advance.

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned directly, but in the end he still didn't say anything, and went directly to the presidential suite with the staff.

After arriving in the room, Qi Lin lay directly on the bed, thinking with his eyes closed, and after about five minutes, he received a call from his assistant.

After receiving the call, he immediately told his assistant the name of the hotel room he was in and the room number he was in.

After finishing speaking, he waited quietly in the room, and after about half an hour, there was a knock on his door.

"Hello, Mr. Qi, someone is looking for you."

Hearing the sound from the door, Qi Lin got off the bed without saying a word, then went out and opened the door.

It was the receptionist that he saw at the hotel entrance just now who brought the assistant over.

At this moment, the front desk was smiling and asking him.

"Excuse me, do you really know this gentleman? If you don't, I'll have the security kick him out now." (acag)

Hearing this, Qi Lin replied to the front desk: "I know him because I let him come here, you can let him in now."

After the front desk listened, she nodded and left with the security personnel.

The assistant followed Qi Lin into the hotel room. The assistant had something to say as soon as he entered the hotel room, but Qi Lin stopped him.

"Don't talk yet."

When the assistant heard this, he looked at Qi Lin suspiciously, and then he saw Qi Lin holding a machine, as if he was checking something.

Qi Lin first checked with the equipment in his hand, and found a pinhole camera and two bugs in the hotel room.

After finding these two things, he threw them all into the sink in the bathroom. After confirming that all these things were scrapped, he walked back into the room.

"Okay, if you have anything to say, just talk about it."

After the assistant saw the scene just now, his face became very serious, and he said to Qi Lin after taking a deep breath.

"It's like this. I have found out the reason why our business closed down."

"The superficial reason is because of the boss's problem. I heard that the boss seems to have molested a girl. He has been arrested by the police."

"It is said that the verdict is almost ready now, and the penalty is eight years.".

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