Villain: Without Morality, You Will Not Be Kidnapped!

088: There Are Monitoring Devices Here

Hearing this, Qi Lin frowned again. There was obviously something wrong with it. If it was just a matter of the business owner, how could he have sentenced him for such a long time.

You must know that generally speaking, molesting a girl will not lead to such a long sentence.

Thinking of this, he asked his assistant.

"Things shouldn't be that simple, right? You also investigated~ and discovered something.

Assistant Qi Lin nodded, then he took out the folder he brought over, then opened the information in the folder and said.

"This is the information of that girl, this is the information of the business owner, and now both of them have committed suicide.

After hearing the assistant's last words, Qi Lin paused, and then he asked his assistant.


"When did it happen? Why didn't I know?"

The assistant's expression was very solemn. He replied to Qilin: "When you came over by plane, the two of them committed suicide together."

"Of course, the two of them just committed suicide at the same time, not in the same place."

"The boss committed suicide in the police station. I thought there was something fishy about this matter, so I ran over to you."

Qi Lin didn't say anything. He lay on the bed and tapped the mattress repeatedly. After a while, he said to his assistant.

"Okay, I almost understand, you can go out first."

When the assistant heard this, he nodded, but after a while, he hesitated and asked Qi Lin.

"Do you really want to stay here? Otherwise, leave this matter to me and let me investigate. I always feel that this matter is not that simple."

"This is the presidential suite, and you actually found a pinhole camera here. We should pursue this matter carefully."

When Qi Lin heard this, he thought for a moment, and suddenly he laughed.

"You're right, we really should take this matter and investigate it carefully to see who is tracking my information so closely.

"You just said that when I came to this country, the two of them died. That is to say, it is very likely that someone knew that I would come to this country, so they did it on purpose."

0...asking for flowers...

When the assistant heard this, he said to him with a look of surprise.

"Is it possible that this is to prevent you from investigating the truth of this matter? What exactly happened?"

Qi Lin shook his head. Since traveling abroad, he has never cared much about the business situation. Now when he was suddenly asked what happened, he was also confused.

Thinking of this, he sighed and pressed the button in the room.

After a while, there was another knock on the door, and it was the same receptionist who spoke just now.

Qi Lin can now be sure that this front desk person is no ordinary character, and he doesn't believe it anymore.

If it is just an ordinary front desk, then why can this front desk come forward in any situation?

Qi Lin walked to the door and opened it. He took the equipment he had just fished out of the bucket and threw it in front of the front desk.

"Tell me, what is this?"

When the front desk saw these devices, she expressed surprise, and then he answered Qilin with a calm expression.

"Probably some pinhole cameras and some listening devices people.".

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