"But how can we know who this gang is and who is controlling it?"

Qi Lin heard the assistant's question, and he replied to the assistant.

"I believe you should be able to investigate this kind of thing, or do you really need me to teach you how to investigate this matter?"

When the assistant heard this, he immediately shook his head like a wave drum, and he replied to Qilin.

"Six three three" "No, no, I can investigate this matter myself, don't worry, give me a whole day, and I will be able to investigate this matter immediately.

After Qi Lin heard this, he raised his eyebrows and looked at the assistant quietly. When the assistant saw Qi Lin's eyes, he immediately changed his words.

"Actually, it doesn't take a whole day like this. Give me half a day, and I will only use half a day at most.

Qi Lin nodded in satisfaction.

He didn't go to other places, after all, he had already visited this place, so he went directly back to the hotel room.

After returning to the hotel room, he rested in the room first, and then he made a phone call to his wives in China.

Time passed by like this, and the assistant finally came to Qi Lin after an afternoon. He had already investigated all the information about that gang.

Qi Lin saw that the assistant had already investigated all the information, so he asked the assistant to transfer the information to his mobile phone.

In fact, this gang is someone hired by a company, and this company is a capitalist, and it is a relatively powerful group.

In this country, they have many rights.

At that time, they may need to use the boss's shop lot to do something, because the boss didn't want to sell the shop lot to them, so they used some ruthless means.

After Qi Lin knew about this incident, he directly made a big fuss about it. The way he made a big fuss was not to go directly to the people of this group, but to publish this matter in the newspaper.

It is very simple for a richest man in the world to get something published in the newspaper, so the next day, it was published in newspapers all over the world.

After knowing this, the group behind this gang immediately came to find Qi Lin. They knew that Qi Lin's purpose was to force them out..

Since this is the case, they can only come out.

But they didn't go directly to Qi Lin. They first asked the front desk to say hello, and then asked Qi Lin out.

Qi Lin knew that the boss behind this gang would definitely come to find him, and he didn't intend to take it.

Because his purpose is also to meet the other party, seeing the other party is his ultimate goal, and all these things before meeting the other party are just preparations.

Qi Lin went directly to the group to meet the boss of the group.

This group looks really big.

The office of the group president alone is several hundred square meters, and it can be seen that this is a group with a relatively large 2.5 influence.

When the other party saw Qi Lin, he first smiled at Qi Lin, and then he said to Qi Lin.

"I've heard of your name a long time ago, you probably don't know my name?"

Qi Lin knew that the other party was just talking so modestly.

But the other party was really right, Qi Lin really didn't know what the other party's name was. .

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