“Chen Luo, you seem to be a little defensive against me.”

When Chen Luo came out after taking a shower and changing clothes, Zhao Yingxuan changed into a black dress, with big brown-red waves scattered behind her back, deliberately painted flaming red lipstick, and under the black eyelashes were eyes full of charm.

This woman’s seduction has been greatly improved, peerless goblin! Is this the essence of the fox?

No, Chen Luo felt that the thousand-year-old fox spirit was slightly inferior to her.

“President Zhao, how can I possibly guard against you.”

Chen Luo had a gentle smile, and deep in his eyes he was indeed wary of this woman.

“Let’s go, take me to the Black Tiger Bar.”

“It’s early in the morning to the bar?”

Chen Luo was stunned, but soon Chen Luo reacted, Zhao Yingxuan went to the bar, it was absolutely impossible to drink.

Don’t care what she does, just take her with you.

Drive Zhao Yingxuan to the Black Tiger Bar, which is definitely the largest bar in the magic capital.

At this time, the bar was not closed, but there were no more customers, and Chen Luo walked in with Zhao Yingxuan.

“I want to see Liang Xinghu, he should come.”

“Brother Hu is upstairs in the office, please follow me.”

The manager of the bar couldn’t help but glance at Zhao Yingxuan, and then narrowed his gaze, this kind of woman can’t be provoked no matter how beautiful she is, he doesn’t have the guts.

The bar manager took Zhao Yingxuan and Chen Luo to the upstairs office, and then the bar manager knocked on the door.

“Brother Hu, the guests you ordered to receive are here.”

“Bring her in.”

A thick middle-aged man’s voice came from inside.

Then the door was pushed open, and Liang Xinghu, who was originally sitting on the sofa, immediately stood up.

“President Zhao came over, didn’t personally greet him, don’t blame it.”

Liang Xinghu looks a little blessed, with a long scar on his face, and he looks a little hideous when he laughs.

“The boss of the Black Tiger Gang, where do I dare to blame, let’s get down to business.”

Zhao Yingxuan said.

“The boss of the Black Tiger Gang? Gang, this Nima is outrageous, a big city like the magic capital, and this kind of guy exists? Chen Luo complained in his heart.

But after all, this is not a normal world, Xiao Baiwen’s world, Chen Luo can only express understanding in his heart.

“President Zhao said and smiled, where is there any Black Tiger Gang, only Black Tiger Security Company.” Liang Xinghu quickly corrected Zhao Yingxuan’s words.

“I don’t know what business Mr. Zhao invited me to negotiate with me?”

“Looking for you to kill Xiao Yixue, do you dare to do it?”

Zhao Yingxuan looked at Liang Xinghu with a smile.

Liang Xinghu’s face changed: “President Zhao, I am a serious person, and I don’t talk about murder.” ”

What a serious person, although he is now walking on the road of whitewashing, he has not yet completely whitewashed, and he does not dare to do the murder, but it depends on who to kill.

Who is Xiao Yixue? That is the daughter of Xiao Yongqiang, the richest man in the magic capital, even if Xiao Yongqiang, as a newly developed, is not as old as the four major families of the magic capital, it is not something he can provoke.

Xiao Yongqiang wants to deal with him, he may say hello, and tomorrow he will die.

“It seems that you don’t dare, I overestimate your guts.”

Zhao Yingxuan glanced at Liang Xinghu with disdain.

“Hehe, I underestimated Mr. Zhao’s boldness.”

Liang Xinghu sneered, he is not a good person, how can he not have a temper in the face of contempt.

For Liang Xinghu’s words, Chen Luo also agreed with it, he also underestimated Zhao Yingxuan’s boldness, actually wanted to find someone to kill the heroine, are you sure you can succeed?

“President Zhao, if I tell Xiao Dong about this, I don’t know what Xiao Dong will do?” Liang Xinghu suddenly squinted at Zhao Yingxuan.

“You want to threaten me with this?”

Zhao Yingxuan smiled disdainfully.

“Do you think I will come here to talk to you about cooperation without any preparation?”

Saying that, Zhao Yingxuan took out a USB flash drive and placed it on the table.

“You might as well take a look at it first.”

Zhao Yingxuan’s fearless appearance made Liang Xinghu’s face sank.

“Little Five, bring me the computer.” Liang Xinghu ordered the little brother behind him.

Immediately a laptop was placed in front of Liang Xinghu, and then Liang Xinghu plugged in the USB flash drive and looked at the contents inside.

Although Chen Luo did not know the content of the USB drive, it must be very unfavorable to Liang Xinghu, otherwise his face would not have become so ugly.

There is indeed something bad for him, and if this USB flash drive gets out, then he is really finished.

There were countless evidence of his own guilt on it, enough to shoot him ten times.

“What do you want, tell you, it’s impossible for me to kill Xiao Yixue.”

Even if Zhao Yingxuan held his handle, it was impossible for him to kill Xiao Yixue.

Because he killed Xiao Yixue, he couldn’t escape death.

Zhao Yingxuan suddenly smiled, she seemed to have expected that Liang Xinghu would not be able to kill Xiao Yixue.

“It’s okay not to kill her, you send someone to kidnap her and then hand her over to me, how about that?”

Liang Xinghu fell silent when he heard this.

“I don’t think so.”

“Zhao Yingxuan, if I use your life to blackmail you into handing over all the evidence about me in your hands, how do you choose?”

A flash of coldness flashed in Liang Xinghu’s eyes.

“Do you dare?” Zhao Yingxuan looked at Liang Xinghu lightly, but Chen Luo still found that Zhao Yingxuan was not as calm as she seemed.

Her hand was already tightly grasping the dress, looking a little nervous, obviously Zhao Yingxuan still cared about her life.

“Why don’t I dare, you didn’t give me a way to live at all, I don’t mind choosing a dead path myself, maybe I can still be cool before I die.”

Liang Xinghu stared at Zhao Yingxuan, for this woman, how could he not be hungry, he didn’t dare before, now he is about to be cornered, what don’t you dare?

Let him kidnap Xiao Yixue, kidnapping Xiao Qianxue is not a dead end, I really think that Xiao Yongqiang can’t investigate.

Zhao Yingxuan tried to keep calm as much as possible, but leaned slightly in the direction of Chen Luo.

“This woman seems to have played off.” Chen Luo glanced at Zhao Yingxuan.

You said that you, if you want to deal with the heroine, you must also choose a good knife, Liang Xinghu, a person who licks blood at the knife’s edge, is it something you can use?

“I didn’t give you a dead end, as long as you do it perfectly, the kidnapping of Xiao Yixue will definitely not be exposed, and you will naturally be fine.”

“At that time, I will hand over all the evidence of your crime to you, this is a cooperation, and you can still get a billion in remuneration afterwards.” Zhao Yingxuan said in a deep voice.


Chen Luo gasped, why are you looking for him with a billion rewards? If you look for me, isn’t it just kidnapping, I will definitely be able to tie you up.”


PS: Ask for flowers and review tickets!!!

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