“President Zhao, if you want to kidnap Xiao Yixue, give me a billion directly, and I will definitely tie you up.”

Chen Luo’s words broke some solemn atmosphere.

Chen Luo wanted to earn these ten billion yuan, and if Zhao Yingxuan gave him ten billion, Chen Luo was sure to use this billion to become stronger than Ye Chen.

When the time comes, kidnapping Xiao Yixue is not trivial.

Zhao Yingxuan turned her head to look at Chen Luo and took Chen Luo’s words as a joke.

Liang Xinghu’s gaze was attracted by Chen Luo.

“The tone of this bodyguard of yours is not small, I just don’t know what skills I have.”

“Little Five, go and try this brother’s abilities.” After Liang Xinghu’s gloomy gaze swept Chen Luo, he said to the younger brother behind him.

Xiao Wu clenched his fists and walked towards Chen Luo.

“Want to do it with me?”

Chen Luo smiled and took out the gun from behind him and pointed it at Xiao Wu, who was about to come over.

Seeing the gun that Chen Luo took out, Liang Xinghu’s face changed, and he knew that he should have searched his body before they came in, but he didn’t expect that he actually came in with a gun.

Little Five’s forehead was dripping with sweat, and he didn’t dare to move at this time.

“Hehe, scare anyone with a gun, you have the ability to shoot and try to see if you can get out.”

Liang Xinghu also broke out of the sea of blood in the knife mountain, and a gun could not deter him.

“Eh, if you say this, I won’t be convinced, I’m just stunned.”

Looking at Liang Xinghu, who was calm and demeanor, Chen Luo said that he was unhappy, I took out all my guns, why are you so calm?


With a gunshot, Xiao Wu’s head was opened and fell to the ground stunned.

In the room, when Liang Xinghu’s other subordinates were about to move, several gunshots rang out in a row, and an extra blood hole appeared on their heads.

“Big brother, it happens…”


Before the person who pushed the door in finished speaking, the person was gone.

“How about boss, my marksmanship is not bad.” Chen Luo said to Zhao Yingxuan with a smile.

For some reason, he personally killed five people, but Chen Luo’s heart did not fluctuate, feeling the same as killing a few chickens.

“Well done, go back and reward you.”

Zhao Yingxuan threw a wink at Chen Luo, the tension in her heart was put down, and she was completely relaxed, and now it was she who took the initiative.

Liang Xinghu’s face was gloomy, he took out a cigarette and lit it with a click.

“It is worthy of being a famous black tiger, and he can still smoke calmly at this time.” Zhao Yingxuan leaned on the sofa and looked like she was sure of him.

“Can killing a few of my people force me to comply? You underestimate me Liang Xinghu, I was also killed in the sea of blood in the corpse mountain. ”

“There are dozens of my brothers outside, and if you want to get out safely, put the gun down.”

Liang Xinghu smoked calmly.


The gunshot rang out again, Liang Xinghu was shot in the wrist, and a pistol fell to the ground.

“In front of me, don’t play such small movements, I admire your calm posture in front of the gun.”

Chen Luo walked in front of Liang Xinghu, and then slapped Liang Xinghu’s face.


A slap directly slapped Liang Xinghu on the floor, and his head was stunned.

“Do you recognize what this is?” Chen Luo pointed to the gun in his hand.

“This is a gun, it can burst your head, you say you are still pretending to be your mother at this time?”

Liang Xinghu snorted in pain, his face was swollen, and he was shot at his right wrist and did not dare to move.

“President Zhao, how much net worth does this guy have?”

Chen Luo grinned, and then asked Zhao Yingxuan.

Hearing Chen Luo’s inquiry, Zhao Yingxuan instantly understood what Chen Luo was going to do, did he plan to blackmail Liang Xinghu?

“I don’t know how much he is worth, but there should be billions.”

“In this case, I don’t want more, how about taking out a billion to buy your life?” Chen Luo looked down at Liang Xinghu.

“There is a kind of… You’ll kill me. ”

Liang Xinghu raised his head and stared at Chen Luo with fierce eyes.

“Gang Master Liang, no, it should be called President Liang.”

“As I said before, I’m a stunned, so I can really do it.”

“Bang bang bang ~ !!!”

Three consecutive shots hit Liang Xinghu, one shot in the abdomen and one shot in each of his legs.

Chen Luo avoided Liang Xinghu’s point, not because he did not dare to kill him, but in order to ask for his money.

“According to my estimates, you only have three minutes, otherwise at the rate of your bleeding, you won’t be able to go to the hospital.”

“I only want money, not life, don’t embarrass me.”

Chen Luo’s smile at this moment is the devil’s smile to Liang Xinghu.

He thought he was ruthless enough, but in the face of this little white face, Liang Xinghu felt ashamed of himself.

“The sooner you go to the hospital, the sooner you can be saved, and you may not be saved by a second later.”

“Bank cards… No, report to me. ”

Liang Xinghu endured the pain and said with difficulty.

“Refreshing, don’t you see this.” Chen Luo immediately told Liang Xinghu the bank card number.

“The fastest transfer is not possible to transfer in three minutes, take me to the hospital first.”

“It’s okay, I’ll stop the bleeding for you, and make sure you won’t die in half an hour, no need to thank me.”

Chen Luo took out a roll of bandages out of nowhere and directly entangled Liang Xinghu.

Liang Xinghu was like a ferocious beast on the verge of desperation, staring at Chen Luo.

“Don’t stare at it, hurry up and transfer money to me, it won’t be like you want to get shot again.” Chen Luo pointed the gun at Liang Xinghu’s head.

“A billion cash is impossible, I can’t take it, this bar can mortgage you.”

“What do I want your bar to do? Less nonsense to transfer money to me, my patience is limited, or you can bet on whether I dare to shoot you to death. ”

Chen Luo kicked Liang Xinghu impatiently.

The force of this kick was not small, Liang Xinghu’s eyes widened, and he curled up on the ground in pain.

Pulling out his mobile phone with difficulty, Liang Xinghu quickly called Chen Luo to transfer money.

One billion is not a small amount, it does take time to turn around, but under Liang Xinghu’s urging, the money finally arrived after more than twenty minutes.

“Buy life with a billion, you earn.”

Chen Luo patted Liang Xinghu’s shoulder, then pointed to the safe next to him and asked, “How do you open this thing?” ”

“What else do you want to do?” Liang Xinghu’s face changed.

“Don’t make me ask a second time.”

Chen Luo raised the muzzle with a smile, facing Liang Xinghu: “Go over and open the safe, let me see if there is anything that I can see.” ”

Faced with the threat of gunpoint, Liang Xinghu got up, forced himself to stagger over with anger, entered the password and fingerprint to open the safe.

“There is a lot of money, and they are all beautiful knives, are you ready to run away?”

Chen Luo looked at the US dollars that had been piled up in half a cabinet, all of which were packed into the leather box that was taken out, and then several gold bricks inside were also laughed at by Chen Luo.

There were also a few famous watches that I didn’t know how much they were worth, and Chen Luo also threw them into the box.

In addition to money and famous watches, there was also a black notebook, Chen Luo opened it and glanced at Liang Xinghu, full of meaning, and then threw it into the suitcase as well.

In an instant, Liang Xinghu’s face became very ugly, and the black notebook was the most important.


PS: The banned chapter fourteen is temporarily related to the work!

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