In the blink of an eye, five days passed, and Liang Xinghu was still in the hospital, and there was no retaliation.

He did not dare to retaliate, and Zhao Yingxuan had evidence in his hands that wanted Liang Xinghu’s life.

In addition, Zhao Yingxuan’s cosmetics have been listed, relying on her own connections, the simple auction agency has already made a lot of money.

With the cosmetic effect that Chen Luo traded from the system, it is just around the corner to become bigger and stronger.

“The 500 million owed to you has already been transferred to you.”

This 500 million is the money sold to Zhao Yingxuan’s black leather notebook, and the things recorded in that notebook far exceed the value of this 500 million.

There is money in his hand, and he is not panicked, at this time, Chen Luo has almost one billion soft sister coins in his hand, and he can be regarded as a rich man in the magic capital.

And Chen Luo has cash flow in his hands.

“Thank you Mr. Zhao.”

Looking at the extra 500 million on the bank card, Chen Luo thanked Zhao Yingxuan.

“Oh, so how are you going to thank me?” Zhao Yingxuan looked at Chen Luo with a smile.

Chen Luo was speechless, I just said something nice, you still think I really thank you!

“Today we go to the group.”

She hadn’t been to Yongqiang Group for several days, and yesterday, Xiao Yixue specially called to warn Zhao Yingxuan.

The so-called warning, Zhao Yingxuan is not afraid, she is worried that Xiao Yixue will directly remove her position as general manager, and the position of general manager of Yongqiang Group cannot be lost now.

Chen Luo drove and took Zhao Yingxuan to Yongqiang Group, and this goblin on the road did not tease Chen Luo.

“This woman is a little inch, do you want to teach her a lesson.”

After parking the car, Chen Luo wiped the lipstick print on his neck, which was of course printed by Zhao Yingxuan for him.

“My little bodyguard hasn’t gotten out of the car yet, what are you waiting for?”

Zhao Yingxuan knocked on the car window, and Chen Luo, who wiped off his lip prints, immediately got out of the car.

“Go, accompany me to see how arrogant that little slut can be in the company.”

Of course, this little slut refers to Xiao Yixue, behind which she will not be polite to Xiao Qianxue, she wants to find someone to kill Xiao Yixue.

Not to mention scolding Xiao Qianxue behind his back, even in person, Zhao Yingxuan would not be polite to Xiao Qianxue.

On the seventy-second floor of the Yongqiang Building, the president’s office, Xiao Yixue looked at Zhao Yingxuan with an icy expression, and Chen Luo standing behind Zhao Yingxuan.

“This woman is really vengeful.”

Chen Luo saw Xiao Yixue’s unkind eyes and understood that she was hating herself, after all, Chen Luo had slapped her before.

“President Zhao hasn’t shown up for a week, so he seems to be very busy.”

Xiao Yixue said with a cold face.

“I’m not busy, don’t you know?” Zhao Yingxuan directly confronted Xiao Yixue.

On the other side, Ye Chen’s thief’s grim gaze looked between Xiao Yixue and Zhao Yingxuan.

“I didn’t pay attention last time, this Zhao Yingxuan is actually so beautiful, and her figure is higher than Xiao Yingxue.” Ye Chen thought secretly in his heart.

In terms of figure, Zhao Yingxuan can be said to be slightly better in the face of Xiao Yingxue, but in terms of temperament, Xiao Yingxue is a little green compared to Zhao Yingxuan.

The temptation of Zhao Yingxuan’s smile is not comparable to Xiao Yixue’s big ice cube.

When Ye Chen looked at Chen Luo, his eyes were very bad, because Ye Chen did not forget this guy’s entry into the game.

After he came out, he wanted to take revenge, but he didn’t find a chance.

“What about your dad?”

After Chen Luo noticed Ye Chen’s unkind eyes, he directly stunned over.

To be honest, Chen Luo’s personality is also very vindictive, the last time he was punched, he can remember it clearly, although it was intentional, but it was beaten.

And last time, Ye Chen really wanted to kill him, and Chen Luo had already sworn in his heart to kill this guy.

Now seeing Ye Chen, it may be the reason why his protagonist’s aura is too attractive to hatred, Chen Luo couldn’t help but have an urge to kill Ye Chen in his heart.

“What did you say?”

Ye Chen’s face changed instantly, staring at Chen Luo violently.

“Why, do you still want to go in and experience it? Last time Xiao Donglao spent 50 million on you coming out, guess how much it will cost this time? ”

Chen Luo looked at Ye Chen playfully.

“You are also this means, I heard that you are not weak, if you have the ability, you will fight with me in an upright manner, you waste who beats women.”

Ye Chen’s words seemed to touch Xiao Qianxue’s scars, and Xiao Qianxue’s face was a little dark.

Xiao Yixue, the big heroine, did not feel good in the face of Chen Luo and Ye Chen, Chen Luo beat him, and Ye Chen made her disgusting scalp numb, and it was like a piece of cowhide candy, disgusting but could not shake off.

“Have a fight with me, you seem to be very confident?”

Chen Luo sneered, he deliberately looked for fault, wasn’t it just to find the last time.

Although he sent Ye Chen in last time, Ye Chen did not suffer any substantial damage, and even Chen Luo felt that he had lost.

Perhaps it was the increase in strength that caused Chen Luo to swell, but he was really not afraid of facing Ye Chen.

“Do you dare?” Ye Chen looked at Chen Luo defiantly.

If Chen Luo really dared to come down, Ye Chen promised to beat this little white face into a cripple, and Ye Chen hated it when he saw his face.

“I think I’m still a little daring.”

“Don’t play the alarm trick this time.”

Ye Chen didn’t want to be sent in again, if it weren’t for Xiao Yongqiang last time, he would have been in trouble.

Loosening his tie, Chen Luo hooked his hand towards Ye Chen.

“Find death.”

Ye Chen’s body was full of murderous energy, and the killing intent in his eyes was boiling.

There has never been anyone who can live after provoking him, and his name as the king of mercenaries was killed.

In an instant, Ye Chen moved, and his feet kicked towards Chen Luo’s chest like the wind.

Before the provocation, Chen Luo was defensive, and when Ye Chen kicked over, he stepped back to avoid Ye Chen’s kick.

Immediately afterwards, he quickly raised his leg and kicked towards Ye Chenxia three ways.


Ye Chen’s face changed, and he forcibly twisted his body, allowing Chen Luo to kick on his thigh instead of his crotch.

The body quickly retreated, until he leaned against the wall, Ye Chen’s retreating steps did not stop, the left leg that was kicked trembled slightly, and cold sweat broke out on Ye Chen’s forehead.

“It doesn’t matter if I’m mean or not, I just want to win.”

Chen Luo originally wanted Ye Chen to cut off his descendants, but unfortunately he was dodged by Ye Chen, otherwise that kick would definitely make Ye Chen cut off his descendants.

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