After taking advantage, Chen Luoke will not stop, and it is his character to be unreasonable.

Taking advantage of Ye Chen’s leg injury and difficulty in moving, Chen Luo’s fist was like a storm, frantically hitting Ye Chen’s head, and other people’s eyes could only see the afterimage of Chen Luo’s punch.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The dull voice echoed in the office, and the wall behind Ye Chen could hardly be blocked.

Ye Chen covered his head with both arms, and after resisting Chen Luo I don’t know how many punches, he pushed Chen Luo apart with one knee.

He was wearing a bulletproof suit, even if he was hit on the top of his knee, he didn’t feel pain at all, and this hundred million was indeed worth it.

The power was concentrated in the waist, from the waist to the right leg, the leg fell like a whip, and Ye Chen was kicked out like a humanoid rag doll.

Ye Chen’s arm that resisted the strength of Chen Luo’s legs twisted slightly, obviously fractured.

“Stop, stop fighting.”

Xiao Yixue immediately stopped in front of Chen Luo.

I thought that Ye Chen was already inhuman, but I didn’t expect Chen Luo to beat Ye Chen so badly.

“Fuck off.”

Chen Luo mercilessly threw Xiao Yixue aside, and slashed at Ye Chen’s head with one foot.


The ground was stepped on by Chen Luo to step out of a big hole, and the people downstairs were startled.


Chen Luo had a cold light in his eyes, his legs were like whips, and he would lose if he stayed for a long time, and he couldn’t dodge the second kick when he dodged the first kick.


Ye Chen leaned against the wall, wiped a handful of blood spat out of his mouth, and looked at Chen Luo madly.

“Come on, Lao Tzu killed you.”

Tearing off his shirt, revealing his upper body full of scars, the best defense is to attack, hard resisting Chen Luo’s heavy punches and feet, Ye Chen punched Chen Luo’s chest.

After taking more than a dozen steps back and leaning against the wall, Chen Luo dissolved the force of Ye Chen’s explosive punch.

This explosive punch is very strong, if Chen Luo does not have this suit on his body, I am afraid that this punch can beat him.

Even with the effect of a bulletproof suit, Chen Luo could feel a subtle pain, like a mosquito bite, and was not injured.

“Chen Luo, how are you?”

Zhao Yingxuan immediately asked.

“It’s okay.”

Chen Luo rushed towards Ye Chen again.

In the face of Ye Chen’s counterattack, Chen Luo only needed to protect his head, and other parts were left to Ye Chen’s attack.

For Ye Chen, it was an injury for an injury, and for Chen Luo, it was a one-sided beating, and he hit Chen Luo without pain at all.

Ye Chen’s biggest mistake was to underestimate Chen Luo, when he first kicked Chen Luo, he was full of flaws, and he didn’t use his full strength.

From the time he committed the crime of arrogance, the battle was practically over.

The combat effectiveness of the two of them is similar, Ye Chen gave Chen Luo a chance, if Chen Luo can’t do Ye Chen, then the money will not be spent in vain.

Ye Chen, who was full of injuries, was affected by the injury, and the more he fought, the more he couldn’t beat Chen Luo.


Resisting Ye Chen’s punch to his abdomen, Chen Luo punched Ye Chen’s face, directly knocking Ye Chen stunned, and he almost fainted in front of him.

Chen Luo was only beaten back a few steps, and he was not injured at all.

Redeeming this bulletproof suit should be the most correct decision he made, otherwise if he beats Ye Chen like this, he will definitely not be much better, and it may even be worse.

“Stop me, hit me again and I’ll call the police.”

Xiao Yixue got up from the ground and shouted loudly.


Kicking Ye Chen, the overwhelmed wall was knocked open by Ye Chen, and from the office here, he flew directly to another room.


Chen Luo glanced at Xiao Yixue, “Since President Xiao has spoken, how can I not give face, let him go this time.” ”

Xiao Qianxue’s face was dark, if Chen Luozhen gave her face, he would not have let her go away just now, and he would have thrown her off directly.

The wound on her hand was caused by Chen Luo when he threw her away with his hand.

“Whew, I thought you were really going to kill him, if you did, things would be troublesome.”

Zhao Yingxuan said to Chen Luo.

This is not Liang Xinghu’s place, Liang Xinghu’s ass is not clean, kill someone on his side, Liang Xinghu himself will solve it, there will be no trouble at all.

But if Chen Luo killed Ye Chen here, then Chen Luo would only have to flee, and it didn’t seem worth it to become a fugitive in order to kill Ye Chen.

This was also the reason why Chen Luo stopped, although he wanted to kill Ye Chen, Chen Luo still considered the consequences.

In addition, Chen Luo felt that if he really wanted to kill Ye Chen, it was not so simple, this guy was the protagonist, how could it be so easy to kill.

Who knows if there will be surprises when the killer is made.

Ye Chen got up, spat out a mouthful of blood, and stared at Chen Luo with a murderous wolf-like gaze.

In fact, he had already made plans to run, if Chen Luo started again, he would probably have to run, and he also planned to jump off the building and run.

Although this is the seventy-second floor, Ye Chen’s skills are better than any parkour master, he can insert his fingers into the wall with his bare hands, and he is sure to survive by jumping from here.

Chen Luo did not continue to move, and Ye Chen did not show a shocking escape technique, if Chen Luo knew, he would definitely force him to escape, look at the protagonist’s escape skills.

“Be humble in front of me in the future, don’t be so arrogant, or be careful that I beat you to death.”

Listening to Chen Luo’s words, a cold light flashed in Ye Chen’s eyes.

This time losing to Chen Luo, he did not feel that he was worse than Chen Luo, first of all, he was careless, and Ye Chen also found that there was a problem with the clothes on Chen Luo’s body.

Most of the force he hit was dissolved by his clothes, and the remaining strength was painless.

And at the beginning, he underestimated Chen Luo, and he didn’t regard Chen Luo as an opponent of the same level at first.

If he was in good condition and fought again, Ye Chen didn’t think he would lose.

This time losing to Chen Luo, Ye Chen was not convinced.

However, because the injuries on his body were a little serious, Ye Chen did not have a hard mouth.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn’t say anything, Chen Luo was a little disappointed, if he was still unconvinced, Chen Luo could seize the opportunity to beat him up again.

This feeling of beating the protagonist is indeed a little cool.

However, there are more opportunities in the future, he does not think that he can subdue Ye Chen once, and he knows from the hatred in Ye Chen’s eyes that he will not give up.

If you can hit him once, you can hit him a second time, why can’t I beat you, although the protagonist’s life is also on the hang, but his hanger is not as strong as mine.

Of course, he is not too inflated, after all, the protagonist’s aura is not weak, maybe it will suddenly explode.


PS: The banned chapter fourteen is temporarily related to the work!

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