Soon, Luo Zixuan’s money hit Chen Luo’s account.

Chen Luo walked out of Zhao Yingxuan’s office and came to the empty conference room.

“System, consume 150 million, trade me an artificial human.”

Then Chen Luo set his appearance, fierce and vicious, nearly two meters tall, full of lumpy muscles, you can know that it is very fierce at a glance.

The marksmanship may not be as good as Ye Chen, but in terms of martial arts, he is definitely not weaker than Ye Chen, and his physique is not much different.

This price is very cheap, and the reason why it is so cheap is because the guy in front of him only has a year of life.

And in addition to the short lifespan, there are other defects, such as no feelings, only know to follow orders, and do things more dullly.

It is precisely because of these flaws that artificial humans of this combat power can be traded at this price.

If you want him to be completely like a normal person, and also have a combat power that is not weaker than Ye Chen, I am afraid that it will take about 500 million.

Although Luo Zixuan gave him 500 million, Chen Luo also had to make money, and it was not too much for him to make 350 million.

If Luo Zixuan knew that Chen Luo was so pitted, I don’t know if he would vomit blood with anger.


The artificial man who was traded looked at Chen Luo expressionlessly, and he would not make other expressions at all.

“I’ll send you to a person as a bodyguard, and you’ll obey his orders in the future.” Chen Luo ordered him.

“From now on, your name will be Ah Da, and this is your identity document.”

“Yes, master.”

“Don’t call me master, call me Chen Luo in the future.”

Even if Chen Luo arranged for him to be Luo Zixuan’s subordinate, he would first obey Chen Luo, and then obey Luo Zixuan according to Chen Luo’s orders.


“It’s a little too dull, but Luo Zixuan shouldn’t mind, such a bodyguard is definitely a dream.”

Ah Da’s shortcomings are not considered shortcomings, but it is a pity that Ah Da only has a one-year lifespan, even if Chen Luo exchanges his life to give Ah Da a life, let him survive, his strength will be abolished after a year.

No way, this is the price of cheapness, and the saying that cheap is not good is indeed true.

Of course, Chen Luo can also spend money to let the system repair Ah Da’s defects, which depends on whether it is worth it in the future.

After all, Chen Luo couldn’t pay too much for a tool, and in his eyes, Ah Da was a tool.

“System, bring me another one, this time for 500 million.”

This time, Chen Luo made a woman, and her melee combat ability was similar to Ah Da, but Chen Luo loaded her with a master-level marksmanship.

Although it is an artificial human traded by Chen Luo, it is completely no different from a normal person, compared to Ah Da’s dull expression, her expression is much smarter, and her appearance is not bad.


The voice is a little weak, but don’t think that she is a weak woman, her combat effectiveness is no worse than Chen Luo, these 500 million are not in vain.

“In the future, you will be called Chunmei, responsible for protecting Zhao Yingxuan.”

Although Chen Luo is a bodyguard, he can’t follow Zhao Yingxuan all the time, so he found a bodyguard to protect Zhao Yingxuan.

Of course, there is also the meaning of monitoring Zhao Yingxuan.

Although he had a relationship with Zhao Yingxuan and was sure that the woman seemed to really love herself, it was definitely impossible to say that Chen Luo completely trusted Zhao Yingxuan.

Don’t forget Chen Luo’s character, he is very cautious.

“Good host.”

“Don’t call me master, call me by my name in the future.”

“Then I’ll call you Brother Luo.”

“Okay.” Chen Luo nodded.

Take Chunmei into Zhao Yingxuan’s office.

“You’re bringing back a woman?”

Zhao Yingxuan saw the Chunmei brought back by Chen Luo, and her mood was a little unhappy, she was now jealous.

“She’s the bodyguard I’ve found for you.”

“Doesn’t my bodyguard have you, don’t need her.”

“No, I’ve been promoted now, not a simple bodyguard.”

Chen Luo said with a smile.

“Yes, if Xiao Yongqiang knows, he will definitely explode.” The corner of Zhao Yingxuan’s mouth hooked slightly.

“Don’t expose our relationship for fun, it’s not good for us.”

Chen Luo reminded that since Xiao Yongqiang was about to die, there was no need to provoke the other party at this time, and those who were on the verge of death were the most terrifying.

“I understand your thoughts, he doesn’t know what is the most exciting.”

Zhao Yingxuan threw a wink, she understood men too well.

Chen Luo faced Zhao Yingxuan’s hook, a little unbearable, and it seemed that there was no need to endure it.

Seeing the change in Chen Luo’s eyes, Zhao Yingxuan’s face changed slightly.

“Wait for tomorrow, okay?”

Looking at Zhao Yingxuan, who had a pleading face, Chen Luo was also a little proud: “Let you go for the time being today.” ”

After all, Chen Luo still had some business to do.

“This little wrongdoer makes me love and hate ah.”

The corner of Zhao Yingxuan’s mouth hooked a smile, and she hadn’t smiled so sincerely for a long time.

“It’s incredible that a person like me would really fall in love with someone.” Zhao Yingxuan put her hand on her lips with an attractive gesture.

If Chen Luo were here, I’m afraid he really couldn’t help it.

Don’t look at Chen Luo so able to endure before, facing Zhao Yingxuan’s seduction is like Liu Xiahui, but once he opens his mouth, it is like breaking the, unstoppable.

“Make me a cup of coffee.”

Zhao Yingxuan glanced at Chunmei next to her, her thoughts surging, this little man she can’t surrender, maybe she can share it.

Having heard of a man who dies on a woman’s belly, she doesn’t want to be a woman who dies on a man’s belly.

“Yes, Mr. Zhao.”

Chunmei obediently went to pour coffee for Zhao Yingxuan.

“What is the relationship between Chen Luo and you? Don’t be afraid, I don’t mind if you have that kind of relationship. ”

“President Zhao, don’t misunderstand, Brother Luo is my lifesaver, and we don’t have the kind of relationship that President Zhao thinks.” Chunmei replied immediately.


Zhao Yingxuan doesn’t know whether it’s true or not, this Chunmei’s appearance is slightly inferior to her, following Chen Luo, does Chen Luo really have no mind?

She didn’t delve into it, although she would be jealous, but if Chen Luo had other women, she would not stop it, she knew that she couldn’t bind Chen Luo, and he was too strong.

Chen Luo took Ah Da and had already gone to see Luo Zixuan.

Coming to the hospital, Chen Luo went straight to Luo Zixuan’s ward, of course, he was the best ward he lived in, and it was not much worse than the presidential suite of the hotel.

Chen Luo pushed the door in, Ah Da followed in with the fruit, and when he entered the door, Chen Luo put on a smiling face.

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