“Luo Shao, I came to see you.”

Luo Zixuan on the hospital bed immediately got up when he heard the voice, and his gaze directly crossed Chen Luo and looked at the big man behind Chen Luo.

Chen Luo’s height is one meter eighty-five, which is relatively tall among ordinary people, but compared with Ah Da, he looks short.

Ah Da is not only tall, but also very strong, Chen Luo’s specially set appearance, at a glance, you can know that it is not an ordinary person, ordinary people walking on the road have to walk around, too aura.

“This brother is the bodyguard you found for me?”

It’s worth it, if this person works for him for a lifetime, spending 500 million seems to be worth it, this look is not like words.

Indeed, compared to ordinary people, Ah Da’s combat effectiveness is not like words, and when it comes to close combat, Ah Da is not weaker than Chen Luo.

The marksmanship is a little worse, of course, this is compared to the perverts like Chen Luo and Ye Chen, in fact, his marksmanship is not weaker than some scouts.

“That’s right, come, show your power.” Chen Luo said to Ah Da.

Ah Da looked at it, then froze on the wall, and punched down, although this wall was too thick to penetrate, but it cracked, and punched a big hole.

Luo Zixuan swallowed his spit, if this punch hit him, he would definitely die, he didn’t even need to be rescued, he could be pulled directly to the crematorium.

“How does Luo Shao feel?”

“Brother, don’t call me Luo Shao in the future, it’s too raw, I’m two years older than you, you call me Brother Luo, I’ll call you Brother Chen.”

Chen Luo felt that Luo Zixuan was stupid, in fact, Luo Zixuan was not really stupid, and at this time he already wanted to have a relationship with Chen Luola.

He could see how Chen Luo, who could find someone like Ah Da, be an ordinary person.

“What is this brother called?”

“Just call him Ah Da.”

Chen Luo lowered his voice in Luo Zixuan’s ear: “This is a killing tool cultivated by a certain force, it is a killing machine. ”

Chen Luo’s words made Luo Zixuan’s heart chill, looking at Chen Luo’s mysterious smile, he felt that Chen Luo was even more extraordinary.

For Chen Luo, he paid more attention to it.

This is also Chen Luo’s purpose, to make a deal with Luo Zixuan in the future, he naturally has to stand in the same position as him.

His words could make Luo Zixuan unable to understand his details.

“Ah Da’s IQ is not very good, he will only do what he is told, and he will do whatever you command, even if it is at the cost of his life.”

“If you still want to find this kind of bodyguard, you can contact me again, I won’t stay here for a long time.”

Unless it was a transaction, Chen Luoke didn’t have time to chat with Luo Zixuan, so he refused Luo Zixuan’s retention.

“Hahaha, Ye Chen, this time I see if you die or not.”

Looking at the big Ah Da, Luo Zixuan couldn’t help but reach out and pinch his hard iron-like muscles, hitting him himself, it should be tickling.

As an artificial human with many defects, Ah Da actually has an advantage that normal humans do not have, that is, there is no pain.

I don’t know what pain is, but this is very useful in battle.

With the same strength, Ah Da can occupy the advantage by virtue of not being afraid of death and not afraid of pain.

“Ah Da, you come with me.”

Luo Zixuan couldn’t wait to take revenge now.

“Young Master, the chairman has ordered, and you are not allowed to leave the hospital now.”

When he was about to leave, someone immediately wanted to stop him, this was Luo Zixuan’s father’s bodyguard, and they were responsible for watching Luo Zixuan.

“Young master, let’s wait until the injury is healed before discharging from the hospital.”

Luo Zixuan’s injury was also serious, not heavy or heavy, he was beaten and vomited blood at that time, in fact, Ye Chen had already left his hand.

He probably knew that it would be troublesome to beat Luo Zixuan into a serious injury.

At this time, although Luo Zixuan’s ribs were still very painful, even when he walked, he was eager for revenge, even if he endured the pain, he wanted to take revenge.

As a villain, Luo Zixuan is indeed a qualified villain, with a disabled body, even if he is injured, he has to go to the protagonist for trouble.

After walking a few steps, Luo Zixuan was indeed a little unable to hold on.

“Ah Da pushed the wheelchair for me.”

Luo Zixuan asked Ah Da to push the wheelchair over, and then he sat in the wheelchair.

“Throw him aside for me, whoever dares to stop me, throw it all and fly out, don’t kill him.” Luo Zixuan was afraid that Ah Da would kill his father’s bodyguard.

“If the young master has to leave, then he will be offended.”

The bodyguard who blocked Luo Zixuan immediately moved, he was shooting towards Ah Da, and he definitely did not dare to attack Luo Zixuan.

Luo Zixuan is the son of their boss, and if he hits the boss’s son, he is ready to get out.

Although Ah Da is a big man, this bodyguard is not afraid, the battle is skillful, and a big man may not be able to win.

However, the result was that Ah Da picked up the other party with one hand, just like carrying a chicken cub, and threw it directly to the wall.


The bodyguard who smashed on the wall almost fainted, what kind of force is this, just like a toddler facing an adult, there is no ability to resist at all.


Luo Zixuan gave a thumbs up, the more powerful Ah Da behaved, the more happy Luo Zixuan became, and Ye Chen, the bastard, was dead.

If he directly beat Ye Chen to death, he would save the money of the bounty.

In order to reward Ye Chen’s small life, Luo Zixuan directly spent more than three hundred million, which means that the Luo family has a big business, and his net worth is richer than Xiao Yongqiang, the richest man on the surface, otherwise he will definitely not be able to withstand the squandering of this loser.

“Go, hurry up and take me to Yongqiang Group, you can drive, right?”

Luo Zixuan asked Ah Da, if he couldn’t drive, he would have to take a taxi, which would be a loss of his identity.


Driving technology is just the driving technique of normal people, but it is enough.

After Ah Da took Luo Zixuan into the car, he went straight to Yongqiang Group according to the navigation.

Came to Yongqiang Group, Luo Zixuan sat in a wheelchair and was pushed by Ah Da.

The first to see Luo Zixuan was the bald man, the deputy manager of his dignified security department, who sat in the office, but was retaliated by Ye Chen and came to stand guard below.

“Luo Shao.”

Seeing Luo Zixuan, the bald man ran over kindly.

“Who are you?” Luo Zixuan looked at the bald man and frowned.

“Luo Shao, I am the original manager of the security department, and now because Ye Chen has been demoted to deputy manager, are you here to trouble Ye Chen?”

The bald man had anticipation in his eyes, it was best to let Ye Chen get out, so that he could sit in the manager’s position again.

“You go and let Ye Chen get out for me.” Luo Zixuan ordered unceremoniously.

“Okay, Luo Shao, you wait, I’ll let Ye Chen get out to see you right away.”

The bald man was ecstatic and really came to find trouble.

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