There was a burst of gunfire, although Chunmei was single-handed, but armed to the teeth, it would definitely be no problem to solve everyone inside alone.

Soon, Chunmei’s voice came from Chen Luo’s earphones.

“Brother Luo, it’s all solved.”

“Okay, I’ll go in and take a look.”

Chen Luo walked in directly from the main entrance, although the appearance of this warehouse was very shabby, but there was something inside it.

There were a total of thirty-two people inside, all of them were killed, all of them looked dead, and Chunmei had no injuries on her body.

“A fire burned.”

After He Chunmei walked out, Chen Luo threw a Molotov cocktail over, and the entire warehouse was set on fire.

After solving Xiao Yongqiang’s people, Chen Luo planned to kidnap Xiao Yixue next.

Catch the heroine, it’s not that simple to catch it.

After they set a fire, they walked happily, and after Xiao Yongqiang knew it, he almost didn’t come up and hang up.

“It’s definitely Chen Luo.”

After taking two pills, Xiao Yongqiang stabilized, his right hand was tightly held, and his forehead was bruised.

He had just attacked Chen Luo and Zhao Yingxuan, and the people he had trained to deal with dirty things were dead, and the biggest suspect was only Chen Luo.

“He can find there, which means that he really knows that I sent someone to attack them.”

Xiao Yongqiang immediately called Ye Chen.

“Ye Chen, Chen Luo may attack the falling snow, you must protect the falling snow.”

After making this call to Ye Chen, Xiao Yongqiang immediately left the house, he was afraid that Chen Luo would directly kill him.

Nearly forty of his subordinates had died before and after, so Xiao Yongqiang didn’t think Chen Luo was a good person.

In fact, no matter where Xiao Yongqiang was hiding, as long as Chen Luo wanted to, finding Xiao Yongqiang would be easy, and it would cost some money at most.

Night falls.

“Brother Luo, according to my surveillance, Xiao Yixue has not left the company, she should have lived in the company.”

Chunmei reported to Chen Luo.

“No matter where she is, she can’t stop us from shooting.”

This time, Chen Luo couldn’t let Chunmei go by herself, if Chunmei went by herself, she would definitely fail, and there was no possibility of success.

Don’t look at Chunmei’s strength in all aspects is not weaker than Ye Chen, but Ye Chen is the protagonist, if you fight for life and death, the final death must be Chunmei.

“Introduce you to a sister.”

While speaking, the door was pushed open, and a beautiful woman who was not the same as Chunmei walked in, dressed in full armor.


The visitor looked at Chen Luo respectfully.

“Call me Brother Luo like Chunmei.”

She is also an artificial human traded by Chen Luo in the system, and was named Xia Lan by Chen Luo.

Also costing Chen Luo 500 million, Xia Lan’s melee combat strength is similar to Chunmei, but the marksmanship is very ordinary, but she has hacking ability, and she is definitely the world’s top level hacker.

Subsequently, Chen Luo spent 500 million to strengthen his strength.

Sure enough, the more I want to improve my strength in the future, the more I pay, and I spent 500 million to enhance myself, and from the data point of view, it is not as much as I spent 100 million to improve before.

Now Chen Luo has also improved his spiritual attributes, and after improving his spirit, Chen Luo obviously feels that his consciousness is running faster, his mind is clear, and his grasp of every bit of strength in his body is stronger.

I don’t know if the spirit can awaken the superpower of mind power to a certain extent.

[Name]: Chen Luo

[Age/Lifespan]: 24/93

[Power]: 88

[Agile]: 86

[Constitution]: 87

[Spirit]: 83

[Skills]: Fighting (Master), Marksmanship (Master).

[Items]: Storage ring (1 cubic meter), Desert Eagle × 2, Glock × 1, bulletproof suit, human skin mask…

Glancing at his attribute panel, Chen Luo changed his clothes.

Having just increased his strength, Chen Luo couldn’t wait to compete with Ye Chen again.

“In order to be foolproof this time, I spent a billion, and this billion must be earned back.”

Chen Luo took Chunmei and Xia Lan and set off for Yongqiang Mansion.

“Fortunately, Yongqiang Group does not work overtime.”

Looking up, the entire Yongqiang Group no longer had any light except for the president’s office.

Of course, there must be security downstairs.

“Act according to the original plan.” Chen Luo said.

Xia Lan took out the computer and hacked directly into the Yongqiang Group, and all the monitoring stopped on one screen and stood still.

Chunmei shot out head-on and directly knocked down several security guards downstairs, and her movements were clean.

The security guards were not dead, but were knocked unconscious.

Let Chunmei make a move to lure out Ye Chen, Chen Luo is hiding in the shadows to sneak attack, in order to solve Ye Chen, Chen Luo also prepared a sniper rifle.

Sniper rifles traded out of the system.

Sure enough, not long after Chunmei solved these bodyguards, Ye Chen appeared.

At this time, Ye Chen’s injury was not good, and the injury caused by Chen Luo to him had not yet healed, and he was injured by Ah Da again.

“Who are you?” Ye Chen looked at this person who looked like a woman and asked.

Thinking of the call Xiao Yongqiang had given him before, Ye Chen suspected that this woman was sent by Chen Luo.

Chunmei looked at Ye Chen who appeared and took a few steps back.

The moment Chunmei retreated, Ye Chen felt a chill in his eyebrows, and instantly fell to the ground.

A bullet flew by, and if Ye Chen hadn’t fallen down in time, he would definitely be able to lift his skull.

“Didn’t hit.”

Chen Luo held a sniper rifle with a silencer installed, and it was not too strange that a shot was not hit, after all, this is the protagonist, and it is difficult to kill him with one shot.

But then Chen Luo’s mentality collapsed a little, and he missed five shots in a row, and Chen Luo began to wonder if his master-level marksmanship was invalid.

“Do you have an automatic bullet avoidance system on your body?” Or does this guy have Spider-Man’s spider-sense. ”

The sniper rifle was backhanded traded back to the system by Chen Luo, and it was simply not used in a fit of anger, this forced to have the luck given by God, and it couldn’t be hit at all, this is very protagonist.

“Chunmei, you and Xia Lan go to capture Xiao Yixue, and I will deal with him.”

Chen Luo ordered towards Chunmei.

Chunmei nodded, and then entered the Yongqiang Group with Xia Lan, and when Ye Chen wanted to stop it, he was kicked out by Chen Luo who suddenly appeared.

This kick was fast and ruthless, Ye Chen was kicked more than ten meters away, and the whole person was kicked into the wall.

“Since I can’t kill you with a gun, I’ll beat you alive with my fist.”

Before, Chen Luo’s combat effectiveness was not weaker than Ye Chen, and now he can suppress Ye Chen and beat him.

Ye Chen wanted to take out the gun, but as soon as he took out the gun, he was kicked out by Chen Luo like lightning, and then punched Ye Chen in the chest with a backhand.

Spring Festival reading day is happy, charge 100 get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive (Event Period: January 31 to February 15)

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