
Ye Chen gasped violently, and his powerful punch almost knocked him back.

“You are Chen Luo, right? Hide your head and show your tail, and have the ability to show your true face. ”

Chen Luo was wearing a full-coverage helmet at this time, and Ye Chen couldn’t see Chen Luo’s face at all, in fact, Chen Luo’s helmet was also bulletproof.

With Chen Luo’s current full body protection, he could not pose a threat unless he brought a bazooka.

The villain died of talking too much, Chen Luo did not speak, his punches were like a violent storm, and it was difficult for Ye Chen to defend.

This is also fortunate that Ye Chen is the protagonist, otherwise he would have been killed by Chen Luo’s stormy offensive.

And Ye Chen was completely sure at this time that this person was Chen Luo, and although Chen Luo hid his face, he had fought with Chen Luo.

Chen Luo’s attack routine had already been memorized by him.

When Chen Luo and Ye Chen were fighting fiercely, Chunmei and Xia Lan had already arrived at the president’s office.


Chunmei and Xia Lan were stunned for a moment, and Xia Lan immediately took out her laptop.

The monitoring of the Yongqiang Group was the best weapon for them to find Xiao Yixue.

“I didn’t find it, just look for a place where Yongqiang Group does not monitor.”

Xiao Yixue was not found through monitoring, so there was only one possibility, Xiao Yixue knew the danger in advance, and then hid.

“She ran out of the president’s office and followed me.”

Through the backward surveillance video, Xia Lan found that Xiao Yixue left the president’s office, and even determined the direction of her departure.

Then Xia Lan led the way, and Chunmei and the two of them quickly came to an elevator.

“There is actually an elevator here, it seems that she went down, we will quickly report to Luo Ge.” Chunmei immediately reported to Chen Luo through the communicator.

Below, Chen Luo, who punched Fei Yechen again, frowned, and sure enough, he knew that it would definitely not be so easy to catch the heroine.

“Brother Luo, she may have called the police, what should we do now?”

Xiao Yixue realized the danger and would definitely call the police.

“Let’s prepare to retreat first.”

This time, it may be a failure to catch Xiao Yixue.

“Brother Luo, she reached the first floor, I found her.” Xia Lan discovered Xiao Yixue through the monitoring of Yongqiang Group.

“Tell me where she is.”

Chen Luo originally planned to give up, but he didn’t expect that there was still a chance, and he directly gave up to deal with Ye Chen, this guy was too resistant.

And every time Chen Luo attacked him and was about to kill him, Ye Chen could always magically avoid Chen Luo’s fatal blow.

Even Ye Chen seized the opportunity to fight back a few times, and if he hadn’t protected him well, he might have been injured a little.

It was clear that Chen Luo’s strength was stronger than Ye Chen, but he couldn’t solve him for a long time.

He could even feel that Ye Chen’s guy seemed to have improved.

He was worried that if he continued to fight, Ye Chen would not have a potential outbreak and defeat him in defeat.

Chen Luo’s speed was very fast, Ye Chen wanted to stop Chen Luo but couldn’t stop it at all, according to Xia Lan’s direction, Chen Luo finally bumped into Xiao Yixue head-on.

At this time, Xiao Yixue’s face was a little panicked.

After seeing Chen Luo, he immediately took the electric shock stick in his hand and shot towards Chen Luo.

With Xiao Yixue’s speed, of course, he couldn’t hit Chen Luo, and even if he hit Chen Luo, he would be fine.


Chen Luo directly knocked Xiao Qianxue unconscious with a hand knife, and then carried Xiao Yixue on his shoulder.

“Put the snow down for me.”

Ye Chen kicked towards the back of Chen Luo’s head from behind.

“Find death.”

A roundhouse kick kicked Ye Chen to the ground, and then Chen Luo carried Xiao Yixue and turned away, and Xia Lan and Chunmei had also come down.

“Let’s go.”

Chen Luo did not stay and had to kill Ye Chen, this protagonist is not so easy to kill, and the longer the entanglement, the easier it is to have accidents.

In case the police arrived, even if they broke out, it would be trouble for Chen Luo.

With them directly into the prepared car, and then flew away, Ye Chen got up from the ground and chased them out, it was too late.

And at this time, Ye Chen’s body couldn’t hold on, half kneeling on the ground, if not forcibly enduring, I was afraid that he would faint.

With a trembling hand, he took out his mobile phone, and Ye Chen made a call to Xiao Yongqiang.

“Uncle Xiao, Xiao Yixue was captured by Chen Luo.”

“What did you say?”

Xiao Yongqiang, who was hiding in a safe place, had a livid face, and although he guessed that Chen Luo might attack Xiao Qianxue, he did not expect that he really attacked Xiao Qianxue.

“Are you sure it’s Chen Luo?”

“That’s right, I’m sure it’s Chen Luo.”

Even if he didn’t see Chen Luo’s face, Ye Chen was sure that it was Chen Luo.

“If he dares to hurt Yanxue, I will definitely not let him go.” Xiao Yongqiang was furious.

“Are you all right?”

Xiao Yongqiang could hear that Ye Chen’s voice was a little weak.

“Can’t die yet.”

This was the most serious injury Ye Chen had suffered, more serious than the previous injury, and his battle with Chen Luo today was completely supported by will.

If Chen Luo entangled with him for another two minutes, everyone waiting for Ye Chen would be a dead end.

If Chen Luo knew, he would definitely regret it, after all, Chen Luo still consumed energy in two minutes.

“Brother Luo, take her back?”

Pointing to Xiao Yixue, who was still in a coma, Chunmei asked.

Chen Luo rubbed his forehead: “This woman is indeed a bit of a headache to deal with. ”

It was not safe to capture Zhao Yingxuan’s villa, Ye Chen guessed that it was his hand, and Xiao Yongqiang could definitely guess it.

Elsewhere, Chen Luoke did not have a place to stay.

When he went to catch Xiao Yixue, Chen Luo didn’t think so much, Chen Luo just wanted to try to see if he could succeed for the heroine.

“I’ll ask Zhao Yingxuan to see if she has a place.”

Chen Luo called Zhao Yingxuan.

“Hey, honey, did you catch that woman Xiao Yixue?”

“Captured, but Ye Chen and Xiao Yongqiang should have guessed that she was arrested by me, do you have any place to temporarily place her?”

“Yes, just bring her to my villa, in fact, there is a specially built secret room under my villa, and no one will find her there.”

Zhao Yingxuan said with great confidence.

For Zhao Yingxuan’s confidence, Chen Luo was a little skeptical, but now he can only believe that Zhao Yingxuan’s secret room is secret enough.

Directly took Xiao Yingxue to Zhao Yingxuan’s villa, looking at the comatose Xiao Yingxue, Zhao Yingxuan’s face was excited.

“Mr. Zhao, where is the secret room? Quickly lock her in. ”

“Also call me President Zhao, call people dear, or call people Yingxuan.”

Zhao Yingxuan glanced at Chen Luo with a variety of styles, and then took Chen Luo to the basement, and there was also a secret passage in the basement that led to the hidden secret room.

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