Chen Luo carefully looked at the secret room, it was indeed hidden enough, if it weren’t for Zhao Yingxuan opening the secret compartment, he wouldn’t have seen that there was a passage that could be opened here.

“It’s completely isolated from sound, and whatever sound she makes, she can’t hear it outside.” Zhao Yingxuan said.

Chen Luo couldn’t help but ask, “You built this secret room, have you been looking forward to this day for a long time?” ”

“I really didn’t think about it before to build this secret room, this is where I store important items.”

Zhao Yingxuan took out the rope and tied up Xiao Yixue, who was still in a coma, this binding method, Chen Luo can only say that he did not look less at teaching.

“Like it?” Zhao Yingxuan looked at Chen Luo with a smile.

Looking down at Xiao Yixue, don’t say, Xiao Yixue is indeed very tempting now, when she is in a coma, it is much better than when she is awake, at least not in that cold posture.

“Do you want to try it with me another day?” Zhao Yingxuan whispered in Chen Luo’s ear.

“No need to another day, you can do it now.”

Chen Luo directly picked up Zhao Yingxuan, then closed the secret room and took her directly to the room to discuss art.

When Chen Luo was discussing art here, Xiao Yongqiang had already come to the group and sent Ye Chen to the hospital.

“Yo, who beat this guy like this.”

Just as the so-called unjust road is narrow, Luo Zixuan and Ye Chen met in the hospital, and now Luo Zixuan is still hospitalized.

Seeing Ye Chen’s miserable appearance, he couldn’t help but gloat.

Ye Chen stared at Luo Zixuan fiercely, and Luo Zixuan spat in disdain.

“Why, do you want to make a move on me?”

While speaking, Ah Da walked directly over and stood in front of Luo Zixuan, blocking Ye Chen.

Looking at Ah Da Yechen can only endure, although he does not think that he is inferior to Ah Da, but to win Ah Da is under normal circumstances, and now it is obviously not a normal situation.

With his current injury, he was also taught a lesson by Ah Da.

“Uncle Xiao, who was he beaten by, is it convenient to reveal?” Luo Zixuan’s gaze towards Xiao Yongqiang was obviously much friendlier.

The main thing is that he wants to get Xiao Yongqiang’s approval and let Xiao Yongqiang marry Xiao Yixue to him.

Although his father said that it was absolutely impossible for Xiao Yongqiang to agree to marry Xiao Yixue to him, Luo Zixuan felt that it was not impossible.

Sincerity, gold and stone, when facing himself, Xiao Yongqiang’s attitude is not very good.

“Beaten by Chen Luo.”

Xiao Yongqiang looked at Luo Zixuan, a different color flashed in his eyes, and he had a calculation in his heart.

“It turned out to be beaten by my brother.” Luo Zixuan’s expression was a little proud, Chen Luo was really his good brother, and he beat Ye Chen like this and gave him a blow.

In an instant, Xiao Yongqiang’s face became gloomy.

“You said Chen Luo is your brother? That is, you instigated the kidnapping of Pouring Snow? ”

Faced with Xiao Yongqiang’s questioning, Luo Zixuan was a little confused.

“Uncle Xiao, make it clear, what dumping snow was kidnapped by me, could it be that pouring snow was kidnapped?”

Luo Zixuan asked anxiously towards Xiao Yongqiang.

“Yes, he was kidnapped by Chen Luo, does this have anything to do with you?” Xiao Yongqiang looked at Luo Zixuan coldly.

“It has absolutely nothing to do with me, so I’ll ask Chen Luo.”

Luo Zixuan said immediately.

He was also very nervous about Xiao Qianxue’s situation in his heart, and he was also angry with Chen Luo, although he was now a brother and brother to Chen Luo, but if Xiao Qianxue was involved, there would be no emotion.

At this time, Xiao Yongqiang collected the coldness and anger on his face, in fact, he deliberately told Luo Zixuan just now.

is to use Luo Zixuan’s hand to rescue Xiao Yixue, this is Xiao Yongqiang’s calculation, but I didn’t expect that Luo Zixuan and Chen Luo were actually very familiar.

Ye Chen, who was going to treat his injuries, also stopped, looked at Luo Zixuan, and waited for an answer.

“How can I not get through.”

Luo Zixuan’s face was very ugly.

Now he and Chen Luo called, and they couldn’t get through at all.

It is strange to be able to play generalists, Chen Luo is now busy with business, where is sometimes indirect Luo Zixuan’s phone, and the mobile phone has been turned off by Chen Luo.

“Uncle Xiao, do you have evidence that Chen Luo did it?”

Luo Zixuan did not continue to fight, because it had been turned off, and it was useless to fight how many times he played.

“There is evidence, I can prove that Chen Luo kidnapped Pouring Snow.” Ye Chen said.

“Do you deserve to be called Snowy’s name?”

Luo Zixuan glanced at Ye Chen coldly, with killing intent in his eyes, even now, Luo Zixuan still did not dispel the killing intent towards Ye Chen.

Seeing Ye Chen, he had a feeling of disgust, which was the effect of the protagonist’s aura attracting hatred.

In addition, Luo Zixuan also knew that Ye Chen, a bastard, was plotting against Xiao Qianxue, and he would definitely not allow this kind of person to live.

Therefore, the reward list about Ye Chen that he placed on the dark web has not been revoked now, and there are already killers who have taken orders.

It is estimated that it will not be long before someone comes to assassinate Ye Chen.

Ye Chen’s fist clenched and clicked, and the killing intent surged in his heart.

“The most important thing now is to get the snow back, I am afraid that there will be accidents in the snow for a long time.”

Xiao Yongqiang frowned and interrupted the-for-tat confrontation between the two of them.

No matter what method is used, it is only right to rescue Xiao Yixue first.

“If Chen Luo did it, I wouldn’t let him go.”

Luo Zixuan ignored Ye Chen for the time being, anyway, Ye Chen was already a dead man in his eyes, and the most important thing was Xiao Yixue.

Even if he had a good relationship with Chen Luo, if Chen Luo kidnapped Xiao Yixue, he would not let Chen Luo go.

In Luo Zixuan’s licking dog’s heart, Xiao Yixue’s status may be higher than his father’s.

But now Luo Zixuan didn’t fully believe it, after all, it was Ye Chen who said that Chen Luo kidnapped Xiao Yixue, how could he believe Ye Chen’s words.

“Do you know where Chen Luo is?”

Luo Zixuan wanted to personally go to Chen Luo to ask what was going on.

Xiao Yongqiang directly told Luo Zixuan the location of Zhao Yingxuan, and Chen Luo must be with Zhao Yingxuan.

Originally, he planned to kill the door to question Zhao Yingxuan and Chen Luo, but now it is good to have Luo Zixuan to open the way.

It is best to let the two of them become enemies, and when the time comes, they can use Luo Zixuan’s hand to deal with Chen Luo.

Xiao Yongqiang is indeed an old fox, with a lot of calculations, and Luo Zixuan is completely in Xiao Yongqiang’s calculations.

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