“How should this be handled, President?”

Xiaoli asked Xiao Yixue.

“Call an ambulance and call the police.” Xiao Yixue said lightly.

Even if Luo Zixuan died, it was Ye Chen’s beating, and even if the Luo family was looking for trouble, it was looking for Ye Chen.

Now Xiao Yixue still doesn’t have any good impression of Ye Chen, and the fact that he ran back to be his bodyguard was not arranged by Xiao Qianxue, but by her father.

In the past few days, Ye Chen has been knocking on the side to ask if Chen Luo has done something to her, making Xiao Yixue’s attitude towards him even more cold.

Xiaoli glanced at Ye Chen, then obeyed Xiao Yixue, called an ambulance first, and then called the police.

“What do you mean by calling the police?”

Ye Chen looked at Xiao Yixue with an ugly face.

Although he didn’t go all out to kill him, Luo Zixuan should not be kicked to death by him, but with Luo Zixuan’s physique, his injury would definitely not be light.

If he calls the police, he will definitely be arrested, and with the power of the Luo family, it will be difficult to come up with it at that time.

Xiao Qianxue calmly handled the work, ignoring Ye Chen at all.

“Hurt Luo Shao and want to run.”

When Ye Chen wanted to run, the two bodyguards who followed Luo Zixuan stopped Ye Chen, but where could they stop Ye Chen.

He was curled up on the ground by Ye Chenbangbang’s two punches, and he couldn’t get up like a lobster.

“President Ye Chen ran away, Luo Zixuan is not dead, he still breathes.”

Xiaoli carefully tested Luo Zixuan’s snort, and found that Luo Zixuan was still breathing, and immediately relaxed.

If Luo Zixuan died, then the Yongqiang Group was in big trouble, even if Ye Chen killed it, it would not be able to escape the relationship, and I don’t know how the president was so calm.

Xiao Yixue took the mobile phone and called her father Xiao Yongqiang.

“Hey, what’s wrong?”

Usually Xiao Yixue will not call him, and generally when he calls him, there is a big thing.

“Ye Chen beat Luo Zixuan into a serious injury and ran away.”


Xiao Yongqiang couldn’t help but remain calm.

“How much does it hurt?”

“I don’t know, I’m still in a coma.”

Xiao Yongqiang was a little breathless: “Send Luo Zixuan to the hospital first, don’t let him have an accident, otherwise things will be in big trouble.” ”

Although Luo Zixuan is not particularly accomplished, the Luo family attaches great importance to Luo Zixuan, especially the old man of the Luo family, if something happens to Luo Zixuan, then the Luo family will definitely take revenge.

At that time, their Yongqiang Group will definitely be implicated.

After hanging up the phone with Xiao Yixue, Xiao Yongqiang immediately contacted Ye Chen.

“Ye Chen, you beat Luo Zixuan, right?”

At this time, Xiao Yongqiang was also very angry, originally he still had a good impression of Ye Chen, but Ye Chen caused him a lot of trouble.

“Chen Luo killed my people, I couldn’t control my emotions and beat Luo Zixuan.”

After being silent for a while, Ye Chen said to Xiao Yongqiang.

Xiao Yongqiang wants to vomit blood, Chen Luo killed your people, you go to find Chen Luo, why are you beating Luo Zixuan? Punch him off?

“How heavy do you start, will you ask for Luo Zixuan’s life?” Xiao Yongqiang asked in a deep voice.

If Luo Zixuan would die, he wouldn’t be able to help Ye Chen this time, and even the Luo family would find trouble on his head.

“I have reservations about my shot, as long as the rescue is timely, he will not die.”

“I’ll handle this matter, and I’ll give you news when I’m done.”

Xiao Yongqiang said.

“Thank you.”

Now Ye Chen has not yet gained a foothold in the magic capital, he still has no connections, if Xiao Yongqiang does not help him deal with it, this matter will be really difficult for him to handle, and he will even be forced to leave the magic capital.

Although Ye Chen is very capable of fighting, he can’t stand firm in the magic capital.

Xiao Yongqiang immediately rushed to Yongqiang Group to deal with this matter.

Ye Chen beat Luo Zixuan into a serious injury, Chen Luo also knew after he went back, Yongqiang Group and Zhao Yingxuan’s people, Zhao Yingxuan will certainly know if such a big thing happened.

Zhao Yingxuan knew that it meant that Chen Luo knew.

“That guy named Ye Chen is really bold and beat Luo Zixuan into the emergency room, and this time he is in big trouble.” The corners of Zhao Yingxuan’s mouth turned up.

What makes her happiest is that this matter will implicate the Yongqiang Group, and the Luo family will definitely not let go of Ye Chen, but the Yongqiang Group will definitely have to pay the price.

Although Zhao Yingxuan wants to take over the Yongqiang Group with full authority, this is unlikely, it is good that the Yongqiang Group collapses, and she can also tear some meat from the elephant of the Yongqiang Group and eat enough.

“It would be interesting if Luo Zixuan couldn’t save it, see how Ye Chen got through this.”

Chen Luo was also waiting to see a good show.

The timing of Luo Zixuan’s injury was good, if Ye Chen hadn’t beaten Luo Zixuan into a serious injury, maybe he could still find time to find Chen Luo to take revenge.

Does he still have time to seek revenge on Chen Luo now? It’s hard to protect itself.

In the magic capital hospital, Luo Mingde’s eyes were full of chills.

In addition to Luo Mingde, there were other people from the Luo family, and they all had different expressions.

“Xiao Yongqiang, tell me, where is Ye Chen?”

Luo Mingde looked at Xiao Yongqiang, last time Luo Zixuan was beaten into the hospital, Luo Mingde did not find Ye Chen’s trouble, one is to give Xiao Yongqiang face, and the other is to think that Ye Chen is a little mysterious.

In addition, he also had the idea of letting Luo Zixuan learn a lesson and change his temperament, so he did not continue to trouble Ye Chen.

But this time, his son was beaten to the rescue room for rescue, how could he give up.

If he did so, then the face of the Mordura family would also be lost.

“I don’t know where Ye Chen is, Luo Dong, you first dissipate your anger, and when I find Ye Chen, I will personally ask him to apologize to you.”

Even if Xiao Yongqiang was relatively strong, at this time, in the face of Luo Mingde’s unceremonious tone, he had to laugh.

“Do I need him to apologize?”

What Luo Mingde wanted was not Ye Chen’s apology, he wanted Ye Chen to pay the price.

“Don’t you say yes, do you think my Luo family won’t be able to find Ye Chen’s whereabouts?”

“In addition, some of the cooperation between us will be canceled in the future, and I will compensate you for the liquidated damages.”

There is still a lot of cooperation between the Luo family and the Yongqiang Group, but now both sides are about to become enemies, and they still cooperate with each other.

Xiao Yongqiang’s face changed, although the Luo family took the initiative to terminate the cooperation, they did not lose money if there was a liquidated damage, but the gains and losses were not calculated in a moment.

The cooperation was dissolved, the two turned against each other, and the Luo family may deal with the Yongqiang Group.

Even if Xiao Yongqiang’s wrist is very strong, he has developed the Yongqiang Group into a behemoth and is known as the richest man in the magic capital, but compared with the heritage of the entire family of the Luo family, the Yongqiang Group is still incomparable.

Especially the personal connections, the Luo family’s personal connections are not comparable to the Yongqiang Group.

Just give Yongqiang Group some trouble, it is enough for Yongqiang Group to suffer.

Luo Mingde’s attitude was very resolute, and Xiao Yongqiang also knew that it was useless to say anything, so he could only expect that Luo Zixuan was not a big deal.

As long as Luo Zixuan is not dead, the injury can be healed, and everything is easy to say.

After spending six hours in the rescue room, Luo Zixuan was pulled out.

“Doctor, how is my son?”

Luo Mingde immediately asked the attending physician.

“The broken rib stabbed the lung, and after rescue, it is no longer life-threatening.”

Hearing that there was no danger to his life, Luo Mingde breathed a sigh of relief, and some people in the Luo family flashed a flash of disappointment in their eyes, obviously the Luo family was not harmonious inside.

“Although the patient’s life is not in danger, he also needs to cultivate well, and if the cultivation is not good, it may leave sequelae in the future.”

Luo Zixuan was then sent to the intensive care unit.

“Xiao Yongqiang, I won’t give up on this matter, I want Ye Chen to die.”

Luo Mingde said coldly towards Xiao Yongqiang.

Xiao Yongqiang sighed, looking at Luo Mingde’s attitude, even if Luo Zixuan had been rescued, this matter would not be so easy to settle.

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