The anger of the Luo family, even Xiao Yongqiang could not calm down, and finally was driven away by Luo Mingde.

“Find Ye Chen for me, even if Ye Chen leaves the magic capital, find him out for me.”

Luo Mingde ordered to use the power of the Luo family to find Ye Chen’s traces.

The power of the Yiluo family, as long as Ye Chen can’t run out of the magic capital, it won’t take long to be found.

After Chen Luo knew that the Luo family was looking for Ye Chen’s whereabouts, he also asked Bai Meixiang to send someone to look for Ye Chen, if he could find Ye Chen, Chen Luo didn’t mind doing a good thing to tell the Luo family where Ye Chen was.

The enemy of an enemy is a friend.

“It’s a pity that Luo Zixuan is not dead, if Luo Zixuan dies, the Luo family will definitely be even crazier.”

Zhao Yingxuan had disappointment on her face when she knew that Luo Zixuan was rescued and did not die.

Crazy enough to implicate the Yongqiang Group, that would be interesting.

Although the cooperation between the Luo family and Yongqiang Group has also broken off now, it is not a pain for Yongqiang Group, and she can’t make trouble in Yongqiang Group.

“But that Ye Chen is dead this time.”

“Not necessarily.”

Chen Luo shook his head, although trouble is indispensable, but Ye Chen may not be in trouble, this guy is the protagonist, with the protagonist’s aura protection, life and death crises can be avoided.

“You don’t think the Luo family will let Ye Chen go, do you?”

“The Luo family will not let Ye Chen go, but Ye Chen may not die, if he died so easily, I would have already shot and killed him.”

Don’t look at Ye Chen’s mercenary group now that he has destroyed it, but in Chen Luo’s heart, Ye Chen is still his worst enemy.

If Ye Chen didn’t die, Chen Luo couldn’t feel at ease.

Although Chen Luo wanted to let Ye Chen die, he didn’t think that the Luo family could destroy Ye Chen.

“There is news from Ye Chen.”

Xia Lan walked over and said to Chen Luo.

“Where is he?”

Chen Luo’s eyes lit up, and he told the Luo family the location of Ye Chen, and he could watch the play on the wall.

“The news was sent by White Rose, she said that Ye Chen had a relationship with the Wang family, and is now a guest in the Wang family.”

Of course, this Wang Family Chen Luo knew that one of the same four major families in the Magic Capital, which could be said to be bad news.

However, for this news, Chen Luo is not surprised, it is estimated that Ye Chen’s protagonist aura is powerful.

“How could he get involved with the Wang family?”

Zhao Yingxuan was surprised by this news, she never put Ye Chen in her eyes, and she did not expect that a character who was not put in her eyes would have a relationship with the Wang family.

“Yesterday, the old man of the Wang family was assassinated, and Ye Chen saved the life of the old man of the Wang family.”

Hearing Zhao Yingxuan’s question, Xia Lan said the reason why Ye Chen could get involved with the Wang family.

After listening to Xia Lan’s words, Chen Luo felt that the protagonist’s aura was outrageous, and he had just encountered trouble, and there was a noble person who helped him solve the trouble.

The old man of the Wang family has a very high status in the magic capital, even the Luo family will definitely give the old man of the Wang family a face, this time even if the Luo family is unwilling, they must let Ye Chen go.

This is not the most critical, the most important thing is that Chen Luo is in trouble, and the Wang family has become his potential enemy.

The protagonist’s helper is his enemy.

“Looks like I’m going to meet with Luo Mingde.”

Chen Luo said secretly in his heart.

“By the way, how is the relationship between the Wang family and the Luo family?” Chen Luo asked Zhao Yingxuan.

Although he knew that the Wang family and the Luo family were both the four major families of the magic capital, he did not know much about the relationship between these two families.

“Between the four major families of the magic capital, there are all open and secret battles, and the relationship between the Wang family and the Luo family is certainly not good, but it will not tear their faces.”

For the four major families of the magic capital, Zhao Yingxuan still knew more than Chen Luo.

“It’s good if the relationship is not good.”

Chen Luo felt that he could plan and provoke the relationship between the two families.

“I’m going to Modu Hospital.”

“What are you doing in the Magic Capital Hospital?”

“Of course, to see Luo Zixuan’s situation.”

Looking at Luo Zixuan is second, it’s just in the name of this.

Chen Luo’s main thing was to see Luo Mingde.

Coming to the Modu Hospital, Luo Zixuan has not yet woken up, and he is still in a coma.

“Chen Luo, thank you for coming to see Zixuan.”

When facing Chen Luo, Luo Mingde was more polite, mainly because Luo Mingde always suspected that there was a huge force behind Chen Luo.

“Although Luo Zixuan and I had some minor misunderstandings, we had a good relationship before, and now that he is injured, of course, I want to come and see it as a friend.”

After saying a few polite words, Chen Luo’s topic began to lead to the topic.

“I wonder if Luo Dong caught Ye Chen?”

Hearing Ye Chen’s name, Luo Mingde’s face became a little more hazy.

“Before the old man of the Wang family personally called me, he wanted to make peace from the middle.”

Of course, Luo Mingde also investigated Ye Chen’s rescue of the old man of the Wang family yesterday, injured his son and turned his head to save the old man of the Wang family.

Saving the old man of the Wang family is equivalent to the lifesaver of the Wang family, and the Wang family will definitely help Ye Chen solve this matter.

But Luo Mingde was unwilling, Luo Zixuan was almost in danger of his life, let him let Ye Chen go, how could he be willing.

“In this way, I believe Luo Dong should know that there is also a contradiction between me and Ye Chen, and if we want to deal with Ye Chen, we can actually stand together.”

Chen Luo directly opened up with Luo Mingde, expressing the intention of cooperating against Ye Chen.

Because even if he doesn’t explain it directly, an old fox like Luo Mingde can guess it, so it’s better to explain it directly.

“Luo Dong shouldn’t have investigated Ye Chen’s origins, right?”

“Oh, so you know where he came from?”

Luo Mingde’s eyes flashed, he really did not investigate Ye Chen’s origin, he only knew that he had returned from abroad not long ago.

Ye Chen’s flight back to China can be investigated, but no more can be investigated.

Revealing Ye Chen’s information, Chen Luo certainly didn’t mind.

“I wonder if Luo Dong has heard of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group?”

Luo Mingde shook his head, he hadn’t paid attention to these, naturally he didn’t know.

“What does the mercenary group do, Luo Dong, you should understand that Ye Chen is the leader of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group, but he is now a toothless tiger, and the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group has collapsed except for Ye Chen.”

Chen Luo knew that Luo Mingde would investigate the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group next, so he did not introduce the glorious history of the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group to Luo Mingde.

Moreover, a force that has already been destroyed, there is no need to introduce it.

“It turns out that this guy is a mercenary, no wonder he can fight so much.”

A sneer appeared in Luo Mingde’s eyes, no matter what identity he had, Luo Mingde would not let him go easily.

“The old man of the Wang family invited me to the banquet of the Wang family to discuss this matter, I don’t know if Chen Luo is interested.”

Working together to deal with Ye Chen, Luo Mingde agreed.

The enemy of the enemy is a friend, and it just so happens that Luo Mingde also wants to have a good relationship with Chen Luo, before Chen Luo said that the Blood Wolf Mercenary Group has collapsed except for Ye Chen.

Luo Mingde guessed that it was Chen Luo’s handwriting.

“The Wang family invited Luo Dong, it’s not good for me to go with it.”

“No problem, does the Wang family dare to say anything.”

He promised to go to the banquet, which was already considered to give face to the Wang family, after all, this was him invited by the Wang family when they wanted to intercede with Ye Chen.

Even if he refused, the Wang family could not be angry.

“In that case, then I’ll accompany Luo Dong.”

Chen Luo thought about it for a while, intending to go over and make a scene, and get to know this Wang family by the way, after all, it is a potential enemy.

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