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Chapter 495: the reason behind

"How do you control this armor, it doesn't seem to have an intelligent program to control it..."

Ivan Vanke asked his own questions, and it was one of those things he didn't understand.

For complex machinery such as exoskeleton armor and power armor, its control system is very important. It is necessary to accurately capture and respond quickly to the movements of the human body, and make no mistakes, such as twisting the waist and turning around. Come to a 180-degree roundabout, the machine itself is fine, and the driver inside is estimated to be paralyzed.

So why is Tony Stark so confident in his steel suit in the movie, because he has a world-class intelligent control system, the strong artificial intelligence Jarvis.

Without his world-wide brain, and the accumulation of technical experience of Stark Industry for more than half a century, no one can replicate it. Even Obadi's Iron Overlord armor relies on the industrial processing of Stark Group. Ability, the manipulation program Tony Stark designed for the Stark Group was transplanted.

But Ivan Vanke checked it carefully and found that the exoskeleton dealer did not design an intelligent control system at all. According to its structural design, this should not be the case.

"Our brain." Justin Hammer nodded his head: "Except for part of the preset program for a single command response, it is all directly controlled by the human brain, and the body control and data processing are completely controlled by humans. brain to do it.”

"Neural connection technology... or the compilation of neural signals... You have mastered this technology, why...?" Ivan Vanke expressed doubts about this.

Justin Hammer waved to the side, and immediately a waiter came over with a tray covered with a silver plate cover. a notebook.

The waiter brought the plate to Ivan Vanke. It seemed that the notebook was for him.

Ivan Vanke took the notebook from the tray, and the feel of the hand made him realize that the cover of this notebook was made of leather, and it was real leather, not artificial leather, and the graphics cut out of gold foil were glued on it as a decorate.

After flipping through the first page, Ivan Vanke found that not only the cover, but even the pages inside the notebook were also leather, parchment, and then filled with various formulas, charts, and simple sketches.

Although it is on one page, the above content is divided into two sections. The upper part is a language that Ivan Vanke does not understand, that is, every letter is known, but it is not understood when connected together. kind of.

The lower part is obviously a translation of the upper part, and the obscure language is translated into English. Instead, the formula and graphics are an elaboration of the above content, because it is impossible to accurately express what the above text represents in English. the meaning of.

It's like an elderly person who has never been in contact with a smartphone and can't recognize a few words. After the epidemic, they need to show their itinerary code wherever they go. Because of their cultural level, the elderly are naturally interested in learning to use smartphones. He is in conflict with the ground, and his memory is not very good when he is old. He can forget what you have taught him over and over again.

Then you draw a schematic diagram and teach him how to open the itinerary code and show it to others in the form of a pattern, and let him follow it. Even the red and green icons for answering and hanging up the phone are included.

That is, expressing what you take for granted in a way that the other person can understand.

But even this relatively simple thing requires a certain knowledge reserve to be able to understand it, which has shut out most people, just like the example above, being able to understand the schematic diagram is because you There is the concept of mobile phones and the cognition of the act of 'calling'. If you try it on another primitive person, it is estimated that he will kneel down on the mobile phone on the spot.

"Where is the owner of this notebook?" After flipping through a few pages, Ivan Vanke realized that he was a hero who underestimated the world. The power of Tucker's revenge, who knows a notebook, has already brought such a blow to himself.

"He went to learn magic," Justin Hammer said.

"Magic?" Ivan Vanke was full of question marks.

"Yes, you heard that right, magic." Justin Hammer said in the same incomprehensible tone: "He said, in this world, magic and miracles are real."

Richard Lee's life has been pretty good lately.

Some time ago, after experiencing an incident, he finally understood the correct usage of his cheat system, and then triggered some large and small events, obtained some participation points, and hoarded some rewards.

The most rewarding incident, of course, was the one when I hated making a scene on the streets before. Richard Lee was aware of the fact that General Ross was dispatching troops and sent troops to ambush the experiment of Mr. Lan, Samuel Stern. near the room, and then successfully saw General Ross capture Bruce Banner, and also witnessed the birth of the abomination and its rampant, and witnessed countless deaths.

It's just that the subsequent development of the matter made Richard Li feel astonished, and he remembered in his notebook that this incident was obviously hated by the Hulk War, but by the end of the whole incident, there was no Hulk figure. is a robot.

Or maybe it's not a robot, it's a power armor similar to a steel suit - after all, Tony Stark just announced that he is Iron Man not long ago.

It's just, who can take out the power armor that can solve the hatred with part of the Hulk's power so quickly, it can't be Tony Stark, his character will not let others get involved in his steel battle suit.

No matter what happened, even if he was just a passerby in the event, Richard Lee gained a lot of participation points in the final settlement, which was several times more than that of Iron Man vs. Iron Overlord.

And at the moment when the task was settled, Richard Li caught a glimpse of the task pop-up window, which was not in his "event", it belonged to the category of similar hidden tasks, but it was like a malfunction, and it only existed for a moment. was deleted.

Save some of those participation points for emergency use, although it seems that there is no change, but Richard Li is confident, and now let him play a game with Hulk who hates or weakens his state, although he may not win , but it is still possible to go dozens of rounds.

In addition, the business of his restaurant has also embarked on a regular basis.

Zhang Dashao hired a chef with a big head and a thick neck from Chinatown. Although the cooking level was only a little higher than that of Richard Li, he obtained the "delicious seasoning" from the world of "Doraemon". Fans", relying on this kind of props, the business of his small restaurant is very good.

Anyone who sees the food on the plate in front of him can't suppress his hunger, he can't keep his mind in front of the delicious and tempting food, even if he is not hungry, he will not be able to control his instinct, Indulge.

It is a regular delicacy that no one can stop.

Even extreme vegetarians can't control their hands when they see American Chinese food served and those sweet and sour cuts of meat, go against their own principles and creeds, and eat those foods in big gulps.

Even the skinny anorexic patients who came later showed a rare appetite, but only for the dishes that Richard Lee had secretly added delicious seasoning powder.

It is obviously only a small restaurant that has been open for a short time, but every day there are long queues of people in front of Richard Lee's restaurant, in order to eat a dish here, and even gave birth to the cattle steak. Industry - Richard Lee swears by the system that it is definitely not a trust he invited, but a line of real diners.

When some milk tea shops and pastry shops opened, they would pay to hire people to line up in order to promote the popularity. Those bosses issued orders in certain local 'work groups' and hired 'social idlers' like a certain writer to line up. .

Each person queues for two hours, ranging from 50 to 120 according to geographical location and weather conditions. When the time comes, the leader will send a special thing to wear in a conspicuous place on the body, or send everyone a QR code, which will After showing the QR code or special item to the clerk, when you scan the code to collect the payment, you will only be charged one yuan or even a dime for two cups of sea salt caramel cream milk tea that cost 20 yuan.

The big tree attracts the wind. The business of his small shop is so prosperous that he ushered in the jealousy of others. The chef was bought first, but his own level is there. The reason for the popularity of the food is not the level of the chef, and then the The ingredients and seasonings of the restaurant were stolen and handed out to those with ulterior motives under the coordination of the chef.

However, no matter what kind of inspection method, it is impossible to detect any peculiar chemical elements contained in the ingredients and seasonings, and there is no way to know how attractive the dishes in Richard Lee's restaurant are.

The characters and props of funny comics are so unreasonable.

Because of his confidence in 'Delicious Seasoning Powder', Richard Lee did not expose the chef's small actions.

And, those who spy on Richard Lee's formula are not just restaurants, they may be large catering companies, or even giants in the pharmaceutical industry, who want to understand the magic of Richard Lee's formula, and then use There are more "scientific" ways to use it - such as filing a patent.

Imagine what a huge market it will represent for an additive that can open up everyone's appetite and make ordinary food show unparalleled alluring magic.

Of course, those giants will not do it themselves, but will use layers of subcontracting to take themselves out of the whole thing, and no one will be able to spy on what role they played in it - The Life Foundation in "Venom" The act of kidnapping experimental subjects from the street is too low-level.

But in addition to potential competitors and giants lurking behind the scenes, small restaurants face harassment from local gangs.

The reason why the supermarket, which was the predecessor of the small restaurant, was sold, was that the owner and his wife were paid for by the two black brothers of the local gang when they borrowed money, and then they were killed.

And according to the news that Richard Lee recently inquired at a consumption place such as a Brazilian barbecue shop, the reason behind the incident was only because the business of the small supermarket was too good, although the protection fee was paid to the local gang on time. , but the turnover of the supermarket is also one of the best on this street, and then the two gang members became selfish. Although this supermarket is nominally their territory, they have to grab it.

After the restaurant opened, seeing that the restaurant's business was booming, almost from opening to closing, the business was not interrupted. The black brothers from the local gang came to the door to find Richard Lee. He said that he had to pay the protection fee for the pistol at his waist, which was quite high, half the price that Richard Lee asked the owner of the Brazilian barbecue restaurant when he visited the Brazilian barbecue restaurant. There is more than enough, obviously looking at the dishes.

Of course Richard Li disagreed. Not only did he disagree with the extra half of the money, he didn't want to pay a penny for the protection fee. How could the hard-earned money be so cheap for you parasites? Where did you protect the fee? Didn't the couple from the small supermarket get rid of it by the people in your gang?

And I’m still a superhuman no matter how big or small. The combat power in the live-action movie universe can also be mixed into the sequence of quasi-first-class superheroes. The biggest difference between you guys and gorillas is that street gangsters with less hair dare to ask for my money~ If it is not necessary, he may provoke the IRS to come to his door and break his peaceful life. He doesn't even want to pay taxes.

Richard Lee immediately escorted the gang members out of his diner and threw them on the street.

To do this is to offend them, and they will usher in revenge from those people. Of course Richard Li knows this. Those people said harsh words and said that one day they would make Richard Li look good.

Richard Lee knows how contrived these gangsters are. In order to avoid disruption to his thriving business, he chooses to strike first, throwing those people out in the afternoon and closing the door at night. After changing his clothes, he touched the gang's lair, ready to cut the weeds.

Putting on the "Adi King Suit" produced by the system, and wearing a mask and headgear, Richard Lee went all the way up and down, and touched the location of the local gang's lair.

This address was also inquired from the owner of the Brazilian barbecue shop. As the saying goes, "every old man has a treasure." many.

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