Villains Template

Chapter 496: calm life

"Moon Black Wind High Killing Night!"

Richard Li shuttled back and forth on the roof all the way, avoiding all the cameras, and came to the roof of the gang's lair, looked up at the sky, and suddenly sighed.

The air quality in the city is not very good, there is unavoidable light pollution, the stars can hardly be seen when looking up, and the moon is not full tonight, which is exactly what Richard Lee said.

"The Heart of a Soldier" gave Richard Lee a mature mentality, and there was no psychological burden on him to commit murder. Such emotion was just out of emotion.

As a human being, Richard Lee hopes that what he has is a peaceful and prosperous life, the kind that rises steadily rather than the kind of poor children who get rich, and the outlook on life shaped by the education he received since childhood. He is not very longing for the rich life of the rich, financial freedom and a stable income are enough.

Under the question "If one day you got superpowers, what would you do?", the people who answered "use superpowers to make money in a legal way so that you can live a good life".

Though suspected of eating human-blooded buns, the funeral expenses paid by the Stark Group to the original Richard Lee's parents have enabled him to achieve a degree of financial freedom, albeit through unconventional means, the small restaurant they left behind Being managed under his own hands is prosperous, and it can be said that his life goals have been achieved.

Even if he has a system and super powers, he will not conquer the world with his mouth open like those villains.

However, that doesn't mean that superpowers are useless for Richard Lee, just like today, he can use his superpowers to deal with people who disrupt his peaceful and prosperous life.

Murder is not an end but a means.

"Vengeance can't be overnight! Delay will change."

The strong physical quality allowed Richard Li to make some actions that "violated the rules of physics", and the whole person sneaked into the apartment like running water.

"Participation in the event: *gang's revenge."

"It is detected that the system user participates in the event, and the props and skill cards are randomly selected and issued."

"Issue a one-time skill card: create fear."

"Issue a one-time skill card: Corpse manipulation."

"Distributing props: The murderer arranges the most commonly used piano wire of the agency."

After Richard Lee entered the building, his behavior triggered the system, and the system determined that he had entered an event and issued props. Whether it was skills or props, they could be used in conjunction.

After a little thought, Richard Lee had a plan in mind.

In the lair, the gang members who were thrown out by Richard Lee during the day were thinking of the gang leader to report the situation today. Of course, in their rhythmic expression, Richard Lee's image was of course the same as his. I'm very different from myself, and it sounds like a slap in the face. It's the kind of slap in the face of your own gang if you don't get rid of it.

In their mouths, Richard Lee's reference is not a restaurant owner, but a yellow-skinned monkey and a Majafak.

"Enough!" The boss of the local gang used a series of swear words to shut up his subordinates: "Because the two mothers who betrayed their brothers messed with Fake, we have been targeted, and some time ago, there was a brother who messed with the mother. Fakdi was killed, and a few brothers were arrested for Fakdi, because the knife stuck on the brother's head was their fingerprints on the knife, Mama Fakdi gram."

"And you ended up cheating on Fake, don't think I don't know, your mother cheating on Fake with extra money, the old Miguel from the Brazilian barbecue restaurant has passed my anger, the yellow-skinned monkey asked him about protection How much should the fee be paid, and we also inquired about our unknowns, who knows what that yellow-skinned monkey will do!"

If a gang wants to grow bigger, three things are essential, one is ruthlessness, the second is a lot of people, and the third is brotherhood.

There were two brothers who betrayed their own people before, which has already caused the gang a lot of losses, a lot of manpower has been lost, and the brothers' loyalty has also been affected. A basic disk.

In order to expand his power, he had to recruit a group of people, but he encountered a setback in this regard. A Nigge who held a ceremony to join the gang actually attacked his own people...

Then again, today, a few people went to a small restaurant to ask for protection money, but they were beaten up by the boss of the other party, and they just ran back after a few harsh words.

Damn Fake, what they should have done at that time was to grab it and shoot the yellow-skinned monkey, instead of running in front of them now and talking nonsense!

Brother loyalty, manpower, and ruthlessness, these three points are almost completely defeated. The gang boss can be sure that if he doesn't do anything, his own territory will soon be wiped out, such as taking revenge on that restaurant.

At this time, a loud noise suddenly came from outside the door. Although it was only for a brief moment, it was enough to cause alertness. It was not an ordinary person who could be the boss. He immediately pulled out his gun and turned on the insurance.

The people in the house took out their guns and pointed the muzzle at the door.

The boss shouted out the names of two people. As the gang's lair, there was a younger brother guarding the door outside the door. Those two names were the two people who were guarding the door, but no one outside the door answered.

"Alix, go take a look."

The boss randomly ordered a person and asked him to go to the door to check the situation. Alex is a new member of the gang, and his qualifications are relatively low.

The young black man named Alex walked cautiously in the direction of the door. Before he could reach out and touch the door handle, he heard a loud bang, the door detached directly from the door frame, and flew towards the house like a huge giant. Like a fly swatter, Alex was swatted away.

"Mommy Fake!"

When everyone in the house saw this kind of battle, they hurriedly found a place to hide, and finally hid in a place such as the corner of the sofa, hid their body, and then poked their heads to reveal the small half of their heads and looked in the direction of the door.

It's not that they have a fighting literacy, but that they are simply afraid of death.

When he saw a man standing at the door in a strange posture, he couldn't see his true face in the dim light, but he knew that the other party was the enemy, and the boss immediately shouted: "Shoot, shoot! '

After receiving the order, the gang members in the house poured bullets towards the door one after another. Regardless of whether they hit or not, they only need to aim at an approximate point, then pull the trigger and empty the bullets in the magazine.

In an instant, the gunshots in the house gathered like thunder, the ears of everyone who was shocked hummed, and the bullets fired from the muzzle were like a torrential rain, covering the direction of the door, causing countless blood flowers to explode on the man's body, and then turned his back. lay down on the ground.

"Fuck, motherfucker, no matter who you are, if you mess with our (can't remember the name) gang, you're the only one who will end up." The feeling of venting violence made the boss head up and roared loudly.

"Go and see the two of you."

When the smoke in the house dissipated a little, the gang boss stopped roaring loudly. As soon as his excitement subsided, he took a gun and ordered two people to go to the door to check the situation. Because of his hearing loss, he subconsciously raised his voice. accent.

But it was not only him whose hearing was affected, but also everyone in the room. Under repeated signals from the gang boss, the two unlucky **** whose names were called reluctantly walked towards the door and saw the man on the ground. When I saw the figure, I was stunned to find that it was one of the two people who had stayed at the door before.

The two people who stayed outside had their necks broken by him. Although Richard Li's skills were relatively rough, he didn't solve them before they could react, and inevitably made a little noise.

After hearing the movement outside the house, the house became quiet. Richard Lee's strengthened body had a keen sense of hearing. He could hear the footsteps of the man gradually approaching the door, and then kicked the door with one foot, and then Dodged to the side, and used the piano wire to control a corpse to stand up with the corpse manipulation skill, attracting the firepower of the people inside.

After the gunshots stopped, the two unlucky **** were coerced by the boss to investigate the situation. They just saw that it was their own people who had been shot by them before, and then they saw Richard who was hidden in the dark. The other corpse under Li's control rushed towards them with a ferocious face.

Before the two unlucky **** could react, the corpse started to work with both fists and smashed into their chests. Pang Ran vigorously knocked them down and flew them back into the house. It was completely cut off, the internal organs were pierced, and blood poured out along the esophagus, which was obviously impossible to save.

Humans are human beings after all, and they are too fragile. Richard Lee controlled the corpse to launch a powerful attack, but the corpse itself could not withstand that kind of force. The muscles in both arms were torn, the bones were broken, and it was limply drooping.

"What the **** just happened!"

The tragic situation of the two unfortunate people once again made everyone in the house nervous. After putting on new magazines, they frantically shot at the door. It's just this group of gangsters who would carry so many magazines and Bullets, it's good enough to have a pistol full of bullets, this time the gunshots are much sparser than the last round.

The **** corpse did not fall to the ground like the other one, the muscles and bones were not damaged so badly, and Richard Lee was still able to manipulate it.

In the terrified eyes of everyone in the house, the person who was brought down by the fire stood up again, and then, he fell on all fours like some kind of beast, and ran towards the house in a way that no human could understand, grabbing a The hapless guy who had fired all the bullets and was closest to the door wrapped his entire body around the opponent like a python, and then dragged back to the door quickly under the pulling of the piano wire.

Then, there was the horrified scream of the hapless one, and the sound of broken bones, which made a group of gang members tremble and their hairs rose.

The most primitive and also the strongest emotion of human beings is fear, and the greatest fear comes from the unknown, just like children are generally afraid of the dark night, because it is the instinct engraved in the genetic sequence in millions of years of evolution, which makes people subconsciously. Stay away from the dark, because you have no way of knowing what is lurking in the dark, and there may be dangers brewing in it.

"I can not stand it any more!"

A gang member shouted, and threw the pistol with no bullets in his hand to the ground, and he would jump out of the window to escape, completely disregarding the height of the floor they were on, and if they jumped directly, they would be seriously injured. Not impossible.

But his plans fell through, and as soon as he jumped out of the window, he saw a figure floating in the air—albeit hanging from a piano wire that couldn't be seen at all in low light.

"Sarpleth's mother to Falk."

Richard Lee was planning to launch a raid from the window, but he didn't expect that before he made any moves, his plan was smashed by such a nervous gang member, who punched him when the opponent fell on the same level as himself. On the gang member, let him "jump" back into the house like a rewind.

When the corpse fell into the house, the nervous group of people was even more startled. Someone dared to check the corpse, and was surprised to find that this person was like being hit by a high-speed car, and his body was directly deflated. .

I just don't know if this gang member will have the chance to penetrate into another world, just like the hero who came to another world in Ri Qingwen.

The gang members who still had bullets in the pistols came to the window, stretched out the pistols, and opened them recklessly. One can imagine the final result. They didn't even touch the shadow of Richard Lee, because Richard Lee It has already been moved to another location.

Fighting against this group of street gangs who don't even have any basic fighting skills with a level of hatred fighting power is simply more than adults bullying children. No, it's playing to be precise.

When I used the first corpse as a bait to attract firepower just Richard Lee tried it in a safe range. He could see the trajectory of the bullet and even reach out to grab the bullet.

"It's so boring!"

Richard Lee took out a Gatling gun from the system, which was a reward for the abomination, turned on the safety, started the motor, pressed the button, and with a sharp beep, a tongue of flame spit out.

In fact, the grenade launcher is the first choice to deal with the indoor enemies with complex environment and narrow space, but Richard Lee did not provide relevant props, so he could only use the Gatling gun.

"Completion Event: *Gang's Revenge."

"Get Participation Points: Several."

"Get Character Status: The Warrior's Mind."

"Get Character Status: Warrior's Experience."

After the system issued a prompt, Richard Lee let go of his hand, and the Gatling machine gun, which was a one-time prop, disappeared out of thin air, and the pile of bullet casings on the ground, and even the bullets that were shot, disappeared. The beehive of bullets and the shredded human body will not recover.

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