Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1145: Ground Wizard Root

   Chapter 1145

   Chen Xuan hit with a punch, and Wang Mei suddenly became terrified!

  She is so stiff right now. In her opinion, Chen Xuan's just this one, it is estimated that she will be able to break her to the bones.

  It's a pity that she doesn't have the ability to defend and resist at all now...Boom, an astonishingly heavy punch immediately hit her in the chest, sending terrifying power into her body.

  This made Wang Mei's face dim at this time, and her body was torn away with a dull blow, and then she flew out in embarrassment.

  Her body flew upside down for a distance of tens of meters, hitting the cold and hard mountain.

   Then she crawled out of the ground, and she could see that she was really embarrassed to the extreme at this time.

  Wang Mei's feet looked a little vain at this time, and her face was extremely pale, she was really embarrassed at this time.

  Chen Xuan arrived in front of his eyes, slapped out, and was slapped on the girl. She snorted immediately before shooting a few kilometers away and disappeared.

   "Hehe is really a boring person." Chen Xuan shook his head helplessly. At this time, he withdrew his gaze, no longer paying attention to him.

   "The challenge of the Nine Palaces Cabinet is about to begin. Get ready and try to raise your strength to the next level within five days."

  Chen Xuan said lightly, there was a deep, sharp light flowing in the depths of his eyes at this time, and he was really serious...

  The fighting in the Nine Palaces Cabinet is very fierce.

  In the land of the Jiugong Pavilion, the Jiugong Pavilion has the highest status, and in this Jiugong Pavilion, the gap between the cabinet and the foreign cabinet is also extremely large.

  In general, the cabinet members really look down on the cabinet!

   And every time Jiugong Pavilion is publicly promoted, its influence is unprecedented. Chen Xuan knows these things well, but he doesn't care at all.

After all, no matter where you are, your own strength is always the first place. If you are very capable, then you will naturally be respected. If you can’t, even if you go to the least fighting and fairest place in the world, I believe it will make people look down upon.

  Chen Xuan did a big thing before entering the cabinet. In the promotion of Jiugong Pavilion, as long as the cultivation base is strong and tyrannical, it is natural, and the second is the reserve of merit value.

  Obviously, the amount of merit directly reflects the ability of a martial artist, and if the martial artist's ability can be, his merit value will inevitably not be less.

   And if its merit value is very shy, then its ability to endure needs to be carefully considered and considered.

  Chen Xuan decided to get some merit points before entering the cabinet, which will be more or less beneficial to the cabinet in the future.

  Danyang City.

  In the wilderness, a touch of aura burst into the sky.

  This beam of light burst straight into the sky, suddenly tearing the air, and large swaths of aura turned into fragments and surging out slowly.

   only tens of meters away did it gradually dissipate...At this time, it can be seen clearly and extremely clearly, and the shock of such astonishing power can be called the extreme.

  Along with the emergence of this thing, many figures were quite excited at this time, and they walked forward almost instantaneously.

   "Look, the roots of the spirit!"

   "Never want anyone to fight with me, or you will die!"

  Many powerhouses have turned into the light of aura at this time, with extremely terrifying piercing power, almost just in an instant.

   Then an astonishing battle broke out. These terrifying strikes made people feel terrifying.

  On the battlefield in front of you, thunder-like voices continued to erupt.

  Death-like killing intent makes people feel shocked. After tens of seconds, a strong young man defeated most of his competitors, and then they could see that they fled away.

   "Really some weak people..." the young man said lightly.

  Looking at the plants in the light cluster, the young man's eyes flashed with pride, and he strode forward like lightning and slammed into the vicinity of the light. He was really excited at this moment.

  But also at the moment when it burst into the vicinity of this beam of light, the air showed a boiling state and appearance.

  I have to say that such amazing scenes are scary.

  According to the normal situation, such astonishing blows, even the mountains would be torn apart in an instant.

Not to mention that the group in front of you is just the brilliance gathered by the aura. It is a pity that when the young man arrived in front of his eyes, the light that looked very gentle, almost only instantly gave people a death-like blow. And threats.

  Huh! The shocking wave suddenly rose to a height of one kilometer, and then the heavy wave of spiritual energy was immediately suppressed.

  This kind of sheer power is really tyrannical to the extreme.

  The youth was immediately submerged. After a few seconds, the power that looked like a tide gradually dissipated on the earth, and the youth only walked out of it with a pale face.

  噗, the extremely hot blood was vomited out, and at this moment he seemed to be trembling all over.

   "Hehe... It seems that it is really not easy to get this thing." The young man waved his hand to wipe off the hot blood. Now after the eruption of pure spiritual energy, the spiritual root in front of him has been weakened by the impact.

  It can be seen that if you collect it now, you will get it in your hands without any difficulty.

  Chen Xuan walked out with a faint smile.

He watched the elves in front of him pursed his mouth and smiled. Knowing that this thing in front of him is very precious, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it. Looking at this plant that fluctuates with pure earth breath, Of course Chen Xuan would not be the slightest polite.

  The auras in the palm of his hand turned, and these auras shuttled back and forth in his skin, which made Chen Xuan's palm turn into a crystal-like state at this time.

  The sharp palm of the hand swept out, almost instantly, the palm of the hand cut off the ground spirit root in front of him, and the surprisingly strong spirit root suddenly gave out a pure and incomparable atmosphere of the earth.

This thick and pure aura really feels terrifying. The light aura is sent out to enclose the spiritual roots in front of you, and then it quietly puts it in the wooden box. Now this thing has been successfully obtained. It's time to leave.

   "Boy, leave things for me!" The young man's eyes were filled with astonishing killing intent, and he strode forward and slammed into the body like lightning.

When he saw Chen Xuan's eyes, an astonishing fierce light surged in the tiger's eyes. When he got the eyes, he volatilized it away fiercely. I have to say this amazing blow. It is terrifying to the extreme!

   Suddenly, a large area of ​​space around Chen Xuan was in a collapsed state!

  (End of this chapter)

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