Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1146: Danyang City Refining Medicine Competition

  Chapter 1146 Danyang City Medicine Refining Competition

  The youth's palm contains pure aura, and the dense golden light is dazzling.

   It came in front of him, shaking his palm fiercely and smashing it down. Such an astonishing strength could almost be seen in an instant.

  This death-like pressure is really terrifying to the extreme! On the battlefield in front of him, Chen Xuan looked at the violently stabbed figure, and he didn't care at all.

   waved his hand for a cruel blow, and the trick came almost instantly.

  His fist slammed into the opponent's palm, and suddenly the large area shook violently several times.

  The ground under his feet suddenly shattered, and a large smell of earthy smell came out frantically. Chen Xuan withdrew seven or eight steps away, and he could see that his face was deeply solemn at this time.

  "In the initial stage of the half-step fit, the training strength of ten years away...not weak!" Chen Xuan narrowed his eyes into a faint line.

  This strength and ability are terrifying. However, Chen Xuan didn't care much at this time. He looked at the guy in front of him, his eyes were full of deep spirit.

  After all, after the previous energy impact, this guy’s ability has been degraded. Although it is still half-step in the initial stage of the fit, it is a pity that the power he can exert now is really limited...


   stepped forward to the front, Chen Xuan's fist hit the young man's chest, and his chest was suddenly torn off. It was obvious that he was really embarrassed to the extreme now.

  While, his body flew upside down hundreds of meters, after falling to the ground, broken pits appeared on the ground.

  Crawled out of the dirt pit cruelly, the young man glanced at Chen Xuan with hatred, then he turned around and left, leaping into the void and disappearing quickly...

   Five days later.

  The extremely rich aura and brilliance gathered in his body swiftly, which made Chen Xuan look really domineering at this time.

   "The flames burn the sky."

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly. Gathering these pure and powerful auras like water waves, they formed a crescent shape in front of them.

  The scorching scorching volatility can be described as terrifying, and when the intensity converges to the peak, he waved his hand to blow the hot crescent into the eruption.

  Whh... an astonishing heat burst out and fell on the thousand-meter high mountain in front of you, which was immediately burned to fly ash.

  The Crescent Moon plunged into the earth, tearing the solid earth apart, and sinking deeply into it collapsed hundreds of kilometers of power.

  The large tracts of space and area are now messy and ruined.

  "Finally grasped the middle section, haha." Chen Xuan pursed his lips and smiled.

  As long as this martial art is exploded in battle, it will bring incredible blows and damage to people in an instant!

   Mastered it, but Chen Xuan was not happy at this time. After all, the right and meaning of martial arts skills in battle were limited after all.

"The spiritual roots of the land, the spiritual flowers of the land..." Looking at the two top medicinal materials in his hand, Chen Xuan became sharp and bright. These are all necessary medicinal materials for making high-level pill. Strengthen it.

   Soon Chen Xuan began to use his own very powerful aura to refine these two medicinal materials madly.

  Two days later, these two medicinal materials were refined into the essence of medicinal liquid. Even so, it is not perfect. Therefore, other high-level medicinal materials are needed to refine the relevant pill.

  He does not have this kind of pill now, but the alchemist competition in Danyang City has provided him with this possibility.

  After all, as a pharmacist guild, their reserves of medicinal materials are amazing. The things that can’t be found outside are inside the guild, so it’s not difficult to get them as long as you touch them.

  After preparing for the short answer, Chen Xuan entered Danyang City, where a thrilling pharmacist competition is about to take place!......

  On the white jade square in front of them, the eyes of hundreds of alchemists were filled with excitement and pride.

  The game is about to start, and they all look very excited now.

   Chen Xuan saw that on the rostrum, there was a slender figure at this moment, a pair of snow-white and beautiful white legs radiating light under the sun, but his attitude looked extremely arrogant.

  Don't look at the many pharmacists present, it seems that no one has been able to enter her magic eye.

"The competition begins. The rules of the Alchemist competition are very simple. You are free to use whoever refining medicine is powerful, who is the champion, and the champion can enter the Danyang warehouse to find a material. Note that it is arbitrary! That is to say, as long as you can use it If you find it, no matter what level of material it is, it can be extracted!"

  The beauty alchemist said lightly at this time.

  Many pharmacists were surprised at this time: "Master Yang Yun Alchemy Master! Quasi-Rank Six... I didn’t expect she would appear here this time!"

   "It is really fortunate for Sansheng to have the opportunity to get the guidance of Master Yang Yun's alchemy master. This time it looks like I really have to perform well!"

  Many people were talking enthusiastically. They looked at the **** the podium with deep envy and passion in their eyes.

  Chen Xuan was also slightly taken aback at this time. This Danyang City was large in scale among the hundreds of nearby cities, and it was regarded as the first-rate and powerful city.

   Once a powerful city of this size can enter its reserve warehouse, I believe there will be surprises!

  Chen Xuan was really excited at this time, and he was starting to become happy now.

  Half an hour later the pharmacist competition ended. Many pharmacists used their own housekeeping skills. The quality of those medicines was indeed excellent, but in Yang Yun's eyes, they were obviously only mediocre.

  Chen Xuan’s medicine refining technology is considered top among these people, because the quality of its pill is the best and the best.

  But in the process, a young man caught his attention.

  There is no other reason, he paid some price when he fought for the roots of the spirits...this is naturally Zhang Gong!

  Although Zhang Gong’s strength is very strong and looks very overbearing, Chen Xuan doesn’t care at all. After all, if he wants to fight, he doesn’t care about his opponent...

  Last time when he was fighting for treasures, he was able to take advantage and give his opponent a cruel blow. Then he can do it this time, unless this guy doesn't take the initiative to pick things!

  Yang Yun glanced at Chen Xuan curiously and admiringly, but this expression only disappeared in an instant.

   "Since you have won the championship, you can go to the Danyang City Warehouse to choose a material." Yang Yun said lightly.

   A faint light burst from the white palm of his hand, and it flew out and fell in front of Chen Xuan's eyes with a swish. He squeezed it and dispersed a jade piece to emerge.

  (End of this chapter)

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