Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1196: Zheng Tu

  Chapter 1196 Zheng Tu

   stepped to the front, and the amazing palm fell fiercely.

  The huge space suddenly exploded. Although the young man seemed to be OK, it seemed a pity that compared with the black robe old man, there was still a huge difference.

   Soon, he was vomiting blood and vomiting blood and retreating in embarrassment: "Chen Xuan, I am the dark shadow of the Nine Palaces Cabinet. Generally speaking, you and I are still the same family. Now why are you embarrassed to die?"

  Pang An's face turned pale now, and he continued to retreat under the blow of the black-robed old man.

  The skin of the whole body that was bombarded was torn apart in large pieces at this time, and extremely red blood was ejected from his body without money.

With the passing of a large amount of blood, I can see that the dark aura begins to weaken. Obviously, if the similar situation cannot be alleviated, I believe that in a very short time in the future, he will be completely wiped out by this old man. .

   "Hehe, why didn't you think about the same sect when you shot Chu Fei earlier?" Chen Xuan looked at him lightly, just sneered at this moment.

  Since this kid didn't have the slightest thoughts on the same class before, now that he is in danger, Chen Xuan is naturally unable to rescue him.

  Pang An is getting weaker and weaker! He watched Chen Xuan not move at all, and immediately gritted his teeth in hatred! ...

  During the tide, Kong Fang's face was pale, and he crawled out of it embarrassedly. Now his breath was extremely disturbed, and his face was sickly pale. It was obvious that he was very weak at this time.

  Only at this moment he simply looked at the situation on the battlefield, and a cold light appeared in the depths of his gray eyes.

After a while, his voice began to become high-pitched: "If you want revenge, this senior, you shouldn't call us. Chu Fei was defeated by Chen Xuan before. If we don't make a move, I believe this kid is already Die. We help you, why did you attack us instead?"


  Chen Xuan's eyes suddenly narrowed. Kong Fang stared at Kong Fang with extremely sharp eyes. He clenched his fists and yelled, "Boy, what are you fart on over there?!"

  Although Chen Xuan showed a warning at this time, he could not stop the black robe old man from changing his tactical intentions.

  Seeing that he was about to destroy Pang An during the continuous attack. It is a pity that Chu Fei woke up from a severely injured state at this time.

  He first briefly judged the situation on the battlefield, and then his gaze fell on Chen Xuan, who was in the most remote place at this time. The scarlet eyes that were originally all over, now became more bloody.

   "Elder Zheng Tu...kill...Chen Xuan!" He clenched his fists, and his horrible killing intent spread all over his face, and his fists clenched fiercely.

   Chu Fei's gaze fixed Chen Xuan firmly, and the astonishing killing intent could be seen, as if to crush his body.

  Zheng Tu's movements suddenly stopped, and Pang An beside him took a few breaths with this.

  After waiting to recover a little bit of strength, at this time, he stepped forward and shot at him like lightning, and almost disappeared quickly.

  I can see that at this time, he really has a feeling of rebirth. However, when he looked at Chen Xuan again at this time, there were deep fierce and sharp fluctuations in the depths of his eyes.

  Fists clenched, a faint killing intent appeared.

   "Boy, you were watching the excitement here before, okay, now let's take a look at your excitement."

  "It’s up to you to see how capable your little beast is, and how much you can do when you face a powerhouse of this level in front of you."

  Pang Dark raised his arms, and the depths of his eyes were now full of deep joking fluctuations. He didn't think that Chen Xuan in front of him was qualified to compete with this old man who was not even his opponent before...

  Zheng Tu was filled with amazing cold light. Stepping forward to tear the air apart, he exploded and shot away almost instantaneously. The death-like killing intent made people feel uncomfortable.

  The dark aura was turning crazily around his body. This caused the guy in front of him to have a feeling of flying in the clouds and fog, and at this time, he quickly burst into front of him.

  The terrifying black aura in the big hand merged into the deepest part of the palm, which made this guy's palm as black as coal at this time.

  It's just that the gloomy and sharp fluctuations in it are very rich and powerful. Even if it is a majestic mountain, if it suddenly suffers such a blow, it will be exploded in an instant.


  Zheng Tu's incomparable attack suddenly came. Amazing strength completely smashed the surrounding air.

  Chen Xuan looked at the not weak blow in front of him. Gradually zoomed in his sight, and his fists gradually clenched.

   There was not much emphasis on emotions, and the powerful palm in front of her finally smashed, and she sent out a fierce punch.

  咚. The actions of the two sides suddenly collided in this not-weak advance. Chen Xuan snorted, his body continuously withdrew, and when he reached a distance of tens of meters, his feet fell heavily into the ground.

  The blow of several tens of meters was suddenly cracked under this amazing blow, and a large amount of soil smell splashed into the air.

  Such an amazing scene makes people unable to open their eyes.

   "Half-step fit for one year in the late stage."

   "Really impressive strength."

  Chen Xuan wiped off the hot blood that overflowed from the corner of his mouth. There was an incomparable mood swing in the depths of his eyes.

   "Although your strength is still good, it is not that easy to destroy me. Since you have to force the tiger to jump off the wall, okay, let's see who is stronger."

   Staring indifferently at the old figure in front of him, Chen Xuan's breath began to become cold and ruthless, and he didn't even care about the existence of the mind.

  The aura of the whole body began to rotate crazily. When he reached the limit, he tore the space in front of him and burst into his eyes in an instant.

   "Evil Light Phantom Fist." Chen Xuan's voice was extremely cold, and a series of amazing brilliance emerged.

  The punches with astonishing intensity immediately exploded to the side. Even though Zheng Tu's strength was very domineering and strong at this time, it was a pity that when faced with such astonishing intensity blows, he still seemed a bit unable to resist.

  咚. The tactics of the two sides collided fiercely again at this time, and layers of ripples spread out in the surrounding air, and it could be seen that Chen Xuan's body began to stiffen under the effect of this astonishing blow.

  It was only at this moment that he vaguely saw that the right way was panicking, and his face became extremely pale. A trace of blood spilled out, and the depths of his old and confident eyes were also a little panicked at this time.

  Chen Xuan is very happy!

  (End of this chapter)

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