Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1197: Hanhai Power

  Chapter 1197 The Might of the Sea

  From an absolute level perspective, Zheng Tu obviously has a greater advantage.

  After all, the strength of the late half-step fit is definitely not a joke. His strength and confidence are not weak, not to mention weaker than his level, even those who are similar to him at the level.

  I believe it is not easy to fight against it. Zheng Tu looked at the young man in front of him curiously. He couldn't imagine how this kid in front of him could have the capital and strength to fight him.

  Zheng Tu clenched his fists tightly, and he didn't even care about it at all. He looked at Chen Xuan in front of him and said indifferently: "Although your kid has the ability and ability, you shouldn't have exposed it so early. Now that the old man knows your ability and capital, I'm sorry I can't keep it. You live."

   "So it's a pity that you, a young genius who hasn't grown up, may die early today."

   "This is really a pity."

  Zheng Tu's body was full of death-like breath, and his body began to gradually become stronger with the incomparable smell.

  The killing intent in the depths of his eyes is more intense and obvious. After reaching the extreme level, he swishes forward to kill him.

  The indescribable horror killing intent is coming. The powerful suppression like a wave makes it impossible for people to contend easily.

   "Monstrous Fist!"

  Zheng Tu Leng became very proud. Containing a piece of sky-like terrifying combat power, now he is venting out, relying on his strong and solid cultivation base, it almost instantly brings Chen Xuan a crushing blow.

   "Can this compete with me?" Looking at the confident Zheng Tu in front of him, Chen Xuan suddenly became extremely sharp.

   did not give the slightest opportunity or time to react, and then under the gaze of his hideous and terrifying eyes, Chen Xuan's hands were surging with a sea of ​​pill that resembled a sea wave.

  In general, the quality of this pill is moderate, and there is still a slight gap compared with the top-level pill.

  It's a pity that on today's battlefield, as long as Chen Xuan swallows it, I believe he will be able to reverse the situation immediately.

   "Han Hai Dan!"

  Looking at the pill in the surging state of the water in his hand, Chen Xuan's eyes really had deep sharp fluctuations emerging, and he didn't mean to delay at all, he waved it and swallowed it into his mouth.

  High-level pills are usually able to bring out their own medicinal effects in a relatively short period of time.

  Because of this powerful medicinal effect like a river. He began to rush in his body without stopping, and the extremely powerful elixir fluctuated rapidly in his body.

  This made his body begin to grow stronger at this time. The lucid light appeared in his body, and Chen Xuan almost only reached the level of half-step fit in the late stage in a short period of time!

  At this time, the huge crushing feeling brought about by the difference in level was gone.

   Looking at the so-called powerful combat power of the old man in front of him again, it was almost like a joke.

   "Go away!" Chen Xuan's voice was deep and sharp. At this time, his fist pierced away fiercely like a dragon, hooting, this fist hit the old man's fist extremely fiercely.

  咚! The shocking heavy blow made both sides shook slightly. However, it is clear that Zheng Tu has now suffered more blows and injuries.

  'S face began to show a distorted state, indescribable scenes of cracks spread all over the old man's body, and blood came out of his body without money.

  Now his body began to fly away in embarrassment. It flew to a place tens of meters away, like a hard rock-like body, and hit the ground with extreme fierceness at this time.

  This incredible impact force caused the earth in front of you to split. I have to say that this death-like breath makes people feel terrible!

  I am afraid that Zheng Tu would not even dream of it. The small and weak person in front of him who seemed to be just a half-step in the early stage of the fit, when engaged in a strong battle with him, will suddenly have the power to threaten him!

  The most terrifying thing is that in the actual battle, he really was blown upside down by this kid who seemed to be a weak person to him.

   And now he feels like countless knives-like things flowing rapidly in his body, which makes it impossible for his flesh and blood to be cut at this time.

  His internal organs have now been seriously injured. I believe that as long as the damage is increased again, even with his current cultivation strength and physical strength, it is estimated that he will die in this astonishing damage.

  The indescribable horror emotions with his fists clenched began to spread in his body. He looked at the young man before him in amazement. At this time, his eyes were full of surprise and fear!

  The emotional fluctuations of horror and guilty conscience radiated in the depths of his heart uncontrollably. After a little contemplation, Zheng Tu decided to temporarily give up his priority in this battle.

  Turn around and leave!

  His body turned into a series of afterimages, which seemed to move very fast, almost in less than half a second, his body disappeared quickly.

  In the space in front of you, you can clearly see that Zheng Tu's figure is in a hurry.

  Like a fish slipping through the net, he is now starting to shuttle fast, and the fast speed makes the surrounding air show a violent explosion state!

  The harsh sonic boom continued to radiate in the air, and such an astonishing scene was terrifying to the extreme.

It is a pity that when Zheng Tu thought he had the ability and ability to slip away in Chen Xuan's ultimate blow, the cruel and ruthless reality completely shattered his final fantasy.

  You can see that in the void in front of you, waves like boiling water emerge, and Chen Xuan stepped out from the most central part of the space, and a mockery appeared in the depths of his incomparably indifferent eyes.

   didn't say the slightest word, the aura inside Chen Xuan's fingers turned crazily.

  This makes his fingers sharp at this time. call out! The astonishing fingers burst out suddenly, and almost completely tore the air in front of him.

  After he got the sight, Zheng Tu waved his hand forcibly in a tactical counterattack under indescribable panic.

 It is a pity that compared with Chen Xuan's offense, his counterattack at this time was very weak.

  Suddenly, his fingers pierced Zheng Tu's palm.

  (End of this chapter)

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