Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1401: Shock

   Chapter 1401

   Although Chen Xuan was puzzled in his heart, he was not in a hurry. The last thing he lacked was patience.

  Sun Tingting, who is with him, is because of the nature of a girl. I was a little scared of the weird and evil environment around me, but I had been doing trial missions for the past few years, and my patience was naturally top-notch.

  The two waited in place for the whole night, but they didn't mean to be impatient at all. After three or four hours passed, it was estimated that the time should have reached noon.

   "Chen Xuan, let's go or else?" Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuandao with a serious expression. It was not that she had run out of patience, but the place was too oozing. Especially from time to time, I can see ghosts flashing, but I don't know what it is. The more I think about it, the more my scalp becomes numb, and my heart becomes panicked.

  "Wait." Chen Xuan glanced at Sun Tingting, and when things had developed to this point, turning around and walking was indeed the safest way. After all, they had the route map given by Li Yitian in their hands. They had already walked through it before. It should not be a big problem to go back the same way.

  However, Chen Xuan didn't want to just give up like that. If he didn't smell the medicinal aroma of the destiny fruit, it would be fine. Now we can be sure that there must be destiny fruits around!

  Because of an unknown threat, he turned his head and walked away. No one would be willing to change to be. Even if he escaped smoothly, he would definitely regret it at that time.

  Rather than regret it, it would be better to wait and see. Of course, even if he was not willing to leave like this, Chen Xuan would not be able to take Sun Tingting forward on an adventure. He still had this sense of measure.

   "Oh." Sun Tingting didn't say anything anymore, so she glanced at Chen Xuan and continued to wait quietly.

While waiting, another four or five hours passed in a blink of an eye, the sky was already dark again, and the surroundings became dark and ghostly again, and Chen Xuan and two still hadn't waited for any news. The people in front, from beginning to end. There is no news.

  At this time, Chen Xuan, who was already determined, couldn't help but start to wonder.

  Could it be that the front is really the magical array that Li Tiantian said? Although it is indeed dangerous, as long as you rush over, it will be okay? As for Li Tiantian and Qian Tao, did they leave from other routes after obtaining the fruit of destiny?

  The question mark in his head made Chen Xuan lose confidence in his original judgment. Chen Xuan even felt that if he continued to wait here, maybe a few days later, he would not wait for anything!

  Although it is safe right now, if the time is long, the ghost knows what will come out of this place. It has been waiting for a day and a night. If you continue to wait, it is estimated to be in vain.

After thinking about it, Chen Xuan finally made up his mind and decided to take Sun Tingting back. However, just as he was about to talk to Sun Tingting, not far in front of the mist, there was a messy footsteps and heavy breathing. sound!

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting suddenly felt tight. They looked at each other and quickly mobilized the true energy in their bodies. While fully alert, they tried to perceive the situation ahead.

  In the vague fog, not far in front, a figure suddenly appeared!

   Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting couldn't help being shocked at the same time. Although it was only a rough outline, they have been following this man all these days.

  The person in the fog ahead is Li Yitian who disappeared all day and night!

  At this time, Li Yitian was madly running in the direction where Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan were, and ran fast, looking at this, it seemed that something was chasing him behind him.

A dignified master in the late stage of the fit was chased staggeringly. Although Li Yitian’s face could not be seen, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting could clearly feel Li Yitian’s panic at this moment, which made them both feel unconscious. Somewhat strange.

   Chen Xuan couldn't help but secretly startled when he saw this. What was behind Li one day?

  Li Yitian is not easy. Judging from the aura he exudes before, even among the same masters in the later stage of the fit, he is by no means a weak one. Can he be so embarrassed, is it a powerful existence beyond the fit period?

Chen Xuan and Chen Xuan were surprised when they heard Li Yitian escaping in a panic while still seeming to be very surprised and unwilling. They muttered in disbelief, "It shouldn't be! This destiny Guo clearly only needs to use five masters of the fit period. If you take the blood sacrifice, the tree of destiny will no longer have any attack power. This is what Grandpa told me, there is nothing wrong! The corpse worms were controlled before, and they should have been attracted to them. What? Also... Ah..."

  Li's words all day suddenly stopped here, only to hear his scream.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan saw that Li Yitian, who was getting closer and closer to them, did not know how powerful a blow he had suffered, and he flew out with a bang!

  At this moment, Chen Xuan glanced at Li Tiantian with some surprise, and Sun Tingting looked at Li Tiantian who was lying on the ground with a puzzled face.

  Li was lying there all day struggling, groaning in pain. He hadn't found Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, but even if he did, he couldn't do much in his current state.

  Chen Xuan did not rush over, because he had heard what Li Yitian had just said, thinking in his heart that his guess was correct. Li Yitian’s purpose was to sacrifice the five of them in blood, thereby obtaining the fruit of destiny.

   After thinking about this, Chen Xuan already understood why Li Yitian behaved so strangely along the way, but he couldn't figure out why it was so.

  However, he already knew the truth right now, and Sun Tingting on the side also showed a clear look.

  But in the blink of an eye, Li's direction of the day suddenly rushed out a strong wave again.


   was just a moment of time, and that wave rushed to Li Yitian quickly.


  As a master of late fit, Li naturally felt the threat of that powerful wave. However, he was seriously injured at the moment and his body could hardly move. Even so, he still struggled to hide.

   However, the powerful fluctuation did not give Li Yitian the opportunity, but it hit Li Yitian within a short breath.


   Li snorted all day, his body was beaten several meters away by the powerful wave, and at the same time, a bright red blood was left on the spot.

  Li ran into a tree next to him one day, and after a while, there was no movement.

  The scene in front of him made Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting who were hiding on the other side pale in shock.

  I don’t know what the one who attacked Li Yitian was. From beginning to end, that thing didn’t show up. It seemed that it was just two random attacks.

   Then Li was suspected of being killed in one day.

Both Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting didn’t even dare to show up at this moment. Even Chen Xuan didn’t dare to say that he could easily kill Li Tiantian and let him have no fight back, only to escape. Copies.

What kind of master is the existence behind   ?

  This made Chen Xuan amazed?

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting hid there and waited quietly, not daring to make any movements.

  After about an hour, after confirming that there was no movement around, Chen Xuan cautiously walked out from where.

  It seems that the existence didn’t care about Li Tiantian’s life and death at all, and didn’t want to do it anyway. For him, Li Yitian or so was just an ant.

  Sun Tingting also followed Chen Xuan out.

  Chen Xuan walked towards Li Tiantian, looked at his broken body, couldn't help shook his head, and said, "This guy seems to be completely dead."

Sun Tingting nodded, did not speak, and did not care. No matter what Li Yitian said, he was just someone he knew halfway through. Although he was a master at the late stage of the fit, to Sun Tingting, both left and right were just strangers. .

   "What shall we do now?" Sun Tingting suddenly glanced at Chen Xuan and said?

   Chen Xuan was silent for a moment, and said, “It seems that there is no movement inside. Let’s go quietly and take a look to see if we can get the fruit of destiny.”

  Sun Tingting nodded in agreement, she did not want to give up at this point.

"However, we have to be careful. The existence in the dark doesn't know the number of paths, or if there is any offensive power at the moment. If it doesn't work, we will leave here as soon as possible. Based on our strength, it is not his opponent. "Chen Xuan said with a serious expression.

   "Hmm. I understand." Sun Tingting also nodded solemnly?

  Speaking, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting quietly approached the place where Li had just rushed out one day.

  The scent in the air is getting stronger and stronger, just smell it, it makes people full of energy.

  Fortunately, they did not encounter any danger.

   After walking for a while, Sun Tingting suddenly pointed to a place in front, and said in a little surprised: "Look, there is a spring there."

  Chen Xuan also found there at this moment. I saw that just tens of meters in front of the two of them, there were a few vine trees about four or five feet wide entwined around the spring. The water in the spring was white like lotion, constantly coming from where. Flow out, and then converge into a small pool of about two meters on one side.

And beside the Tan Spring, there is a small tree more than one meter high. The leaves are small, but the green ones seem to drip from the water. The leaves look peculiar and look like slices of eggshells. , The difference is that the eggshell is white, and the leaves are green.

  Between the leaves, there are several red fruits faintly growing, each of which is the size of a palm and exudes a burst of attractive fragrance.

  "Is that the fruit of destiny?" Sun Tingting said in an incredible way.

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said, “I’m not sure, I have never seen what a destiny fruit looks like, so there is no way to infer whether it is a destiny fruit.”

   "Let's take a look?" Sun Tingting said.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said, “Be careful, there seems to be something weird here. I don’t know what it is, if I don’t say it for a while.”

   "Hmm." Sun Tingting nodded. Hmm.

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting passed between the dense trees, and at the same time walked quickly toward there.

Although their speed is a bit fast, the sound of walking, if you are not listening carefully, is very inaudible. They dare not make too much noise, for fear that the existence in the dark will suddenly come to them. one strike.

A distance of tens of meters away, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting could smell the strong scent, especially when they were close to the place, the scent became more and more intense, even if it was Chen Xuan's relative comparison. The character of forbearance is also a bit greedy at the moment.

  Regardless of whether the red fruits are the destiny fruit or not, the attractive fragrance alone makes them fascinated.

  "This fruit is really fragrant. I have never seen such a fragrant fruit before, and I don’t know what variety it is." Sun Tingting said with some emotion.

  "Owu Forest is produced, it must be something the outside world does not have." Chen Xuan said.

  They were already approaching there as they spoke. Chen Xuan was not completely confused by the sight in front of him. At this moment, he looked around a little cautiously, but he didn't notice any movement.

   Coming to the side of this pool of spring water, Chen Xuan had already felt that the closer he got to this place, the more intense the scent he smelled, even if it was the fragrance of wine that had been treasured for thousands of years outside.

   "Look, behind this little tree." Sun Tingting's expression suddenly became a little solemn, and even her tone of voice was a little frightened.

"What?" Chen Xuan looked at the back of this little tree with a face of doubt. From the gap between the dense leaves, a little pink was faintly seen. Chen Xuan looked intently again. This is not Wei Xia. The color of your clothes?

  At this time, Chen Xuan was a little shocked. He didn't expect to see her clothes here?

   "There seems to be someone behind it." Sun Tingting's tone was already a little frightened.

   Chen Xuan heard her say this, and his expression suddenly became stagnant, and he hurriedly tried to poke away the dense leaves in front of him with his hands.

  The scene in front of him suddenly appeared, and the three corpses that came into view were the former Qian Tao, Zhou Long, and Wei Xia.

  All of them have expressions of horror and inconceivability, but the most striking thing is that their bodies are tied with vines about a foot wide.

  Looking down the vines, these vines actually came out of the ground.

   "These things tied to them are not the roots of the small tree in front of them, are they?" Sun Tingting said with some horror.

  Chen Xuan nodded, and after comparing with the small tree in front of him, he said, "It looks like this."

  (End of this chapter)

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