Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1402: Small tree

   Chapter 1402

Suddenly thinking of something angry, Sun Tingting said in disbelief: "It's no wonder that Li Yitian said that five monks in the conjoined stage are required to make blood sacrifices to make this little tree incapable of attack. It seems that he did not lie. , It’s just why this little tree doesn’t attack us now."

  Chen Xuan shook his head and said that he didn’t know: “But it seems that this is the tree of destiny. Those red fruits are the legendary fruit of destiny.”

Hearing what Chen Xuan said, Sun Tingting looked at the small tree in front of her in disbelief, and then looked at the fruit on the tree. She couldn't think of it, and she couldn't believe it, the legendary fruit of destiny. Right in front of my own eyes.

   "This, wouldn't it be true?" Sun Tingting said incredulously.

   "What is unbelievable? I think it's normal." Chen Xuan said indifferently.

  Speaking, Chen Xuan stretched out his hand and plucked a red fruit, then put it in his mouth and began to eat it. Of course, Chen Xuan was not that kind of reckless person. He dared to say so, he had already determined that this tree of fate had no power to attack people, at least not now.

  Otherwise, when they were approaching here, even if the tree of destiny still had the ability to shoot, it would never let Chen Xuan and the others go.

  However, there was no movement in front of him, so Chen Xuan speculated that this tree of fate did not want to use it, but that it had consumed all the power in his body when attacking Li for a day, so now he no longer has the ability to shoot.

  But this does not mean that he will not have the ability to shoot afterwards. Chen Xuan can't estimate how long it will take and how long the interval will be.

   " just ate like this?" Sun Tingting looked at Chen Xuan with an incredulous expression, and opened his mouth wide.

   "What else? Give him a bow?" Chen Xuan Hun said nonchalantly.

  Sun Tingting heard what Chen Xuan said, and hurriedly picked a fruit from the tree of fate and dragged it into her own hand. He wouldn't be like Chen Xuan and just eat it.

I saw that the fruit in her hand was crystal clear, and it looked unusually attractive, like it was carved from red jade. Sun Tingting could not bear to eat it, and she wanted to use it as a collection. Collect it.

  However, seeing Chen Xuanzheng on the side feasting, Sun Tingting pressed the thoughts in her heart and bit down gently.

   Suddenly, Sun Tingting felt that a scent came out of her nose, the fragrant scent was flying through her mouth, and at the same time, it filled her body in an instant.

  "It's really rare and delicious. I didn't expect that there would be such fruits in Owu Forest." Sun Tingting couldn't help but said.

"Well, this is also the legendary destiny fruit. If it doesn't even have this effect, what kind of legendary fruit is it? But listening to that Li Tiantian said that it is so wicked and has a reborn effect, why don't I feel at all?" Chen After Xuan finished eating, he couldn't help but said in surprise.

   "It's weird to eat like you, it works." Sun Tingting said with a blow.

   However, although Sun Tingting said so, she was also a little confused in her heart.

  It shouldn’t be. The effect of Destiny is something that my grandfather personally said to himself. It’s powerful and terrifying. However, there is no other feeling besides some attractive aromas and better taste.

   Forcefully suppressed the doubts in his heart, both of them had quickly finished eating the fruit, and then stared at the only four fruit left on the tree.

   "There are exactly four. Let's get two points for one person," Chen Xuan said.

   "Well, yes." Sun Tingting nodded, agreeing with Chen Xuan's statement.

  Then the two picked all the fruits, one with two, and each looked for something and put it away.

"This Tree of Destiny doesn't know when it will wake up. By then, he will have the power to attack again. We are not his opponents yet. Before he wakes up, let's go quickly." Chen Xuan put the fruit away. , Said.

  Sun Tingting nodded in agreement, then the two dared not neglect, and quickly left here.

  However, as soon as the two of them walked not far, they vaguely heard the sound of someone approaching quickly.

  Only one of them said: “Not long ago, there was a burst of noise here. It seems that there must be something here. Maybe we can still pick up a leak in the past.”

  The voice was getting louder and louder. It was just a blink of an eye, and it was already here, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, and they just happened to touch them.

  The two men and horses were involuntarily taken aback, and then both stopped their actions.

   "Who are you? Why are you here?" The person opposite became a little dignified at the moment, then stared at Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting and said.

   "Who are you guys and why are you here?" Chen Xuan replied in the same way.

"Huh, good boy, it's really a toast without eating and fine wine, brothers, come on, no matter who they are, since they are dead in this Owu Forest, it is no use to kill them." The one shouted angrily, but that person Although he said that, he didn't move.

  The few people behind him, upon hearing the words, each approached Chen Xuan a few steps forward.

   "Since you are looking for death, don't blame me for being rude." Chen Xuan glanced at them coldly.

The cultivation bases of the few people in front of them are not low, but they are not all very high. The person who spoke just now is in the late stage of the union, while the other three, two are in the middle stage of the union, and one is in the early stage of the union. .

   "Be careful, although their cultivation bases are not very high, but there are four of them, which is a bit tricky." Chen Xuan said to Sun Tingting.

  Sun Tingting nodded, and said, "Although these people are not low in cultivation, they are not good at all. I haven't put them in my eyes."

   "Well, I won't have time to look at you for a while, just be careful yourself." Wang Qiang said.

  In front of them, those few people were all aggressive, standing tall and tall, with a pair of emerald green eyes, showing their fierce looks.

  "These people are not simple. I don't know where they are?" Wang Qiang couldn't help but look stagnant.

  "This is a member of the Western Empire of New Saskatchewan. The people there are burly. These few people are not particularly big, but it is not surprising that they appear in this forest." Sun Tingting said lightly. "But they dare to come to worship the Moon Empire, it looks like something is going to happen."

   "Oh? Can't they come to worship the Moon Empire? What's the big deal?" Chen Xuan snorted coldly, and said disdainfully.

"Well, of course, 700 years ago, the Moon Worship Empire and the Sinsa Empire, the two countries had a national war because of some interests, but the Moon Worship Empire, which has always been strong, paid a comparison in that battle. It was a tragic price to defeat the Sinsa empire. The Sinsa empire ceded most of its territory to the Moon-Worship Empire, compensated countless gold and silver treasures, etc., and finally was forced to sign the "Sinsa Treaty". Since then, The Sinsa empire was devastated, and the people of the Sinsa empire never dared to take a half step out of the Sinsa empire." Sun Tingting said thoughtfully.

Wang Qiang nodded his head, deeply convinced. Although he did not know what treaty the Sinsa Empire signed, he still heard about the war between the Baiyue Empire and the Sinsa Empire. In which era, it was an amazing one. The big event was originally a war between mortals, but in the end monks joined in. It can also be said to be a battle among monks between the two countries of the Moon Worship Empire and the Sinsa Empire.

   "Look, a few more people came over there." Sun Tingting said suddenly.

   Hearing this, Wang Qiang immediately looked at the place Sun Tingting pointed to, and he saw a few figures indistinctly, shaking there, and it seemed that he was also approaching here quickly.

  The few people in the Sinsa Empire also looked over after hearing the words, but randomly smiled and said: "It's just a few trash fish here, no storms can be found, regardless of them."


  In a short while, those figures were already close to Chen Xuan and the others.

  At the same time, one of them suddenly launched an attack, like a thunderstorm, the black figure quickly rushed towards the few people in the Xinsa Empire.

   Suddenly, because of contempt, one of them had no time to evade, and was rushed by the black figure, and then fell to the ground.

  At the same time, the black figure wielded a short knife in the hand, and cut off an arm of the man from the Sinsa Empire, attached to the shoulder, directly.


  The person screamed suddenly, and then passed out.

  At the same time, the other figures moved, but in the blink of an eye, one of the people in the Xinsa Empire was cut off with a sword, killing him instantly.


  The remaining two people from the Sinsa Empire immediately heard the sound and moved.

   shouted at the same time: "Looking for death."

   One after another took out the weapons in their hands, long knives one after another, and threw them towards the few figures.

  The long knife made a sound of breaking through the air, penetrated one of the people's body directly, and directly inserted it, and suddenly a blood flowed out along the wound.

   Seeing that he can no longer live.

  But at this time, the other figures moved.


  The figure screamed, then his eyes were fierce, staring at the two Sinsa Empire people, ready to attack at any time.

  And several other black figures, due to the counterattack of the two people in the New Sa Empire, also quickly avoided, but did not leave here, but stared at the few people in front of them not far away.

   "Quickly, save people!" the leader of the Sinsa Empire shouted sharply.

  The remaining person quickly rushed towards the person whose arm was grabbed.


At this moment, Chen Xuan and the others started and rushed over. At the same time, a golden light appeared in Chen Xuan's hands. When he was about to approach them, Chen Xuan quickly jumped from the ground. Then he slapped the person with a palm.

  The man was going to save people, but Chen Xuan's sudden attack was too late to react, and Chen Xuan was directly hit in the body.


  The man screamed in pain, and Chen Xuan's body was beaten by Chen Xuan's palm and he flew two or three meters away, and fell heavily to the ground.

  At the same time, the population spit out a mouthful of blood, struggled a bit, and then stopped moving.

  At this time, Sun Tingting also moved, and rushed towards the other person who had broken an arm quickly.

  A green light suddenly appeared on his hand.


  Sun Tingting directly hit the person, and the person immediately flew out. At the same time, the person was killed before landing because of one after another heavy injuries.

   And Chen Xuan quickly rushed towards the last person again, and a fiery flame shot out from his palm, sweeping towards the person from the Sinsa Empire before.

  At this moment, that person had just reacted and saw the flames from Chen Xuan's palm rushing towards him, a look of jealousy appeared in that person's expression, and then his body moved suddenly and he quickly evaded to the side.

  Chen Xuan’s attack failed, but because of the appearance of a few other people, the three people in the Xinsa Empire were eliminated at once. I have to say that this was very unexpected.

"Who are you?" At this moment, among the following people, they were shocked by the scene that appeared suddenly, but after seeing that Chen Xuan and the others were attacking a few people in the Sinsa Empire, their expressions suddenly became a little bit Loosened.

  Chen Xuan smiled faintly, and said: "Don't worry, I am not your enemy."

  When those people heard Chen Xuan say this, their vigilance suddenly relaxed.

  At this time, the middle-aged man headed looked at Chen Xuan, with a respectful expression in his expression: "Young people, thank you for your help, otherwise we would not be their opponents if we did not rely on the sneak attack."

  Chen Xuan waved his hand and said, “It’s nothing. These people wanted to do something against us. They were about to fight, but you came here, which saved a lot of effort.”

When the middle-aged man heard Chen Xuan's words, his expression became more respectful, and he said: "In this Owu Forest, we were all well and not offending the river. We were looking for the treasures of heaven and earth. Who First, we will meet some unreasonable people, but they have never encountered something as unusual as today. These people don’t know what the origins are, and they seem to be different from the people we met before. The same, and the shots were very spicy. We have already died several brothers, but this is also my fault, why have to go deep into this place, if it weren’t for me to come, they wouldn’t die. I’m guilty. I killed them."

  (End of this chapter)

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