Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1411: Singular

   Chapter 1411

"Something must have happened in the depths of the forest. Otherwise, even if the two beast kings were fighting just now, it would not have been the result. I think there should be some other reason. Let me buy a fierce beast. I feel that there is any danger to myself, otherwise, how could it be possible that so many fierce birds and beasts have all escaped here in such a short time?" Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting both looked shocked, although they were puzzled, but He continued to move forward, and quickly walked a long distance, and the ancient trees around him became denser and denser.

   "Hiss..." Amidst a thicket of grass, there was a burst of sound, which sounded like a snake vomiting.

  Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting looked towards the place that made the sound. As expected, a **** snake coiled between the grass.

  It didn’t matter at all, but Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting took a breath at the same time.

  Chen Xuan said with some horror: “What kind of snake is this? There are even a pair of black horns on his head? And his whole body is covered with scales, it looks like a dragon.”

  This treaty has a giant snake 20 to 30 meters long. The scales around it are as big as a person's head. The whole body is pitch black like ink, looking like a killer in the dark.

  At the same time, his whole body's black scales showed a jet-black light under the sunlight. The most strange thing was that the pair of black horns on his head naturally exuded jet-black light, which made people tremble.

"This giant snake with a pair of black horns on its head has a refined rhythm. If it grows two pairs of claws, it is a legendary flood." Chen Xuan's heart was facing the side. Sun Tingting said.

  The hearts of the two of them couldn't help but shudder. It seemed that this place was not as quiet as it was on the surface. Not all the ferocious beasts had left here, and some very powerful beasts remained.

  However, this giant snake seemed to be leaving here, but at the same time he was also very anxious. From her look, Chen Xuan felt a sense of reluctance.

   At this moment, a voice came from the distant void, causing the void to tremble. At the same time, the voice came to them from far and near, just for a moment.


  The voice only stayed for a short time, and it was fleeting.

  However, after Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting heard this voice, they couldn't help feeling a little panicked.

  At the same time, the giant snake, which was covered with scales and had a pair of jet black horns on its head, also trembled suddenly.

  After the sound disappeared, the giant snake suddenly shook its body, crawled into the depths of the forest, and disappeared in a blink of an eye, ignoring Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting at all.

  Sun Tingting glanced in disbelief in the direction where the giant snake disappeared, and said with a surprised look: "Is that a snake hole?"

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said, “Maybe there is a cave there, because of the sound just now, he seemed to hide in fear, as if hiding something.”

  At this time, after the giant snake swam away, the poisonous gas around it was basically clean. At this moment, the forest in the direction of the giant snake can be seen more clearly right now.

  "This snake will be called a dragon in time. It is unpredictable. Even now, the two of us may not be his opponents!" Chen Xuan said thoughtfully.

  Sun Tingting nodded, and said: “I seem to remember to walk through the record in a book, saying that it was near Jiaolong. The president has Long Yuanguo. I don’t know if it is true or not.”

   Chen Xuan heard the words for a while, and couldn't help but said with some emotion: "Oh? What are you saying is true?"

Sun Tingting nodded and said, "It is recorded in the book that this is the natural treasure of the heaven and earth after the snake demon has absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon for hundreds of years, swallowing the spiritual energy of the heaven and the earth, and then he will transform into a dragon. For Long Yuanguo, the snake demon can evolve into a real flood dragon by virtue of that Long Yuanguo."

  Chen Xuan nodded thoughtfully, and said, "Since Long Yuanguo can transform snakes, it should be useful for human monks."

Sun Tingting nodded and said, "It's true, but the reason why this snake demon didn't leave was that she waited for the Dragon Yuanguo to mature, otherwise she should be the same as the other fierce beasts, she would have ran away long ago. Correct."

  Chen Xuan nodded, and said, "If we two make a shot at the same time, will there be a chance to kill the giant snake."

  Sun Tingting pondered for a moment, and said: “In theory, we should have a chance. The giant snake will not have to evolve to the realm of the dragon. The strength should also be very strong, at least not weaker than us.”

   Chen Xuan said: "In that case, let's save our hands."

  Sun Tingting nodded, and did not say more. At the moment, the two of them walked in the direction where the giant snake disappeared. After a while, they saw a dark hole.

  At the same time, the two of them saw a small tree with golden fruits growing not deep in the hole, and two white herbs growing beside the small tree.

   Chen Xuan saw this, and couldn't help but said in surprise: "Strange, why isn't that snake here?"

  Sun Tingting shook her head, and the two quickly hid from the side for fear that the giant snake would be alarmed.

  At this time, Chen Xuan asked suspiciously, "What are the two herbs next to Long Yuanguo? They are as white as snow lotus?"

   "That is the beauty grass." Sun Tingting said.

  Chen Xuan couldn't help being stunned. The two of them searched for the beauty grass for several days, but there was no trace at all, but they saw it in front of the entrance of a giant snake, which made him feel a little unbelievable.

   "Your body is very fast. You picked it quickly in the past, and then the two of us ran away." Chen Xuan said with a flushed face.

Sun Tingting gave him a white look, and then stared at the entrance of the cave. After a while, Sun Tingting's body disappeared quickly. Then, he appeared at the entrance of the cave, with one hand quickly on the small tree. He picked off the Dragon Yuanguo, and at the same time, his other hand pulled out the other two beauty-preserving grasses, and it only took a moment to reappear here in Chen Xuan.

   Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting left here quickly, for fear that the giant snake felt the existence of the two of them, and stole his Dragon Yuanguo, and then caught up.

  Chen Xuan did not expect to get the Dragon Yuanguo so easily, and by the way, he also got two plants of nourishing beauty, which can be said to be a fruitful harvest.

  The two quickly left here, and after confirming that the giant snake had not been found, they continued to advance in the direction of the teleportation formation.

  A few days later, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting finally found the teleportation formation built in the Owu Forest, because two days in advance, there were not many people here. After a while, it was Chen Xuan and the two of them.

  When Chen Xuanjiang came in before, the two tokens that the administrator gave him were placed on a pillar on the side of the teleportation array.

   Suddenly, Guanghua flashed, Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting, together with the two tokens, suddenly disappeared from the teleportation formation.

  After a while, the two appeared in the central square of Sky City.

  Chen Xuan looked around for a while, but didn't see the old man Zhao Tian. It seemed that his affairs had not been dealt with yet, so he didn't think much about it.

"Hey, I'm really tired after walking for so long." After confirming that Zhao Tianzhen was not here, Chen Xuan casually found a relatively clean place to sit down, intending to observe and observe the people in the sky, and wait for that by the way. The old man.

  Sun Tingting on the side was a little disgusted with his behavior of sitting anywhere, and walked aside two steps away from Chen Xuan who was squatting on the ground.

   Chen Xuan didn't think much about seeing Sun Tingting's appearance, but thought she wanted to take a closer look at whether the old man Zhao Tian had come, so she wanted her to sit down and rest.

  "Don’t look at Sun Tingting, let’s sit down and rest together. The old man Zhao Tian has a lot of things, not to mention that we came early, he must have not arrived, so you sit down too..."

  Chen Xuan was interrupted impatiently by Sun Tingting before she finished speaking, she casually put her foot on Chen Xuan's back, and her tone revealed a sense of disgust.

  "What are you sitting on? The ground is dirty! You are ready to sit on your stomach."

  "Isn’t it more dirty to be on your stomach than sitting?"

  Chen Xuan didn't understand the brain circuits of these women, but she said what she said, so she probably wouldn't be kicked by her.

   "Then you know how dirty you still sit!"

  Chen Xuan stabilized his figure, got up, patted his **** and stood side by side with Sun Tingting. Her kick was not strong, so Chen Xuan was fine.

  What's more, it was a beauty who kicked him. It was too suggestive, but if it was a man, it would be different. Chen Xuan would definitely **** him off, but it is another matter that he is a woman.

  For example, Sun Tingting, a late-fitting person, although Chen Xuan can easily defeat him, let alone a shit.

   "Don't sit... Then let's stand there?"

  I really can’t figure out what Sun Tingting thought, Chen Xuan had no choice but to speak tentatively. Sun Tingting gave Chen Xuan a look of hatred for iron and steel, and gave Chen Xuan a glance.

   "Then what do you say?"

  Sun Tingting still seems to hope that Chen Xuan can guess what she thinks by herself. However, Chen Xuan's Muyu head has not too high EQ, so she is only thinking about why Sun Tingting is unwilling to say it by herself.


  At this time, Chen Xuan heard the sound of his belly, and looked at Sun Tingting in surprise. Although he himself is a bit hungry, he is sure that the cry just now didn't come from his stomach, and there is no one else here, so...

   Feeling the blazing gaze from the side, Sun Tingting's face flushed suddenly, and she turned her head to the side in embarrassment.

   "You still watch! I'm going to eat!"

  At this time, Chen Xuan woke up, she wanted to do something before, just want to eat...

  However, Chen Xuan was still puzzled, why didn't he just say what he wanted to eat, and let him guess.

  It seemed that Chen Xuan could hear what Chen Xuan was thinking. Sun Tingting gave him another kick, and the blush on his face became thicker.

   "Are you going anyway? If you don't, I will go by myself!"

   After all, Sun Tingting stepped away from her long legs and turned to leave. Chen Xuan immediately followed behind her, yelling for her to wait for herself.

  "Don't go so fast, I know your legs are long..."

  Because Chen Xuan’s voice was probably a bit loud, some people around him looked towards him and also glanced at Sun Tingting in front of him.

  God, Sun Tingting really doesn’t want to accept such a shameful thing! So, she stopped, blushing and waiting for Chen Xuan there.

   "Why don't you leave..."

"shut up!"

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to speak again, Sun Tingting lowered her voice and leaned in his ear to warn.

  She really regrets now, why did she choose this pig teammate.

  Looking at this bewildered pig, Sun Tingting patted her head and said helplessly, "What do you want to eat, I am free."

  Since you don’t know what to eat, let the pig think about it.

  Chen Xuan looked around and seemed to be thinking carefully. After a while, he did not speak. Sun Tingting felt that her stomach was screaming, so she urged him to choose quickly.

   Chen Xuan, who was urged by Sun Tingting, turned around, looked at Sun Tingting a little entangledly, and said, "I...I am also very entangled in what to eat."

  This is irritating Sun Tingting, but she is so hungry now that she has no energy to argue with him.

   "I don't care, you quickly choose me, I will starve to death, you said why I should suffer this sin."

  Sun Tingting just casually said that Chen Xuan still treated herself as if she was asking, so she didn't dare to neglect and start thinking.

   "I think it's because..."

   "Because you are a big-headed ghost, hurry up, what do you want to eat?!"

   Listening to Sun Tingting’s somewhat angry tone, Chen Xuan pulled his mouth helplessly, thinking why women are so complicated? Hey, as expected, what the old man Zhao Tian said makes sense, a woman's heart, a needle on the bottom of the sea.

  Chen Xuan looked up and saw a roast duck restaurant, before thinking about it, he pointed to Sun Tingting.

   "How about going to eat there?"

   "You actually let me eat this kind of food, I will get fat, don't you know?"

   Chen Xuan was thinking about getting fat and exercising more. What's the matter with roast duck?

  "How about this one?"

   "So expensive, your kid is very generous!"

  Well, this is a good reason. It seems that Sun Tingting is also a money-saving master and can consider marrying home.

"this home?"

   "All the handsome guys in this house, I will be shy!"

   "Then why haven't you been shy after you put me next to me for so long?"

   Chen Xuan is really unwilling to accept Sun Tingting’s reason. For such a nonsense reason, he is also a handsome guy. Why didn’t she see her being shy and acting so domineering.

  At this time, Sun Tingting was so tired that she didn't want to comment on this guy's narcissism, so she had to follow his words.

  (End of this chapter)

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