Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1412: Giant bear

  Chapter 1412 Giant Bear

  "This is different, there are many handsome guys in there."

   But when you look carefully, this guy is actually quite handsome, just a little silly. It's not good to pass on such a gene to the next generation.


  Chen Xuan said several more stores, but Sun Tingting rejected them one by one, and he reluctantly pointed to the last one. If Sun Tingting still refuses, then Chen Xuan definitely does not believe that she is really hungry.

   "Oh, let's go, how about eating this wonton, I think Chaos is delicious."

   "Well, that's it. I think you are quite hungry, so I'm sorry to accompany you to eat."

   After hearing this, Chen Xuan was a little puzzled. Wasn't she what she said to eat at the beginning? But women always love face, and men who don't know how to save face are not good men.

   And Chen Xuan, he should be a good man among good men, the best among the best.

  If he said these words, it would probably cause Sun Tingting to make some crazy complaints.

   "The two objectively want something to eat."

  As soon as the two entered the store, Xiao Er eagerly greeted him. There are also many restaurants nearby, and this small shop does not look so prosperous. In addition, there is a large restaurant nearby, and the comparison shows that his house is pitiful.

   "Aren't you just wontons here, what else can you have?"

   "Ah, objective, we certainly have other foods, such as wonton noodles, dumplings..."

   Xiao Er was about to talk endlessly, and was interrupted impatiently by Chen Xuan. If he finished talking, Sun Tingting would be hungry.

  "Wontons are needed, don't talk too much to me, Master, I am really hungry now!"

   "Oh ok, what kind of stuffing does this master want? We have pork stuffing, cabbage stuffing, shiitake mushroom stuffing..."

   Xiaoer seems to be about to open again, which makes Sun Tingting too lazy to take into account her image of a lady and want to urge him, but Chen Xuan preempts him.

   "I want two bowls of pork filling, go now."

   "Oh okay, this master's two bowls of pigs..."

Xiao Er was about to greet the chef in the back room, but Sun Tingting immediately interrupted him.

   "You made me eat pork stuffing, Chen Xuan, you just want me to be fat!"

"I do not have……"

  Chen Xuan is a little bit unreasonable, how can she gain weight if she eats pork stuffing, and she should be a piece of meat, okay?

   "Little Er, I want a bowl of shiitake mushroom stuffing, and he has a bowl of cabbage stuffing."

  It seems that Xiao Er is also a person who is more acquainted with current affairs, and immediately did what Sun Tingting said. Chen Xuan looked at her in a daze.

  If she doesn’t eat pork, she must eat cabbage by herself?

   "Sun Tingting, what do you mean, if you don't eat it, you won't eat it, why don't you let me eat it?"


  Faced with Chen Xuan’s questioning, Sun Tingting dropped two words, found a place to sit down gracefully, and ignored Chen Xuan.

  Ignoring Chen Xuan immediately ran to her and sat down, but Sun Tingting seemed unhappy, and stretched out his long legs to hook his stool.

  Not aware of this, Chen Xuan directly sat down on the ground and looked at Sun Tingting with surprise.

   "Miss, what are you doing?"

   "What did you do, the leg exercises, here, I'll give it back to you."

  After Chen Xuan stood up, Sun Tingting kicked the stool back, accurately kicking under Chen Xuan's ass.

  Chen Xuan caught a glimpse of a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, and he smiled helplessly.

  The two sat facing each other like this, and there was not much to say, just that Chen Xuan casually urged a little Er.

   "Two guest officials, your chaos is here. It will be mushrooms and cabbage in the evening."

   Chaos was placed in front of Sun Tingting by Xiao Er that night, who smiled politely and thanked him.

  "If you want to dip some soy sauce and some green onions, just add it there."

  After saying this, Xiao Er turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Chen Xuan.

  "Hey, wait a minute, don't you go, don't go, why should she go up first, and mine will go up later."

   His words made Xiao Er a bit dumbfounded, "This master, madam first, is there something wrong?"

  After hearing this, Sun Tingting chuckled and looked at Chen Xuan with some pride. After more than a month of cooperation in Owu Forest, Sun Tingting has some feelings about Chen Xuan, so she also likes to make jokes with him.

   "What is wrong with people asking you something?"

   "No problem, no problem..."

  It’s always like this with the guy Sun Tingting...but she's pretty cute even if I want to come.

  Not long after, Chen Xuan’s cabbage stuffing was also served, so he dipped it in a lot of soy sauce and ate it.

  "It's the first time in my life to eat wonton and be a vegetarian!"

  Sun Tingting smiled triumphantly when he heard this, and knocked on his head with the root of the chopsticks.

   "Why do you dip so much soy sauce, you will have pockmarks, you will not be handsome with pockmarks."

   "You mean I am handsome now?"

  Hearing what Sun Tingting said, Chen Xuan stood up and looked at her excitedly while supporting the table.

  Sun Tingting smiled more happily now and nodded violently to perfuse him. Although it was perfunctory, Chen Xuan was also happier.

  At least this guy has learned to tell the truth.

  Because I am afraid that Zhao Tian will not be here for a while, Chen Xuan has always asked Sun Tingting to eat slowly, but because he is a little hungry, both of them eat faster.

  Although this is a relatively remote corner that no one pays attention to, there will always be people passing by. For example, the rich young men of some powerful families always like to wander around these places to see if there is anyone who can bully them.

  If there are no bullies, they will collect management fees to see if there are any pleasant beauties to tease.

  When Chen Xuan was about to check out, he suddenly saw a few people walking towards this side swayingly, looking around, as if looking for something else.

   Seeing this scene, Xiao Er started to be scared, and said something tremblingly.

   "It's over, the eldest master of the Qian family is here again..."

   After hearing Xiao Er's words, Chen Xuan stopped after he had settled the bill and was about to leave. He was a little curious as to why Xiao Er looked like this.

   "Young Master Qian? Come here, what are you afraid of. Maybe you can make money if someone comes, besides, this is still a young master."

   Chen Xuan's reaction made the Xiao Er a little surprised, and he was surprised when Chen Xuan heard the words of the Qian family's young master.

  No, it's not right, besides being calm and disdainful. Because Chen Xuan looked at the guys who came by, swaggering, he was a fool in his eyes, so he didn't care too much.

   "He's here, either to collect management fees, or to find things."

  Speaking, Xiao Er looked at Sun Tingting, who had a nice face next to her.

   "Do you want this master to let your friend enter our back kitchen to hide?"

   "What to hide, why should I hide?"

  Naturally, Sun Tingting did not sit down, and was listening to Xiao Er's words, but she was a little puzzled when she heard this sentence, and couldn't help but ask.

   "In addition to charging management fees, Young Master Qian also likes to rob civilian girls, look at the appearance of the guest officer..."

   "I don't hide, if he dares to provoke me...huh."

  Sun Tingting's strength is naturally not arrogant, and if Chen Xuan cooperates with her, some rats and the two of them will not be afraid at all.

  Even if someone dared to bully her and Chen Xuan, Zhao Tian would not let him go, so Sun Tingting was not afraid.

   "Okay, two guest officials, don’t grow up when Master Qian comes, probably nothing will happen to the two of you."

"it is good."

Although Chen Xuan and Sun Tingting agreed, they understood each other's meaning after glanced at each other.

  If this Young Master Qian is too arrogant, then they are really willing to meet him.

   After all, while waiting for Zhao Tian, ​​being idle is also being idle.

   "By the way, Xiao Er, what is the name of this young master?"

   "He is called Qianjiu, and his father is called Qianduo."


  After hearing this, Sun Tingting chuckled softly, and Chen Xuan laughed without holding back.

  "Interesting and interesting..."

   Soon, the young master named Qian Jiu came over with his younger brothers. He seemed to be very familiar with his journey along the way, and he was also very familiar with Xiao Er Dian.

   "Hey hey! You, you, you, are you ready for this week's management fee?"

   "This... less money, how can it become once a week now."

  After hearing this, Qian Jiu and his little brothers laughed out loud, as if they had heard a very funny joke. Chen Xuan wanted to laugh too, because he seemed to see a few guys who laughed like fools.

   "What are you doing with so much nonsense? Brother Qian will let you pay it, otherwise..."

  One of the younger brothers came to the table where they put soy sauce and other condiments and was about to overturn that table.

   Xiaoer tremblingly ran to stop him, and handed Qian Jiu the money Chen Xuan had just given him from his pocket.

   "With such a small amount of money, are you begging for food?"

  After taking the money unceremoniously for a long time, Qian raised his hand and used Qigong to overthrow that Xiaoer to the ground, and waved to his little brother.

  The two little brothers knew it, and immediately ran to the side of Xiao Er, and forced him to the ground, and they were about to reach into his pocket to pay.

  At this moment, Chen Xuan couldn't stand it anymore, and patted the table where he and Sun Tingting sat.

  Qian Jiu and his younger brothers seemed to be frightened by Chen Xuan's palm, and suddenly turned their heads to look at Chen Xuan.

   Chen Xuan was very satisfied with the goal, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a provocative smile.

  "What do you mean..."

Seeing that Chen Xuan was a little arrogant, the younger brother next to Qian Jiu rushed forward to beat him. Upon seeing this, Chen Xuan's smile deepened, and he signaled Sun Tingting to get up and overturned the table.

  Chen Xuan chose this table because the top of it is now empty and there are not many tables around. Chen Xuan lifted it towards a relatively empty place.

  The little brother who rushed over was frightened by the sound that Chen Xuan made, and he sat on the ground with trembling legs and feet.

  This caused Qian behind him to frown for a long time and kicked him away.

   "What the **** do you mean, kid, come and grab a job with Brother Qian?"

  A stronger younger brother rushed up, trying to grab Chen Xuan's clothes but was frightened by the look in his eyes, and his raised hands were also retracted.

   "I'm not here to grab a job, I'm here to bully them, haven't you seen it?"

  Chen Xuan smiled and pointed to the poor little brother lying on the ground.

  "But your brother Qian is really a paper tiger that I expected. I am so upright and he is still there stupidly."

   "Don't say that, people are scared."

  As soon as Chen Xuan finished speaking, Sun Tingting behind him added a sentence, which made Chen Xuan’s smile deepen, but Qian Jiu’s little brother was not so good.

   "You... why are you so arrogant!"

  After he finished speaking, he waved to his brother, and several people ran up together, seeming to start a fight with Chen Xuan.

  Looking at the development of things as he thought, Chen Xuan nodded in satisfaction.

   "But let's not play here anymore, how about going out? The place is too small, I'm afraid it will hinder your big brothers from playing."

  The little brother rolled his eyes, looked outside, and looked at Chen Xuan with disbelief.

   "There will be no ambush outside, right?"

   "Li Wen, fight him! What if there is an ambush? Anyway, we are crowded."

   Seeing Li Wen's hesitation, Qian Jiu was the first to become impatient. And Li Wen also listened to Qian Jiu's words very much, and walked out before Chen Xuan.

   "Go out! But I just went out because of our brother Qian's face."

  Chen Xuan watched them go out one by one, very satisfied, and then left. At this moment, Sun Tingting suddenly stopped him, "Do you want me to go out and help you?"

  "I don’t care about these little things."

  Seeing that Chen Xuan was so confident, Sun Tingting no longer insisted, and she was in there with Xiaoer, ready to watch Chen Xuan fight.

  "Girl, thank you, if it weren’t for you, I really don’t know how much this money will steal from me for a long time."

  The shopkeeper excitedly thanked Sun Tingting, and Sun Tingting showed a polite smile again.

   "If you want to thank you, thank you again when he comes back. After all, he helped you."

After hearing what Sun Tingting said, Xiao Er nodded.

  At this moment, the people outside were already eager to try. Chen Xuan glanced at the people around him, blinked at them and signaled that they would go first.

  Li Wen was not a polite person either. Since Chen Xuan asked him to go first, he didn't hesitate to rush up, as if he was afraid of Chen Xuan's remorse.

When Li Wen rushed up, he was very blind and didn't have too many skills. It seemed that he was relying on strength alone. Therefore, Chen Xuan didn't pay much attention to it, and dodged his fists and kicked at will. On his lower abdomen, he easily kicked him a few meters away.

  The other younger brother saw Li Wen being kicked away and immediately replaced him. His Dafa is not much different from Li Wen, and his strength is not too strong. This time Chen Xuan chose to kick him in the head.

  (End of this chapter)

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