Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1413: Kill

   Chapter 1413

  Finally there was a smart man. After two consecutive people were kicked down by Chen Xuan, two people on the left and right of Chen Xuan ran up to attack him at the same time. However, they still underestimated Chen Xuan. He tilted his body slightly and put his hands on the backs of both of them so that the two of them came into close contact.

  Either two or three of these people rushed up one after another, and Chen Xuan also solved it easily. And they also seem to be Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, being beaten and rushed up, beaten and beaten again...

  These people are almost all in the early stage of the spiritual silence. Although they are crowded, they are not very useful, and none of them are Chen Xuan's opponents. After all, he is already in the middle stage of the fit, and these little guys really can't do anything to him.

  However, Chen Xuan was not idle and doing nothing. Naturally, he didn't have the mood to play with these Xiaoqiangs, so he randomly made a move that hurts and had a relatively large range, which directly killed most of the people here.

  There are still a few singles, and they were beaten to the ground by him one by one.

   "Qianjiu, it's time for you to get on?"

  After moving his tibia, Chen Xuan looked at Qian Jiu, who had not made a sound, and the provocative smile returned to the corner of his mouth.

   "I really haven't seen anyone's elder brother. Watching the younger brothers get beaten one by one, I hide behind and dare not be born."


  Qian has been in this movie for so long, because the people here are not very strong, so his little brothers have never had an opponent, and he has always asked the little brother to beat some people who are not convinced by him.

  As for Chen Xuan, there are not many people who easily hit his little brothers.

  But it's the big brothers, because their little brothers are bullied, so they naturally want to avenge them. Therefore, even if Chen Xuan's strength was not clear, Qian Jiu rushed forward desperately.

  The reason why Chen Xuan is so confident is because the old man Zhao Tianna has heard of many wealthy young masters who have no power and like to mess around.

   Seeing that Qian Jiu was one of them, Chen Xuan naturally had no worries. Of course, it does not rule out that Qian Jiu will be slightly stronger, but no matter how strong he is, he will not be stronger in the middle of the fit. He has cooperated with Sun Tingting in the later stage of the fit.

   However, Qian Jiu was actually a little better than his younger brothers, and after several moves with Chen Xuan, he was hit by him. However, this is also the result of Chen Xuan's waterproofing. If Chen Xuan is willing, it is not impossible for him to seconds.

   "Why don't you consider taking your little brother to run, and you can't beat Lao Tzu, right?"

  Chen Xuan squatted provocatively, looking at Qian Jiu who was beaten by him on the ground, and smiled.

   "You dream!"

  Qian refused Chen Xuan without thinking for a long time, and got up with a lot of energy. He rushed up again without giving up, and was kicked by Chen Xuan on the knee.

  To say that these rich boys who like to pretend, the good thing is that they are strong and unyielding, and the bad thing is that they don’t know good or bad. They know that they are not strong enough, and they are not willing to look back when they hit the south wall.

  So, Chen Xuan handled him like his little brother. After playing, he became impatient and knocked them out with a more powerful trick.

  The period of time when Chen Xuan and Qian Jiu were fighting was enough for his little brother to wake up. When he woke up, he saw his eldest brother lying on the ground. What a great experience.

   "Are you all awake? Take your eldest brother away when you wake up. You're in the way here, you know."

  The younger brothers are also brainy people. Knowing that Chen Xuan is not an ordinary strong, they left with the money for a long time. However, Li Wen still seemed unwilling to give up, shouting to Chen Xuan before leaving.

  "You just wait here, we will be back soon, you wait for me!"

  This time it was Chen Xuan's turn to laugh. Of course he was willing to wait. Now he has nothing to do anyway. It would be good if they could help them find a stronger opponent to practice.

  Maybe Sun Tingting can also come to practice.

With this mentality, Chen Xuan agreed to Li Wen.

  "Okay! I'll just wait here. If you don't come back, I will come and look for you!"

  After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Li Wen heard it or not, Chen Xuan leisurely returned to the wonton shop and sat down, wanting to pick up the plane and rest, so that he could deal with the strong they invited.

  Seeing that Chen Xuan seemed to be a little tired, the shop Xiaoer immediately poured a glass of water for him. Chen Xuan politely thanked him, but Xiaoer stopped him.

   "Master, I thank you for it. Thanks to you this time, otherwise the money will be arrogant for a long time."

  "No thanks for your help, no thanks. I will borrow your place outside the store to practice. There is no problem, right?"

Xiao Er also knew that Chen Xuan was here to deal with Li Wen and the others when they came back for a while. Naturally, they didn't have any opinion, and they wished to watch Qian Jiu's annoying guy be beaten.

   "No problem, no problem, do you want to eat something, I have someone prepare it for you?"

   "No, no, no, I'll just drink some water."

  Fearing that Xiao Er would go to trouble again, Chen Xuan immediately stopped him and told him to sit and rest for a while.

   "Oh, hey, I said the money has been so arrogant for a long time, someone will come to teach them someday. If it is true, you will come."

  Xiao Er is very grateful to Chen Xuan for his help, so he has been flattering him. Seeing Chen Xuan's enjoyment, Sun Tingting couldn't help but give him a blank look.

   "Come on, little brother, this guy is just for fun, he will take the initiative to punish evil and promote good? I have known him for a while, I don't believe it."

   "How can you say that, I'm not just looking at whether it is fun or not, if it is for fun, I will go straight to the martial arts gym soon. Anyway, don't talk nonsense!"

  When Sun Tingting said so, Chen Xuan was not happy and immediately refuted her. Unexpectedly, Sun Tingting laughed, which made Chen Xuan a little confused.

   "Well, well, what you say is what you say."

  The two were fighting like this, Chen Xuan suddenly seemed to remember something, and asked the shop Xiaoer.

   "Well, do you know who they might find someone to come back?"

   "Mostly he is looking for Qianjiu, his father, the head of the Qian family. He is here later, I suggest that they be careful, the money is not as easy to handle as Qianjiu."

   Chen Xuan looked thoughtful after hearing Xiao Er's words.

   "Okay, I see, thank you, Xiao Er."

  At the same time, Li Wen and others also returned to Qian Mansion with Qian for a long time.

  Qianjiu also woke up along the way, because Chen Xuan didn't exert much effort, so they didn't have any other problems after they woke up.

   But in order to get his father Qian to show up, Qian Jiu still pretended to be very tragic, calling his father everywhere in the house, calling his father's bedroom.

   "Father, someone is bullying me, dad..."

  At this moment, Qianqian was disturbed by Qianjiu and I was very unhappy. I didn't want to talk to him, but his shouting was really annoying.

   "You fool yelling something, your little mom is resting, you know!"

  Qianjiu certainly knows, but he is a little anxious now, so he can't care about so much.

   "Father, someone is bullying me, you must help me be fair!"

  For this son who only knows that he has a lot of money every day, he has no hope for him, but he thinks he is better than his son, because money is so long that even a woman can’t play.

   "What's the matter, aren't you usually very cocky? Why? I was bullied today."

   "No way, that guy is too strong, you see he beat me like this."

  Qian Duo took a closer look at Qian Jiu. He had many injuries on his body and looked very miserable. Although he doesn't value this son very much, no matter what, as long as he is his own son, it is his own face that he is beaten and lost.

   Therefore, Qian Duo still intends to teach Qian Jiu a lesson and beat his people.

   "Someone is bullying you again. Take Lao Tzu, and Lao Tzu will teach that brat boy."

   "Thank you dad, thank you dad!"

  Along the way, Qianjiu told Qianduo what happened, but after he added oil and vinegar, the taste all changed.

  "...I was eating wontons, and the man suddenly raised the table. I went to ask the boss for justice, but he was not convinced. Then we started to fight, but he was too strong..."

   "It's okay, I know you are too weak and bullied, no need to say it, just watch how you call you back!"

   Seeing Qian Duo's self-confident look, Qian Jiu was also very happy. He hadn't thought about it at all. Even his father, Chen Xuan, did not necessarily pay attention to it.

   Soon, Qian Jiu brought Qian Duo and Li Wen to the previous wonton shop again. Seeing Chen Xuan still sitting there, Li Wen was very satisfied with his promise.

   "The kid in front, come out quickly! Come out and fight my father!"

  Hearing a familiar voice, Chen Xuan came out lazily, still muttering something.

   "You don't need to decide to know!"

  His words drew a burst of laughter from Sun Tingting.

  The two listened to Xiaoer’s previous advice and were more cautious about the money, so Sun Tingting also came out to be hostile with Chen Xuan.

   "Father, look, this kid!"

  Qian Jiu pointed at Chen Xuan and shouted excitedly. Qian Duo impatiently told him to shut up, as if he was carefully looking at Chen Xuan on the opposite side.

   "Father, what are you looking at?"

   was wondering, as Qian Duo looked at it, Qian Jiu realized that he was looking at Sun Tingting. Qian Jiu only noticed that the woman who laughed behind Chen Xuan before seemed a bit charming.

   "Boy, you give me your woman, I can consider letting you go."

   "Old man, dream about you, Lao Tzu's woman, how could it be let to you?"

  At the first sight of Qian Duo, Chen Xuan knew that he was probably a womanizer. He was not surprised at what he said, but was suddenly stunned, "Woman, where do I have a woman?"

  Behind Chen Xuan, Sun Tingting, who was originally a little shy, was furious and slapped Chen Xuan on the head.

   "What do you talk to him so much, just go straight, I'm really annoyed to hear you!"

  Chen Xuan was slapped by Sun Tingting’s palm for some reason, but he didn’t say much. After all, he wanted to find someone to fight and practice hands, not someone to talk about it.

  When I saw money often, I guessed that the two people are probably not in that kind of relationship, "If it’s not, it’s best..."

  And Sun Tingting also heard his words, and she had goose bumps all her life. She was with Chen Xuan and would not let this disgusting old man touch her.

   So Sun Tingting urged Chen Xuan again, wanting him to give some color to pay more.

  When Chen Xuan and Qian Duo were fighting, Chen Xuan was somewhat surprised. The strength of this money is indeed better than his trash son Qian Jiu, but...

   But compared to him, it is still a bit worse.

  Because the money is relatively strong, Chen Xuan didn't have much reservations, and as soon as he came up he used his strength in a normal state. Not too strong, nor as weak as against the enemy Qianjiu.

  Laughter money is often not attentive during the fight, and will look at Sun Tingting from time to time, which makes the latter very disgusted, and Chen Xuan looks down on him even more. So Chen Xuan casually found an opportunity to hit a lot of money to the ground, and then stepped on his back.

   "Can't you see it?"

   Seeing this, Sun Tingting walked near him in two steps and three steps, and asked him in an almost provocative tone. Qian Duo naturally refused to accept it, and gave Sun Tingting an affirmative answer, and then tried to break free.

  However, Chen Xuan is not a vegetarian, and a little bit of force allows him to perfectly overlap with the ground.

   "Ask you again, I still can’t see it!"

  This time it was Chen Xuan who asked about it. Every time he uttered a syllable, the strength of his legs increased by one point. In this case, even if the money was hard, he didn’t dare to be hard-headed.

   "If you don't watch it, don't watch it, Lord... I dare not watch it. Lord, please let me go."

Qian Duo who had been counseled called Chen Xuan several times in a row. Chen Xuan was barely happy, took his feet from him, and Sun Tingting returned to his original position.

  It seems that the money is too much and there is not much ability, but I can easily solve it by myself. Chen Xuan was thinking this way, suddenly Qian Duo turned over and kicked Chen Xuan in the face.

  Chen Xuan did not react and couldn't dodge, so he raised his arm to pick him up, and stepped back a few centimeters.

   "Boy, you think I can be defeated so easily by you, huh?"

  Looking at the triumphant money, Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and began to accumulate energy on the hand that was kicked down by him.

  Chen Xuan put that hand behind his back. According to Qian Duo, it was because of pain that Chen Xuan did not dare to take it out. How did he know that this guy was actually accumulating energy.

  A few drops of sweat slipped across Chen Xuan's face and dripped onto the ground. Qian Duo and others thought he was nervous and scared, only Sun Tingting could tell that he was accumulating energy.

   "Boy, why don't you speak anymore, why? Persuaded?"

  (End of this chapter)

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