Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1433: Fang of the Ancients

   Chapter 1433-Ancient Tooth

Qiu Rushuang had been crushed and beaten all the way, and he was already very upset. Now this old thing is still talking about nonsense here, which makes his originally depressed mood even worse, so Qiu Rushuang waved his left hand and the old man was left crawling on. He vomited blood on the ground, and then Qiu Rushuang said, "If you don't want to die, get out of here!"

  The old man didn’t understand why Qiu Rushuang suddenly shot himself. Could it be because he said something he shouldn’t have said? As an elder of the outer door of the ancient sect of Heavenly Demon Sect, especially a guard elder, he has always been looked down upon, and the chance to meet the young sect master is even rarer, so of course he will not let such a good opportunity pass. , I originally wanted to get closer to the young sect master, and then the young sect master said a few good things to himself in front of the sect master. Then he might not need to watch the door here, but he didn't want to be self-defeating.

The battle outside the small world of the Demon Sect had various theories on the second day, but everyone knew that the unified statement was the young master of the Demon Sect. Today’s first enemy in the rank list, Rushuang, is called Tian Xiao The nameless man suppressed and fought thousands of moves without fighting back, and then the mysterious nameless man left unhurriedly, and no one could stop the Heavenly Demon Gate.

  This kind of news is also in the hands of the master of the heavenly demon. Looking at the news in his hand, the master of the heavenly demon is about to drip with a gloomy face, "Come on, call me Rushuang!"

After a while, Qiu Rushuang came to the lobby, "Father, what's the matter with the child!" Although Qiu Rushuang was domineering outside, he was respectful and respectful in front of his father, because he had seen his father's methods, and He has always admired his father.

   "Look at it for yourself!" Qiu Wanli, the master of the heavenly demon sect, threw a piece of silk in front of Qiu Rushuang, and Qiu Rushuang slowly bent down, looking at the piece of silk in his hand, his face suddenly changed drastically.

"Father, this, this is pure gossip. Xiao's strength was indeed strong that day. Haier and him had thousands of strokes regardless of the outcome, but he was definitely not completely suppressed by him!" Qiu Rushuang hurriedly Explained that he knew that his father had always placed high hopes on himself, so he had to explain such things.

"Shut up, don’t I know what kind of virtue you are? If you lose, you lose. Only when you dare to face your own failures can you make better progress. You have been above all else for so many years. There is almost no one in the younger generation except those few. Being able to fight with you, so your arrogance is getting more and more arrogant, and your mentality is getting more and more unstable. It's hard to be a big weapon if you go on like this. It's time for someone to beat you. Now you have seen it, there is someone outside of you. , There is a sky outside the sky, don't be careless, otherwise you may be left behind by someone if you are not careful." Qiu Wanli didn't blame the guilt and hatred, but said so.

  However, the more this happens, the more Qiu Rushuang feels his own shortcomings. He is a wise man, but now he realized it suddenly, so he said, "Father, my child is wrong, my child will definitely get rid of these problems in the future, and look to the longer term!"

"Yeah!" Qiu Wanli nodded in satisfaction, and when he was about to leave, he seemed to remember something suddenly, then turned and stared at Qiu Rushuang and said, "That time in Kunwu Secret Realm. Using the eyes of gods and demons, otherwise, it will bring disaster to our heavenly demon sect."

   "Yes, father, if I used the eyes of the gods and demons, Xiao Xiao would have been defeated that day." Qiu Rushuang said.

Qiu Wanli nodded and walked away.

"Ancient Fang, I must get you. Since the heart of the gods and demons has disappeared in this world, then the ancient teeth may be the only thing that can move the eyes of the gods and demons. As for another eye of the gods and demons, it is not I know where it is, so the tooth of the ancients is more reliable." Qiu Rushuang said to himself in place.

There has been a lot of enthusiasm in the circle of the ancient sects, and there are reports everywhere that Tianxiao defeated Qiu Rushuang. In fact, Qiu Rushuang is not defeated. After receiving a thousand moves from Tianxiao, although there is no room for counterattack, he has not been attacked. Defense line, so all of this is fabricated by someone with a heart.

  Famen Temple of the ancient sect, in the Daxiong Hall, a few old monks sat in front of the Buddha statue, "Brother Abbot, what do you think of this Tianxiao!" a white-browed monk asked.

  The man who was called the senior abbot replied, "Jieming Junior Brother, let's talk about it!" The abbot looked at another monk and said.

"Brother, I think that the person who screamed this day is not good. He said he is an unknown person. I don't see it. Any unknown person can have such strength at a young age, and if there is no one behind him, I will rely on him. The strength of the good fortune realm is probably not enough to compete with the younger generation in the major ancient sects." Jue Ming said.

   "Well, Jue Ming is right, but according to my opinion, Xiao Xiao is probably not only a backstage, but also a big back. I think he might be from there!" Senior Brother Abbot said.

   "What?" The monks exclaimed, looking very surprised.

   "I think you may see it soon, in less than a year," said the direction.

   "Amitabha, I hope that there will be no more troubles, the war between the continents will suffocate the creatures!" Jue, put his hands together, and slowly closed his eyes and said.

Another year has passed. Chen Xuan's strength has reached the fifth level of the good fortune realm, the law of space has been comprehended to the eighth level, and the way of ice and fire has been comprehended to the ninth level. It is just a breakthrough opportunity to comprehend the law. Up.

After the source of spiritual energy was obtained by Chen Xuan, he automatically ran into Chen Xuan's heart of gods and demons, and then began a series of changes. Awesomely, a small world evolved in the heart of gods and demons, and Chen Xuan's strength also reached the realm of good fortune. With the fifth floor, he was able to break through the imprisonment here, so Chen Xuan broke the imprisonment and finally saw the light.

"Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan, you can be regarded as coming out." Chen Xuan saw the light again and felt the sunlight was a bit dazzling, but the excitement in his heart was self-evident. He almost went around the ghost gate, and then came back again. , The mood at this time can be imagined.

When Chen Xuan was happy, he didn’t forget to try his god-magic Feiying Jue. He used it to fly freely in the air. He looked at the various beasts and landscapes below. For the first time, Chen Xuan felt that it was all original. It's so beautiful. After flying in the air for a while, he suddenly felt that something was wrong here, and he couldn't tell what was wrong. The aura here seems to be very strong, but the creatures here are so weak, almost all of them. Beasts, not even a monster beast, it doesn’t make sense in theory. It stands to reason that if the aura is strong, both plants and animals should be extremely strong. In some places where the aura is particularly strong, plants may become fine.

After Chen Xuan had this doubt, he looked around carefully. Everything here seemed to be so familiar suddenly. When Chen Xuan first came out, he didn't look carefully. Now look at it, the sight here seems to be where you really see it. Over. So Chen Xuan lived the places he once had been in his mind over and over again, but after thinking about it, there seemed to be no such places in the places he had been, but the scene was really familiar.

Chen Xuan habitually explored the heart of the gods and demons, but suddenly found that the heart of the gods and demons was missing. The heart of the gods and demons can be said to be the most important support for Chen Xuan along the way, although there are also various elements of luck. , But Chen Xuan can say that if there is no heart of gods and demons, he would have never known how many times he has died, but it is such a heart of gods and demons that suddenly disappeared without a trace today, and Chen Xuan felt the inside of his body. No trace of the heart of the gods and demons was found in any corner. However, when Chen Xuan was anxious to find the heart of the gods and demons, a scene suddenly flashed in his mind. The scenery here seemed to be the source of spiritual energy entering the gods and demons. The small world formed in Zhizhi's heart is extremely similar. Thinking of this, Chen Xuan did not look for the heart of the gods and demons, but began to carefully observe the surrounding scenes. The more he looked at Chen Xuan, the more he felt shocked. This is not the scene of that small world. .

Suddenly a crazy thought came into Chen Xuan's heart. Could it be that this is his own heart of Gods and Demons, and he is in the heart of Gods and Demons? Thinking of this, Chen Xuan's heartbeat began to speed up. If you say so, Everything here seems to be explainable. The small world in the heart of the gods and demons has only been formed not long ago, so even if the aura here is strong, it is impossible to create a beast in such a short period of time. Chen Xuan closed his eyes and began to feel everything around him carefully. Everything around this seemed to be inextricably linked to his body. After truly calming down, Chen Xuan could even feel the pulse of this world. It's my own pulse. Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was a little excited. What was excited was that by chance, he had his own small world, and the scope of this small world was quite large.

However, Chen Xuan was also a little worried. Although he was in the small world in the heart of the gods and demons, there was no danger for the time being, but how should he get out? Although this is his own small world, Chen Xuan did not have these experiences, so He didn't know the small world very well, so he subconsciously wanted to call Qiongqi. After yelling twice, there was no response. Then Chen Xuan remembered that Qiongqi had fallen into a coma in order to save himself. At this moment, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a little helpless. Along the way, Qiongqi saved his life several times. Although he and Qiongqi yelled at each other, they had already regarded each other as their own demise. brothers.

"How should I get out?" Chen Xuan muttered to himself. He was also feeling this small world while speaking. Suddenly, Chen Xuan discovered something wrong. Everything in this small world was normal. It runs almost everywhere in the small world.

  (End of this chapter)

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