Violent Dan Zun

Chapter 1434: Deceive

   Chapter 1434

Chen Xuan can understand clearly through perception. It can be said that this small world is like a part of his own body, but when Chen Xuan's spirit sweeps across a place, he suddenly realizes that there is a black spot. He didn’t feel clear about this place, so Chen Xuan opened his eyes, followed his own feelings, and walked towards that place. After getting closer, Chen Xuan realized that he really didn’t feel this place. Even if he stood here, this place was given to Chen. Xuan's feeling is still very vague. In fact, there is nothing special here. After Chen Xuan came here, he found that the place he didn't feel clearly was a huge boulder, but the huge boulder looked flat and nothing special, but why didn't he feel unclear?

So in order to eliminate this feeling, Chen Xuan tried to touch the boulder with his hand, but it didn't matter if he touched it. Chen Xuan suddenly felt like he was absorbed by something, and his body moved into the boulder uncontrollably. Drilling in, Chen Xuan felt a little anxious, but no matter how hard he used his strength, his body would uncontrollably penetrate into the big rock. Then Chen Xuan felt his mind dizzy, and when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on a big rock. Beside the stone, everything that happened just now seemed to be a dream. Chen Xuan looked at the big stone in front of him and looked exactly like the big boulder that had adsorbed him just now. Chen Xuan refused to admit defeat, so he looked at the boulder again and stretched out his hand. I touched it, but the texture was hard to the touch, and there was no feeling of adsorption.

Chen Xuan felt that the aura of heaven and earth here is still a bit high, but it is only a little bit higher than normal. It is a normal situation, and everything here feels normal, there is no blood connection like just now. Feeling it, Chen Xuan felt the heart of the gods and demons in his body again, and found that the heart of the gods and demons was lying peacefully in his body. There was nothing abnormal. Chen Xuan realized that he had come out of his own small world. , But where is this place?

Chen Xuan slowly stood up and looked up to the east. There seemed to be a lot of people on a mountain peak there. Even though it was far away, Chen Xuan still felt there were a few incredibly powerful auras, which was so powerful. It was heart trembling, even Chen Xuan's current strength on the fifth level of the Good Fortune Realm was terrified.

   However, since there are so many people there, Chen Xuan thinks that there should be no problems with going there. He hides his strength. Those who are superior should not pay attention to their own strength.

The Divine Demon Pregnancy Jue is really a magical exercise method. There is a special exercise method called Hengtian Jue for hiding strength. Chen Xuan also studied this exercise when he was trapped and found that There is nothing special about this technique, it can only change one's own breath and forge strength. In fact, such things as forging strength are quite useful. Sometimes pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger can catch opponents off guard.

   Hiding Heaven Jue can not only hide strength, but also he can raise a person's aura. For example, Chen Xuan is now the strength of the fifth level of the Good Fortune Realm, and he should be able to raise his aura to the Human Sovereign Realm at best.

Sometimes some people do things based on their strength. If Chen Xuan knows that he can't beat a person in the imperial realm, then forge a breath to fake the imperial realm. Those people may not dare to do it easily. Right.

The most important point is that Hengtianjue can not only forge human strength, but also change the appearance of people, which is the so-called disguise, but the general disguise can be easily seen through by some masters, but Hengtianjue is a god. The techniques in the Demon's Pregnancy Judgment cannot be seen through by ordinary people. If Chen Xuan's forgery is in place and no flaws are leaked, even some masters in the realm of the earth will be difficult to find.

  While Chen Xuan walked to the peak that seemed to be crowded with people, he also changed his appearance, height and other appearances on the road, as well as his voice and strength.

When he came to the foot of Qiao Feng, Chen Xuan realized that this mountain was unique. From the foot of the mountain, it seemed that the whole person was holding a sword. This sword was held horizontally. There are many on that sword. People are surging.

Chen Xuan was secretly surprised, and at the same time admiring the magical work of the power of nature. Such a huge mountain turned out to be the image of a swordsman. This must not be something human can do. It should be a natural coincidence. If it is human, after all How high is the strength to have this ability.

Chen Xuan just sighed, and then looked up to the mountain. There is only one day on the way up the mountain, and this road is like a single-wood bridge built on the ground and on the top of the mountain. It is very narrow and so long. It seemed that it was about to be broken at any time, and this scene shocked Chen Xuan a lot.

However, it was also at this time that a few people came after Chen Xuanshen, all of whom wore the same clothes, and then one person patted Chen Xuan’s back and asked, "Brother, you won’t even take the road to this day." Don’t you dare to go? If you don’t even dare to go, what else can you talk about participating in the exchange meeting, or go home early and go to sleep!"

Chen Xuan turned his head when he heard the words, but found that there was a fat man wearing black and white clothes talking to him. When Chen Xuan just wanted to talk, another person behind the fat man also smiled and said, "Xiongtai, If you dare not go, then let go, we have to go, the conference is about to begin, we don't want to delay the exciting battle!"

Chen Xuan didn't say anything, just smiled slightly, and then turned away. The few people looked at Chen Xuan with disdain, and then each walked to the so-called "Road to Heaven". Chen Xuan watched from below. After they walked far, they followed them far away, but those few people didn't have the slightest consciousness. Among the few people, the strongest was the slightly fat person, and his strength was just that he had just been promoted to good fortune. The environment, in Chen Xuan's view now, is not worth mentioning at all.

Although this day’s road looks frightening, Chen Xuan didn’t realize it until he stepped up. At the very least, Chen Xuan felt that his current full blow would not pose the slightest threat to this day’s road. I don't know what kind of thing this Tianlu is made of, the texture is so hard.

The distance of this heavenly road is actually not short, but for a master like Chen Xuan, it is just a matter of snapping his fingers. Chen Xuan has mastered the law of space, even without this heavenly road, he can easily reach the summit. It's just that after having this heavenly road, it can be hidden from people's eyes.

In a short while, Chen Xuan came to the end of Tianlu. There was only a small platform at the end of Tianlu. Not far from this small platform was the sword-holding arm of the huge human-shaped mountain. Although the distance seems not far away, if the light work is not good, it will not pass all of a sudden, here is a cliff of ten thousand meters below.

However, the few people in front of Chen Xuan seem to be pretty good at light work. Although they seem to be struggling, they still jumped over without danger. Chen Xuan followed behind and waited for them to go far before they started jumping. . Halfway up the mountain, clouds and mist were lingering, and many things were just a silhouette, so Chen Xuan followed them, and they didn't even know it.

Following all the way, Chen Xuan finally came to the sword of the mountain giant. This sword was very long and wide, like a super large platform. There were densely packed people on the platform, but there was only one ring. , This ring is very high, there are dozens of chairs on the ring, and the people sitting on the chairs are unfathomable.

   "I think people are almost here too, Abbot Jueyuan, you can announce the start!" A person sitting on the stage, who looked more than 40 years old, said to Abbot Jueyuan of Famen Temple.

"I thank you for seeing Jueyuan, since everyone is almost here, let's start with the rules of previous years!" An old monk dressed in a robed robe, looks very old, but his eyes are indeed very enlightening. But it also reveals a lovely and amiable feeling.

  "Okay, now that Abbot Jueyuan has said it, let's start, but I don't know which disciple will be the leader this year?" another middle-aged man said.

"In my opinion, since Famen Temple is hosted every year, then Famen Temple should also play an exemplary role. I think Famen Temple will be the champion first!" Chou Wanli, the master of the Heavenly Demon Sect, suddenly said Dao, his words were cold, as if he had come out of Jiuyou Hell.

As soon as Qiu Wanli said this, the complexion of some people of the righteous sect changed. Famen Temple had already been struggling to host this exchange meeting, but now they still make such unreasonable demands. This kind of remarks can only be said by the Celestial Demon Sect. , But due to the power of the Celestial Demon Gate, some people dare not speak at all.

"Huh, the demon gate is too domineering, right? Famen Temple is the number one school of my righteous way. It is natural for them to preside over the exchange meeting. Moreover, I feel that the abbot far away is highly respected and everyone is convinced. This is all of our own will. Why take this matter out, is it a bit bad?" Chen Xuan's clothes seemed to be familiar to Chen Xuan, and he seemed to have seen it somewhere. Chen Xuan carefully observed that this person's clothes seemed to match the sky. Feng Louzhu's clothes are a bit similar, but what Qiu Wanli said later also proved that Chen Xuan's idea was correct.

   "Lingxiao Pavilion is getting more and more rampant?" Qiu Wanli didn't answer the person's words directly, but said this coldly.

"Hmph, the demon gate is too mad, it threatens me under the public, do you really think I am afraid that you will not succeed?" As the master of the first pavilion, the demeanor and demeanor are still required, and even to the point where they are. , No one can be a little arrogant, and if Qiu Wanli speaks like this, Pavilion Master Lingxiao will naturally not ignore it.

  (End of this chapter)

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